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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - March 19 2004 :  12:27:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
"We meet the god called Tolerance and we see It is a hypocrite and a liar."

Knock it off, Anthony. Militant activists may have won federal recognition as 'suspect/minority' classification & all the profits of 'victim status' by hijacking the '64 Civil Rights Act but here you have no special rights. One person among many. Cease the abuse and vulgarities or you'll be blocked.

"Fides et Ratio"
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - March 19 2004 :  12:38:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
We need ALL voices and viewpoints spouted here. As long as people aren't too harsh, don't take things too personally or otherwise get defensive we can have fun, spirited, and weird discussions. You're pretty far out sometimes but I'm glad you've got your end of the discussion covered. Keep it up man!

We need all voices and viewpoints, but we don't need the pornographic style of letters that Anthony writes. This board is a family oriented board and I would hate for some kids to come across some of Anthony's letters.


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
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Wilderness Woman
Watcher of the Wood

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  12:43:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thank you, Lainey and Kaylynn. I was beginning to think that I am the only one who is offended... and worried about the teen-agers who hang out here.
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Guardian of Heaven's Gate

Skull 2

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  1:00:17 PM  Show Profile  Visit Seamus's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Thanks, girls.....a little bit of that garbage goes a long way........

Life's journey is not to
arrive at the grave safely
in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting
'...holy sh*t ...what a ride!'

~~Mavis Leyrer, Seattle


~~Aim small, hit the b*****d right between the eyes!~~
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 27 2002

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  1:24:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christina's Homepage  Send Christina an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Seamus

Thanks, girls.....a little bit of that garbage goes a long way........

I'm not a prude or anything but I would definitely say some of the posts fell under the TMI (Too much information!!!) heading...

See this face? This is the face of a woman on the edge.
Whoopi Goldberg, "Jumping Jack Flash"

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - March 19 2004 :  1:32:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
but this palce is not for honesty and realness.its a hide yr thoughts to plse everyone kinda bb and i go to many.this is too too unfair and some folks need to be adults and get it 2-gether..

All I am saying is that some of your comments might be great for some boards, but not this one!!! When you ask a guy if he is "hung" or you deliberately misspell the word "come" or you graphically tell us all about your sex life, which I know that I'm not interested in, and I doubt if there are many on this board that are interested. Do you see any of the rest of us talking about all of our sexual relationships?????? NO!!!!!!!! WHY?????? Because that's not what this board is for. I know that you have been around here for a long time, and since you have, then you should know what to post and what not to post. If you want to talk about your political views or anything else, then that is great. Just leave the sex talk for the other boards that you visit. Please???


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Diane B.
Colonial Militia

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - March 19 2004 :  2:00:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I'm sorry, Anthony, but I'm going to have to go along with Lainey on this one. Lainey wrote:
Knock it off, Anthony...Cease the abuse and vulgarities or you'll be blocked.

Anthony replied:
aint no cursing in my posts ..

Lainey asked you to stop being vulgar; she did not mention cursing.

Kaylynn wrote:
We need all voices and viewpoints, but we don't need the pornographic style of letters that Anthony writes. This board is a family oriented board and I would hate for some kids to come across some of Anthony's letters.

Gotta go along with Kaylynn here. I'm sure that Rich & Lainey wouldn't want any of their young, impressionable children reading graphic descriptions of ANYONE'S intimate moments and/or behaviors on this board - gay or straight! - and I'm guessing that no one else would like for their kids to read it, either.

Wilderness Woman wrote:
Thank you, Lainey and Kaylynn. I was beginning to think that I am the only one who is offended... and worried about the teen-agers who hang out here.

You are not alone, WW! Anthony's most recent posts have made me uncomfortable, as well - and it has nothing to do with "homophobia" or "gay bashing" or anything of the sort. As I have shared with Anthony in the past, I have been friends with a few gay guys over the course of my lifetime and I found them to be intelligent, funny, great dancers, smart dressers, and great friends. They all had an eye for decorating, and they were good cooks, too.

Although I grew up in the '60's I was very fortunate to have parents who taught us to look at people from the inside, and not to make judgements based on skin color or anything else. I have nothing against gays, and I don't have anything against Anthony. I DO have a problem with ANYONE that makes these graphic types of posts on a website where it is not appropriate, and that definitely includes this one.

TMI (Too Much Information) Anth, TMI.

