Posted by souljer#1 on May 21, 1997 at 07:47:04:
devout and sharp-eyed followers of LOTM (or those with a little too much time on their hands) should notice the Benedict Arnold qualities posessed by Souljer#1. First of all, in Munro's office, when the five first enter the fort, as Hawkeye leaves the room, why that's Souljer #1 that gives him a menacing look (sharing a true dramatic moment with DDL!?). Then, soon after, it appears that Souljer #1 is in Montcalm's Guard (first face you see as he leaves the tent) as he goes to meet Magua. Then, there's Souljer #1 on the left,as a French flag bearer. Once again, it would appear that Souljer #1 switches uniforms and ends up in Hawkeye's canoe.
There's something strange going on. Maybe twins seperated at birth, each fighting for a different cause? Maybe not. Maybe its not really a case of bloopers, but perhaps just an example of an extra who knew where to stand and who's rear end to KISS. Or maybe, as i still believe, it's just a dream.