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10 Top Popular Recipe by Hit Count

COLONY CORN CHOWDER n/a  (Hits: 151)
Soak crackers or biscuits in sweet milk.
Cut salt pork into cubes and brown over medium fire
Add onion and cook until soft.
Add potatoes and water, then cook until potatoes are soft but not all broken
Stir in the cracker-milk mixture, corn, salt, and paprika
Heat all through
Serve piping hot
Serves 8 people
Simmer mixture with 3 sticks whole cinnamon to melt--DO NOT COOK.

Allow to cool, pour into punch bowl.
Separately stick whole cloves around entire surface of 3 to 6 whole oranges.

Place oranges into baking pan with 1/2 inch of water, and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Place oranges into punch bowl
Serves 40 [not the 10 listed above!!!!]
Serve with pound cake, nut cake, or cheese and crackers.
Roasted Citrus Fruit n/a  (Hits: 144)
Citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and oranges, were considered luxury foods in Colonial America and served in only the of wealthiest homes. Other more commonly found orchard fruits can be roasted, too, such as pears, apples, and peaches. Roasting brings out natural sweetness of these fruits trending them towards dessert, rather than meal openers.
Grapefruit halves can also be wrapped in soaked corn husks and baked Indian-style in the hot coals. After they are thoroughly heated, open the husks and brown off the tops following the instructions below.

Halve the fruits, and loosen the sections from the membrane and skin using a small serrated knife. Drizzle 1 tbsp each honey and rum on each half. Place on a hanging griddle suspended from a crane over a hot fire, or in an iron Dutch oven set on a medium-high trivet and cover the lid with coals. When the fruit is warm, glaze the tops by holding a red hot coal held with tongs, or with a red-hot Salamander, over the tops for a few moments.

Hearth Cookware--hanging griddle (you can use a reflector oven or a pan on a trivet), ember tongs or a Salamander (metal BBQ or kitchen tongs will also work)
Fire--hot fire with good coals

*This recipe can also be done in a modern oven at 350 until the skin sweats, then broil to glaze.
Abigail Adams' Cherry Bounce n/a  (Hits: 137)
Choose perfect cherries. Wash, remove stems, dry completely. Do not pit.

In a large crock that has a cover (you can use aluminum foil and a large rubber band), layer the cherries, sugar and spices. Add the brandy and stir all together thoroughly. (Save the bottle!) Cover tightly and let stand at room temperature at least 2 months. Drain liquid off cherries and place back in the brandy bottle. Refrigerate the cherries and use in desserts, or eat them.
Lemonade n/a  (Hits: 136)
scrub lemons, halve, then squeeze out the juice. place juice and pulp in a large jug or bowl with sugar and pour 1&1/4 cups boiling water in. stir until sugar or honey dissolves. add lemon halves and another 2&1/2 cups boiling water. stir well then cover and let cool. strain, squeezing out juice from lemon halves and serve.
Smoked Bacon Wrapped Venison Steaks n/a  (Hits: 127)
Place a hanging griddle from a crane over a hot fire to heat before placing the meat on it. You may use a grilling pan on a charcoal or gas grill as a substitute, if you wish. If you use a grill, preheat it, then turn the fire to medium or low, depending on the air temperature.

Cut generous portions of boned venison haunch, tenderloin of beef or top round (I like to cut a piece about the thickness of the width of your bacon. The wider the bacon, the better. 2-2 inches is very good!). It is permissible to use 2 chunks of meat to make a circle of meat about 4-4 inches in diameter. Encircle with bacon, using as many strips as needed, securing it at each quarter of the circle with a skewer or toothpick. Remove and peel a large clove of garlic, cut it and rub the meat on both sides liberally, making sure the crushed garlic is embedded into the flesh. Embed the pepper into one side only by grinding it onto the meat and patting it in with your hand.

Place meat onto the griddle and rotate every few minutes to allow the bacon to cook slowly as it is exposed to the fire (be careful it does not burn). Move each piece around as equally as you can to insure good exposure. The melting bacon fat will make the steaks cook nicely on the griddle. When the steaks are sizzling nicely, turn them over carefully and repeat the rotation. Continue this practice until you are satisfied that the meat is done to your expectations. Look for a dark brown crusted surface, both sides.

Remove and serve piping hot. Advise diners to remove the picks or skewers before eating.

Venison is best served medium rare. Too often, it is over-cooked and, thus, some diners find it offensive. The general rule is to treat venison as you would the best cut of beef.

Hearth Cookware--hanging griddle
Fire--medium to hot, with a very good bed of coals, or, BBQ grill
Fried Muskrat n/a  (Hits: 125)
Skin and remove the musk gland from the 'rat. Immerse it in a kettle of water. Add onions. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook until the scum is no longer produced. Drain off water, leaving onion with the 'rat. Add more water and continue cooking until tender. Remove and fry as you like in a skillet or spider.

Cook's note: Soak the cleaned muskrat in salt water with 2 Tbl of vinegar for 2 hours. Drain, rinse and then proceed.

Muskrat was (and still is, by some) considered to be a delicacy by the French inhabitants of the Great Lakes. The flesh has a strong but tasty flavor. The musk gland must be removed before cooking, however. If the gland is left in, the 'rat will taste as if it were allowed to rot. This dish was cooked and served at Fort Niagara during the French & Indian War.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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