Rattlesnake Woman

"The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 13 2002

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  2:13:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kaylynn44's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
OK ..dear..Kay :)since you were very very HONEST n Polite..about it all ok ok..i will.. .but , i was and im posting on a gay Thread and marriagge and what my life n gay marriage allows and is about......... im tring to prove all the straights wrong:

Thank you Anthony. It is much appreciated if you tone it down.
You don't have to prove anybody wrong or right. You can talk about other issues about gay life than sex. Right?
I hope that you don't leave because you seem to be a really nice person.


~ An Infinite Zephyr~
Some things never end
As long as goodness exists
Winds shall always soothe

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 18 2002

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  2:24:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
No, Anthony, Lainey's not pissed.

I wanted [as did others] conversation - honest conversation - but you wanted to shock just for the thrill of it & to offend just so you could complain how badly you've been treated. I'm not shocked or offended ... I'm disappointed with your refusal to engage intellectually [especially on the reality of your life] & instead remain fixated on graphic, demeaning insults.

You may reduce yourself to nothing more than the sum of your sexual activities, I don't.

I have always enjoyed our discussions & I have always shown you respect - it's a two-way street.

And I'm not a republican so get over that relentless mantra.

"Fides et Ratio"
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Scott Bubar
Colonial Militia

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Posted - March 19 2004 :  9:11:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Lainey

"We meet the god called Tolerance and we see It is a hypocrite and a liar." ...


A god?

~~Aim small, miss small.
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
November 07 2002

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Posted - March 23 2004 :  6:51:28 PM  Show Profile  Send Ithiliana an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
well, i just discovered this board, so i hope you guys dont mind if i stick my 2 cents in.
gay marriages...
I have never personally known anyone who is gay, and maybe that is why i find the whole gay thing revolting. I think that any such relationship is unnatural.
on the practical side, however, i think ppl should be able to marry whoever they please, and that the government should have no say in this whatsoever. of course, this is assuming that both (or all... i think polygamy is ok too) lovers are adults and give consent. somehow, i just dont think its our business to dictate who should marry whom.

Le Poisson Rouge Seudois du Chaos
Conspiracy of One
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
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Posted - April 03 2004 :  12:54:09 PM  Show Profile  Send YoungNative an AOL message  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Let me toss my 2 cents in as well.

Being a Libertarian i don't belive the goverment should have the right to decide who should be able to be married. Then again marriage is a christian ideal.

i belive that they should be called civil unions, and the man and man, or woman and woman should be able to have the same benifets as what the goverment defines as a marriage.

I do how ever find it funny that, christians say it's abomination, yet Jesus christ, the "son of god" never said one thing about it. If it's so an anti christian thought, why is it only mentioned in two places in the new testament?

Even then, one of the quotes i don't interperet as having anything to do with homesexuality, but many people do.

On my last point. In a country where we are supposed to have life liberty and happynis, why can't others be happy too?


"Re-enacting is life, the rest is just history." -me

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"you do not have to fear what goes bump in the night, when you become what lurks in the dark" - unknown

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
May 18 2002

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Posted - April 03 2004 :  1:37:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Let me toss my 2 cents in as well.

Being a Libertarian i don't belive the goverment should have the right to decide who should be able to be married. Then again marriage is a christian ideal.

i belive that they should be called civil unions, and the man and man, or woman and woman should be able to have the same benifets as what the goverment defines as a marriage.

I do how ever find it funny that, christians say it's abomination, yet Jesus christ, the "son of god" never said one thing about it. If it's so an anti christian thought, why is it only mentioned in two places in the new testament?

Even then, one of the quotes i don't interperet as having anything to do with homesexuality, but many people do.

On my last point. In a country where we are supposed to have life liberty and happynis, why can't others be happy too?



1) The term is homogamy - not civil union & not marriage.
2) Marriage is FAR more than merely a Christian "ideal."
3) What government benefits specifically do you propose for the newly homogamous & why?
4) Christians do not say it is an abomination - Scripture does. Christians, Jews, & Muslims simply realize God's laws are supreme & greater than current pop culture & therefore acknowledge homosexuality to be disordered - today, yesterday, & tomorrow.
5) Jesus Christ - the Son of God did say something quite clear about it & it wasn't an endorsement.
6) How many times exactly does homosexuality have to be "mentioned" in the New Testament in order for it be valid? You say it is two - would three times validate it as actual sin? Four times? 100 times?
7) Jesus Christ - the Son of God - never said anything about capital punishment. What's your interpretative take on the morality of that?
8) Is your interpretation on the Scriptural quotes reliable, questionable, or infallible?
9) Marriage rights have nothing to do with people being happy -no matter what country one lives in. Please explain the connection between happiness & certification of cohabitation amongst various peoples?
10) As a Libertarian, you say, the government has no business voicing or interfering in who is or isn't to be married. You also say marriage is a Christian thing. Why then are you seeking governmental interference in religious matters, and isn't this governmental intrusion upon religious practices not only unconstitutional but contrary to Libertarian philosophy?

