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3/31/2025 12:08:33 PM
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Monadnock Hiker Posted - July 16 2022 : 3:58:46 PM
This is an "out of time" event (by centuries) at the Fort - but a buck is a buck after all. Every year the Town of Charleston has a "town-wide" yard-sale - had I known, I would have gone tomorrow. Traffic was literally bumper-to-bumper - took probably 30 minutes to move a few blocks. - Folks from MILES & MILES away were there today, sardines in a can have more space. - On the "good news side" two more buildings have had new steel roofs installed & one more is scheduled for this Fall.
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Met an extremely pleasant lady there today & she's going to be at the Fort every Saturday - She hand sews "period clothing" and has been at it since she was about 9 years old. - She & her husband own 22 acres of land a few towns north & are "self-sufficient" to a high degree. - She has a company called "Pins & Needles" .... says it all.

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2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Monadnock Hiker Posted - July 17 2022 : 12:50:04 PM
Financially speaking, they pretty much have no choice. - "They" have a "Vikings Weekend" a "Revolutionary War" and occasionally a "Civil War" weekend - a buck is a buck. - The Town of Charlestown gives them $2000.00 every year - aside from that ALL their income is from donations and/or events. - The last couple of years, the "Covid problem" has blown a hole in events & now the cost of fuel is making things difficult to get units to travel here. - Aside from the Town of Charlestown they don't have any state or federal help/funds & don't want any. - THAT kind of "help" come with "strings" attached ...
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - July 17 2022 : 10:28:43 AM
I didn't realize they did all that.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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