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 Colonial Consciousness
 Fort at #4 Fall Weekend

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Angel [@)-] Angry [:(!] Applause [h-h] Approve [^]
bash a buddy [B/-] Bat [~|~] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] BS [(bs!)] cheers [C:-)] Clover [%@]
Clown [:o)] coffee time [CT:;] computer woes {CW:_(} confused [@@]
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Heart [{I}] I am a COW!! 3:-0 I Love You [x:)x!] idea [I!!))]
Innocent [{i}] jump for joy [J%%] Kiss [xx:)xx] Kisses [:X]
nerd :B paying homage [bow()] Pink Ribbon [&!] Question [?]
Rainbow [(((((] really big smile :-)) Red Lips [(K)] rose @;-
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Shy [8)] Sleepy [|)] Smile [:)] Smooch [x-x-]
Soapbox ~[]~ Sorry [i~ms~] spy [<:)] Swoon [xx~x]
Tongue [:P] waaaa :-(( wave [W;)] Weird Thread [w~~~]
Wink [;)] Yes, Master! [!m!]    

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Fitzhugh Williams Posted - September 24 2022 : 08:46:14 AM
I received this from my unit, the Pequawket Alliance about their usual fall weekend at the Fort:

The following is information regarding garrisoning Fort #4.
1. You may arrive on Friday in the afternoon.
2. Inside accommodations are available....I will need to know if you plan to be inside.
3. You may bring your camper trailer - let me know.
4. These fireplaces are usable: Farnsworth, Stevens, Hastings, Sartwell. Parker's study is good for heat & light.
5. Fort is open to the public during business hours
6. Fall Meeting @ 2 pm on Saturday
7. If you are going to set up a tent, let me know.
8. Do you want a potluck Saturday evening?

So, if you are in the area please say hello to Lynn White.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 04 2022 : 09:02:16 AM
Yeah, I am probably going to miss this one. I have to help my daughter that weekend.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 03 2022 : 5:50:29 PM
Living History Saturday
SC Independent Rangers
October 8th 11am-5pm
Walnut Grove Plantation:
Come on out to Walnut Grove, bring a picnic, and visit with the SC Independent Rangers for some Rev War Militia learning and fun. Included are hourly guided tours and a full-day of access to the grounds.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - September 29 2022 : 08:09:23 AM
Well, so much for Walnut Grove. Everything was cancelled due to the hurricane. They say maybe a small event in October, but the big one is gone.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - September 26 2022 : 07:40:38 AM
We have an event at Walnut Grove Plantation this weekend. The house dates to 1765 and has a lot of land with it. Lots of activities and sutlers and a battle each afternoon. And it is only 30 min. from where I live!
Monadnock Hiker Posted - September 25 2022 : 09:25:36 AM
I was going to post something on that weekend shortly. - If the weather is ok - I will be there as usual. - Yes, no problem Fitz, I'll make it a point to tell Lynn White that you said hello ... Certainly don't know her very well - but she seems like a real "sweetheart". - Hopefully "they've" made good progress on re-roofing the "Main Hall" - want to get that finished before winter sets in. Naturally, a few pics will be posted.
Any "events" in your neck of the woods lately???

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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