It was 1876. Most all the Indians who once roamed freely across this vast land were now penned up on Reservations ... or, eliminated. Bands of the mighty Sioux and Cheyenne Nations, however, still clung desperately to their old ways on the plains of
eastern Montana. Columns of U.S. troops were sent to end the matter once and for all. By chance, the Little Bighorn River became the place for the last, large-scale, clash of cultures that comprised the 400 year long Indian Wars. Heroic from both points
of view - the Indian warriors, fiercely led by the likes of Crazy Horse, dashing out of their attacked village, defending their homes and families; the cluster of elite 7th Cavalry troopers, under the able leadership of their dashing commander, George
Armstrong Custer, fighting to the last - this episode has carved itself into the American psyche as Custer's Last Stand, The Battle of the Little Bighorn!
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