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 The Lion's Den ... International & Political Debate
 2008 US Presidential Candidate UPDATED- February 10

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
susquesus Posted - April 25 2007 : 12:08:11 AM
As the 2008 Presidential election draws nearer a large number of folks on both sides of the aisle are announcing their desire to hold that office. I've listed 7 folks from each major party- who would you ideally like to vote for? If your person isn't listed then tell us about them and tell us how to find out more about them.
Many people seem to think that this next election will be one of the most crucial in US history- any thoughts? Anyone you are afraid to have win? Any candidates that you see as being able to bridge the gap between Democrats and Republicans?

UPDATE- as candidates drop out of the race they will be dropped from the poll
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Obediah Posted - February 21 2008 : 11:00:21 AM
Maybe they could both make a "mistake."
winglo Posted - February 20 2008 : 4:50:13 PM
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

Perhaps someone could arrange a hunting trip for her with Dick Cheney.

LOL. Good idea! I think an awful lot of people would be really happy if he made another "mistake" while on that trip.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - February 19 2008 : 6:40:34 PM
Perhaps someone could arrange a hunting trip for her with Dick Cheney.
Monadnock Guide Posted - February 19 2008 : 4:50:05 PM
Yeah he did, and looked about as good as Dukakis did riding around in that tank. BTW, - that post was supposed to be "You know she's desperate when she fondly remembers hunting etc."
winglo Posted - February 19 2008 : 4:04:33 PM
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

You know when she "fondly remembers hunting" and is a firm believer in the right to bear arms. By tomorrow her nose should be about a foot longer.

When will they learn? Didn't John Kerry try the hunting thing, to everyone's dismay, 4 years ago?
Bookworm Posted - February 19 2008 : 07:21:43 AM
For what it's worth, I WILL NOT vote for Hillary either. If not Obama, then McCain, illogical as that sounds. At least his press conferences would be lively.
Kaylynn44 Posted - February 18 2008 : 7:54:10 PM
There are definitely more Republicans on this board than Democrats, but I love them anyway.
I'm not really thrilled with any of the candidates, but I WILL NOT vote for McCain and I WILL NOT vote for Hillary. I guess that I will vote for Obama and that is said without much enthusiasm.

Monadnock Guide Posted - February 18 2008 : 7:27:51 PM
I can't find the link, - but a day or two ago, someone in Hillary's campaign said SHE WAS going to be the party's pick, even if it took using the "super-delegates" vote to do it.
Monadnock Guide Posted - February 18 2008 : 6:44:38 PM
You know when she "fondly remembers hunting" and is a firm believer in the right to bear arms. By tomorrow her nose should be about a foot longer. ;)
susquesus Posted - February 18 2008 : 4:31:59 PM
We still use paper ballots here in MN. We connect 2 dashes to make a line with a marker next to the name of our candidate and feed it into an optical scan machine on the way out the door. I am really scared of the idea of voting without a paper ballot. It seems that it would be too easy to manipulate the vote without a hard copy to verify results.
As to the lack of Republican votes by mohicanlanders on this poll I have to state that I have been removing candidates as they drop out and as I remember a lot of mohicanlanders had voted for Romney and Giuliani. I can in see why McCain, Huckabee and Paul are not receiving a lot of backing. McCain pisses off hardcore conservatives with his campaign finance reform and environmental positions(that's just for starters), Paul is too far out and offers a bitter pill to his party, Huckabee is great with people but his religious views and financial policy are too extreme for some.
I support Obama and was happy to cast my vote for him the day I created this poll. If he does not receive the nomination I will not vote for Hillary. I will either abstain or vote for a third party. Hell, I'd vote for McCain before I'd vote for Hillary. I take that back- that whole we're gonna be in Iraq for the next century thing he's floated doesn't work for me.
Irishgirl Posted - February 18 2008 : 11:03:17 AM
Well since I am not a Citizen and therefore cannot vote in the election,I did not vote in this thread but since you mentioned it, my hubby will be voting for McCain so I just voted for him on here as well and I would too if I could.
Bookworm Posted - February 18 2008 : 10:48:28 AM
I recall marking more than one paper ballot -- and yes, I do mean in different years!

Thrilled as I am to see other Obama voters on this website, I find it hard to believe that the poll as it now stands is representative of Mohicanland. Methinks many of the more conservative citizens of this realm have not yet voted.
Wilderness Woman Posted - February 12 2008 : 1:05:58 PM
Yep! Me too. I vividly remember my first time out voting. I had to mark a paper ballot.
Obediah Posted - February 12 2008 : 12:39:41 AM
'doll, "back in the day" when I was 17, I had to wail till I was 21 before I could vote!
winglo Posted - February 11 2008 : 4:49:25 PM
Originally posted by nativedoll

I missed the proper voting age by one year.

I turn seventeen in May.

Why couldn't it be eighteen?

There will come a day, nativedoll, when you'll never wish to be one minute older than you already are, so stop complaining and just enjoy being 17.
nativedoll Posted - February 10 2008 : 7:21:13 PM
I missed the proper voting age by one year.

One year.

Now, I have to wait four more.

I turn seventeen in May.

Why couldn't it be eighteen?
Monadnock Guide Posted - February 10 2008 : 7:06:04 PM
A truly discouraging group, ...
Dillon1836 Posted - February 10 2008 : 6:22:57 PM
I can see myself going into politics, but I've yet to cast any votes of any kind.
Wilderness Woman Posted - January 31 2008 : 08:32:29 AM
Well, now that it is down to The Final Four candidates, I have cast my vote. Unless something changes my mind, I will have to go with John McCain.
Christina Posted - January 28 2008 : 11:55:01 AM
I've been forced to read and hear way too much about Kucinich since we've been up here in Cleveland for almost the past three weeks. He's the area congressman and facing (rightly so) a lot of vicious attacks as the congressional elections get going. The one biggest question I have...where in the world did he get his wife? Has anybody seen her? She looks like a supermodel. Seeing them together is a little like watching a slightly demented leprechaun walking next to Lady Galadriel from the Lord of the Rings...
Monadnock Guide Posted - January 11 2008 : 07:38:27 AM
A complete idiot.
susquesus Posted - January 11 2008 : 02:59:59 AM
now minus Bill Richardson
susquesus Posted - January 04 2008 : 12:13:08 PM
To keep it current Chris Dodd and Joe Biden have been removed as they bowed out last night.
Monadnock Guide Posted - January 04 2008 : 08:50:59 AM
Christina - I hear ya' about those damn phone calls. Enough is enough, I've unplugged my phone until after the primaries next week. It's great actually, might leave it that way.
Obediah Posted - January 04 2008 : 01:49:25 AM
That was a joke?? After all, wasn't it ol' Strom who fired the first cannon at Fort Sumpter?

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