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Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 10 2004

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Posted - March 10 2004 :  09:58:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My brother died last month, February 9 at the age of 60 and my mother died February 12 at the age of 90. Of course our family is quite devastated. Anyway, we are going through my Mom's house and
taking out the things that have sentimental value. My brother,
sister, and I each know what "belongs" to us and one of the things I found in that attic is a 10-volume set of Cooper's Works 1892 published by P.F. Collier. These had been at our grandmother's house for years and had always been promised to me and I even have my name and address on the inside front cover. Anyway, I was so pleased to see that our mother had kept these ... she had throw so many things out during the years. Anyway, I am just fastinated by the books and intend to read them someday. I see that someone on one of the message boards has the same set. The illustrations are wonderful. Wonderful to have found these and will always have a remembrance of both Mom and Grandmother.

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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets

Winking Lady

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Posted - March 10 2004 :  11:01:07 AM  Show Profile  Send Gadget Girl an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi JaniceFaye,

Thanks for sharing that story and WELCOME to the Board! Sounds like you have a lovely treasure there! I have many books that I associate with someone dear to me (and I also collect old medical books picked up at yard sales and antique shops. It's great to read the inscriptions on these books. Many were gifts to the original owner). I see you are from the Pittsburgh area! We have a group of folks on this board from that area. Again, Welcome!

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Soldier of the King


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September 23 2002

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Posted - March 10 2004 :  4:46:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit SgtMunro's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I see you are from the Pittsburgh area! We have a group of folks on this board from that area.

We sure do, and I'm one of them. Originally from Troy Hill, I was 'transplanted' to the suburbs (North Hills) where I reside today. Welcome aboard...

Your Most Humble Servant,

Serjeant-Major Duncan Munro
Capt. Thos. Graham's Coy.
42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Foote
(The Black Sheep of the Black Watch)

"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
"Recruit locally, fight globally."
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Ariel's Cabin Caretaker, Retired

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United Kingdom

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June 10 2002

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Posted - March 10 2004 :  8:16:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Hi there, JaniceFaye!

I'm NOT from Pittsburg but... I'm sure we can be friends anyway!! I'm so SORRY to hear of your sad losses - thank you for sharing that with us. But what a WONDERFUL 'keepsake' you have, of those oh so important people in your life!

I personally LOVE reading these books. I know some folks here find them really heavy going, but I just LOVE these stories! I love that it was just a gentler, more innocent age... I love Cooper's style of writing... And I'm hoping that you will side with me on this!!

Welcome to Mohicanland, JaniceFaye! It's lovely to 'meet' you!


"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu." (Remember the people from whom you came.)

~ Celtic Wisdom
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Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
March 10 2004

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Posted - March 11 2004 :  3:42:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Gee! Thanks for the replies! I'm driving the other family members crazy talking about these books. They don't get it ... but maybe I should stop talking about them because they might want them!!! Just kidding.
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