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3/9/2025 9:14:16 AM
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Monadnock Hiker Posted - August 27 2022 : 4:04:54 PM
Seems our Rhode Island Abenaki & the tribe from around Long Island N.Y. (don't recall their name-Pequot???) couldn't make the trip - miss them, good folks. Next to get the roof replaced is the "Grand Hall" - a big job - the first delivery of materials is due in next week. ... Some BIG news - an elderly lady has donated her house to the fort - it was built when the Fort was active. - Her name is Hasting & she's a direct decent of the Hasting family that lived in the Fort. - That's where the new "gift shop" etc. will be located. - The schedule calls for everything to be done "hopefully" by the tail end of '24, I have my doubts about that schedule. - The "French Trapper shown here is from France - not Canada. Best French accent I've ever heard & he knows history - a LOT o history. ... One picture is of the "Great Hall" - a couple are looking out gun ports - with one showing a new roof being installed & looking "up the stairs leading to the lookout tower.
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Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 30 2022 : 07:29:03 AM
The Trade Faire was THE big event of the area. It was one of the first event I ever attended when I got into reenacting. The area between the fort and the lake was packed with sutlers and attendees. If you didn't get there early in the week you might not find a place to camp. The hill beside and above the fort was covered with "longhunter" primitive camps. Then about 6 or 7 years ago the head of the site got promoted to a job in Nashville and his replacement was not the same. The event was always the weekend after Labor Day. It was hot, but that's just how the event was. The new guy decided to move it to October, but that conflicted with other established events and attendance dropped off. Then Covid came and the event was cancelled. This year would have been the first time since then. And there was another event at the Sequoyah Birthplace site just across the road which was a very big event for the Native reenactors and pow wow people. Visitors would come to one event and stay for the other. When Fort Loudoun moved the date, Sequoyah didn't, and that hurt too. Even the regular monthly garrisons have been cut back and the public programming reduced. The whole thing is a receipt for failure and I really don't understand the thinking.

One event that hasn't been hurt is Brattonsville in SC. They never really shut down during Covid and the last two years was business as usual. They had a good event this July.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - August 29 2022 : 3:24:11 PM
That is sad to hear Fitz - things in general don't "seem the same" as before Covid and of course todays inflation. - Except for perhaps medical offices no place around here requires a mask any longer. - Some folks, not many, do wear them - but no one "has to". ... As I recall, that "trade fair" was a big event & well tended. - Hope things pick-up ...
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 29 2022 : 10:28:02 AM
Well, Fort Loudoun in Tenn dropped it's trade fair. Fort Dobbs is for the garrison only. Crown Point eliminated the Sunday event and a number of units pulled out. I was at Cowpens on Saturday and there were only three of us, not many visitors, only one entrance to the visitor's center, had to wear masks to enter the building. Not much to make visitors want to come back.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - August 28 2022 : 09:46:53 AM
I take it that would be in your area Fitz ... or is it at a lot of other sites also? - Less activity scheduled or higher expenses (inflation) for units to travel these days???
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 28 2022 : 07:51:03 AM
Sounds like things are looking up for the fort. Glad to hear that. Not all sites have fared as well lately.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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