"Fides et Ratio"
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offer of peace

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Posted - April 03 2004 :  5:03:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Jesus never said anything about bestiality.I guess that makes it ok.
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 03 2002

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Posted - April 04 2004 :  12:05:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
**Note to Young Native**:

MARK: BraVo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your the First n Only poster that makes Logical real sense ...its called an American thats real and living n breathing in the real Democratic Usa!... yay to U & your 'Brilliant Mind' Mr. Mark ..Yes..& thoughts on Yr "POST OF THE YEAR" ....BRaVO 2 u ..peace ..Anth n Drew, too..

**like sands thur the are the Days of Anths lives**

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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
July 03 2002

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Posted - July 07 2004 :  12:02:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
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Lost in the Wilderness

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Posted - December 18 2004 :  6:31:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
hi for my final exam in one of my classes i have to debate (with a team) the reasons why gay marriages should not be legalized. i have read all of the arguments here and almost all of the ones against gay marriages are weak bacause they only tlak about the moral reasons that it should not be allowed. does anyone have any reasons that are not religiously, or morally based on?

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King 1

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Posted - December 19 2004 :  06:00:41 AM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Oh yeah ... a weak little argument like God-given morality ... Huh? Jeez ....
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Colonial Settler


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Posted - March 21 2007 :  7:40:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I just had a debate on this topic in my Honors English class and I was one of the 3 people (against the entire rest of the class) who was pro gay rights and gay marriage. This is one topic I feel so strongly about, because I have a friend of the family who is a homosexual. I find it extremely unfair that homosexuals aren't given the right to marriage. The lead argument against my side was "religion should be the basis for everything and it clearly states in the Bible that marriage is between a man and a woman." I feel that is such an excuse in order to try to keep it illegal. Other topics in the Bible, like no sex before marriage and things like that are broken by so many people who consider themselves "Christians." It seems to me that so many people pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible. I mean, there are MANY, MANY people that find lesbians extremely attractive and think it's the greatest thing in the world, but gay guys?! NO WAY! THAT IS IMMORAL! Also, gay people are going to be gay no matter what, and keeping them from getting married is not going to make them become heterosexual or change their lifestyle. If gay marriage is so morally wrong, isn't it also morally wrong for them to be living together and having sex, unable to get married because it's illegal? I think both are equally wrong according to the Bible. Also, when people say homosexuality is a choice or it is unnatural, I find that also extremely false. WHO has the right to say what is wrong or what is right? The heterosexuals? The married? I don't think so...also, the first amendement of the constitution grants freedom OF religion, which also means freedom FROM religion as the issue of gay marriage being morally wrong based on religion is not a fair argument. Religion should have no place in american law what-so-ever. During our debate, a boy from the opposite side said something extremely ignorant to me...he said..."Show me the gene for homosexuality, show me that it's a choice! They could be straight and 'normal' if they wanted to." That really upset me. Show me the gene for heterosexualtiy! It doesn't exist. I was talking to a friend of the family about this and I asked "Do you feel that you could choose to be straight?" And he said "Nora, if I could choose one thing, it would to be straight for a day...but I can't." Why would anyone choose to be gay? To go through life getting unfair treatment and being discriminated against? Why would anyone want that for themselves? I don't understand it. I just feel that people fear change in the world. Society is already changing. This is no longer an extremely conservative, christian world anymore. There are so many horrible things going on in the world and people choose this as THE BIG problem in the U.S. They are just PEOPLE! Love has no gender and I feel that people should have equal rights no matter what.

--Im not trying to attack anyone, I think everyone that has commented on this topic brought up extremely great points. This is just my take on the whole thing. I just wanted to share my opinions and experiences, as well as kind of describing the debate to you. We won the debate though, which was very surprising!!

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