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 A multitude of dangers in Iraq--what is practical.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dark Woods Posted - February 22 2007 : 1:08:32 PM
There has been a fair amount of publicity given by the Bush Administration to explosive devices linked to Iran.

I remember during the Vietnam War that the Soviet Union was heavily supporting the killing of Americans. They supplied weapons and supplies to both North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. While morally justified in attacking the Soviet Union in response, we did not do so because all things considered, (such as a potential nuclear response) it was impractical for us to attack the Soviet Union. The reasonably anticipated costs to us of such an attack exceeded the benefit.

Iran has a large conventional military. they also have large numbers of "irregular forces" deployable against us in Iraq. I think our present approach of taking action against Iranian operatives in Iraq is prudent and effective. I think that taking the war across the border to Iran would create huge problems for the United States and Coalition nations. The Coalition forces in Iraq would be subject to substantial attack, and Persian Gulf oil supplies would be put into jeopardy. In short I do not see a military attack on Iran being any more useful to us in Iraq than a military attack on the Soviet Union would have been to us in Vietnam.

Here is another threat in Iraq. This one apparently from Sunni groups. The Sunni insurgents tend to be supported by individuals and groups based in "allied" nations such as Saudi Arabia. I think that it would be a better use of military resources to more effectively seal the southern and western borders of Iraq, in preference to surface, naval, or air conflicht with Iran.

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