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 Happy Birthday Fitz

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Angel [@)-] Angry [:(!] Applause [h-h] Approve [^]
bash a buddy [B/-] Bat [~|~] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] BS [(bs!)] cheers [C:-)] Clover [%@]
Clown [:o)] coffee time [CT:;] computer woes {CW:_(} confused [@@]
Cool [8D] coy I-) Dead [xx(] Disapprove [V]
Drooling ~P+ Eight Ball [8] envy =:-) Evil [}:)]
eye popper [W((^] Flag [fwf] Happy Birthday [|!b!|] Headscratcher [hs:)]
Heart [{I}] I am a COW!! 3:-0 I Love You [x:)x!] idea [I!!))]
Innocent [{i}] jump for joy [J%%] Kiss [xx:)xx] Kisses [:X]
nerd :B paying homage [bow()] Pink Ribbon [&!] Question [?]
Rainbow [(((((] really big smile :-)) Red Lips [(K)] rose @;-
Sad [:(] Shame [0^^0] Shock [:O] Shrug [M/M]
Shy [8)] Sleepy [|)] Smile [:)] Smooch [x-x-]
Soapbox ~[]~ Sorry [i~ms~] spy [<:)] Swoon [xx~x]
Tongue [:P] waaaa :-(( wave [W;)] Weird Thread [w~~~]
Wink [;)] Yes, Master! [!m!]    

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Irishgirl Posted - June 03 2008 : 07:05:56 AM
Just wanted to say to you on this your special day. Go out and do something "fun" today and treat yourself.

24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Light of the Moon Posted - June 06 2008 : 7:04:28 PM
Aw! I'm late! Sorry Fitz and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Wilderness Woman Posted - June 06 2008 : 08:49:34 AM
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

BTW WW, - what is for breakfast on Thursday?

I'm not sure. Let me ask....

Nathaniel? What are you planning to cook for me for breakfast on that Thursday morning before we set out for Fort Carillon?

Naw.... MG ain't French. He's just.... a man!
Monadnock Guide Posted - June 06 2008 : 05:32:14 AM
Not French Obi, ...
Obediah Posted - June 05 2008 : 11:04:49 PM
Now we know! MG is French!

Considering WW's "unbiased" worldview, Thursday's breakfast will probably be Frog Legs!! "Tastes like chicken!"
Monadnock Guide Posted - June 05 2008 : 6:38:01 PM
BTW WW, - what is for breakfast on Thursday?
Wilderness Woman Posted - June 05 2008 : 09:35:04 AM
Well, of course not! They weren't allied with the French!

Yes, Obi. Given their "nature," I'm sure the French assume a lot of things they shouldn't. Tsk, tsk, tsk.....
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 05 2008 : 12:26:11 AM
Well, when Hawkeye, Ching, and Uncas showed up at the Camerons'cabin, you didn't see Alexandra hanging out a sign that said "Mohicans Not Welcome Here".
Obediah Posted - June 04 2008 : 11:40:33 PM
Originally posted by Wilderness Woman

Well, I suppose it could have been worse: he could have asked what's for breakfast on Thursday!

That was just assumed on his part, I'm sure.
Wilderness Woman Posted - June 04 2008 : 3:08:14 PM
[WW places her hands upon her hips and moves her head back and forth]

Now, you see??? That's what happens when you go against your better judgement and try to be nice to a Fran-say! The next thing you know, they're inviting themselves over for dinner. Guess I had better dust off the "French Not Welcome Here" sign and hang it out on the porch again.

Well, I suppose it could have been worse: he could have asked what's for breakfast on Thursday!

Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 04 2008 : 1:23:24 PM
I was talking with a friend yesterday about Ticonderoga and we decided to travel together and spend the night in Binghamton. So, I was wondereing, what's for supper on Wednesday night?
Wilderness Woman Posted - June 04 2008 : 12:48:44 PM
Oh, I suppose I had better add my own birthday greetings to Miss-Yer Lay-Fran-say. So........

Happy, Happy Late Birthday!

Usually, I put roses, but I thought the clowns were more appropriate in this case.

Hope your day was great, Fitz!
Little Lady of Fire Posted - June 04 2008 : 12:32:29 PM
Yet again a little late to these things. Happy Birthday Fitz
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 04 2008 : 11:15:00 AM
I mean y'all!!!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 04 2008 : 11:07:38 AM
Thanks all!!!
Theresa Posted - June 04 2008 : 07:22:05 AM
Happy Birthday, Fitz! ....and you DO look like Higgins!
blackfootblood Posted - June 03 2008 : 1:45:23 PM
Well I'll jump onboard the party train and wish you a very happy Birthday!! Hope you are enjoying your day!! Have fun!
Michelle Posted - June 03 2008 : 1:38:14 PM


Stephanie Posted - June 03 2008 : 11:57:55 AM
HIGGINS!!!! Thank you, I couldn't think of that earlier!
Gadget Girl Posted - June 03 2008 : 11:29:44 AM
RedFraggle Posted - June 03 2008 : 10:52:42 AM
Happy birthday! Enjoy your day and have fun with that fusil.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 03 2008 : 10:18:01 AM
Thanks all!!! Time do fly, don't it? Getting ready for the Gathering. I hope to have my new 1728 St. Etienne fusil finished by then and take it to the FBR site, so back to work.
Obediah Posted - June 03 2008 : 09:54:53 AM
you old Geezer!
Stephanie Posted - June 03 2008 : 08:33:59 AM
Joyeux anniversaire!
Kaylynn44 Posted - June 03 2008 : 07:14:53 AM
Happy Birthday Fitz!!!
I hope that you have a wonderful day!!! Take care and we will see you soon in Asheville.


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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