Mohican WWWboard
2000 ARCHIVES (Part 3)

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Ariel- Sad News! - Bea 22:02:35 8/04/2000
Hello, I'm new and glad to be here. - 'Chelle 17:49:57 8/04/2000
Reply to Those Who Ponder... - Ronald Federici 17:28:47 8/04/2000
Clothes Make the Man in LOTM - Dana S. 15:18:26 8/04/2000
LOTM - great movie - can't believe only 1 oscar - Lauren 14:12:44 8/04/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 13:32:08 8/04/2000
Speaking of classes in America... - Dana S. 12:55:44 8/04/2000
gratitude - Louise (Morticia) 11:27:46 8/04/2000
opening scene - heretic 06:19:11 8/04/2000
Missing Englishman, and drums... - Red-Haired Lass 23:04:29 8/03/2000
Dweebie Goes A-Courtin' - Dweebie Day-Lewis 18:59:37 8/03/2000
Intellectual discussions and a crisis... - Red-Haired Lass 17:22:38 8/03/2000
I saw The Patriot - Vita 17:05:53 8/03/2000
Thought for the Day (Late!) - The Huggy Merchant 16:22:00 8/03/2000
New Yahoo Canadian Club about Voyageurs and the life. - Adam 13:51:44 8/03/2000
Too Close to Home? - The Rascal 08:56:18 8/03/2000
What was the purpose of camp followers? - Schoolmafter Chris 22:09:02 8/02/2000
My Own Personal Thought for the Day... - MMMMarcia 11:46:57 8/02/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 08:58:20 8/02/2000
Because She Was A Good Girl ... - Rich 04:06:57 8/02/2000
And The Verdict On The River Walk Is ... - Rich 04:02:56 8/02/2000
Intellectual gathering at Bumppo's - Red-haired lass 20:47:47 8/01/2000
Tearing hair over Celtic lyric--help! - Christina 19:04:36 8/01/2000
Greetings from Portland! - Danalee Lavelle 18:40:19 8/01/2000
Just A Wee Snippet of Interesting Information - Kate 18:21:18 8/01/2000
Do Reparations Work? (a devil's advocate inquiry) - Zapata 09:28:35 8/01/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 05:21:09 8/01/2000
Some of George Washington's 110 rules of civility. - Schoolmafter Chris 23:20:05 7/31/2000
Happy Hour A Success! - Red-Haired Lass 18:48:04 7/31/2000
River Walk article - Susan 18:36:50 7/31/2000
The Leather-Stocking Tales/Hurons - Zapata 14:00:44 7/31/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 07:31:10 7/31/2000
Gnome Squashing... - Doc M 11:52:19 7/30/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 11:13:21 7/30/2000
In Pictures & Words ... - Rich/Mohicanpress 05:37:38 7/30/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 13:35:10 7/29/2000
Casting Stones - Victoria 13:59:56 7/28/2000
DVD Screen Captures ... Sneak Preview! - Rich 13:03:41 7/28/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 10:18:00 7/28/2000
"Last Of The Mohicans" Film Location CAN Be Made Accessible For ALL! - Rich/Mohican Press 07:53:30 7/28/2000
hawkeyes knife sheath - eric armour 04:52:41 7/28/2000
First Huron Happy Hour with New Wench - Red-Haired Lass 13:05:27 7/27/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 10:22:57 7/27/2000
Patriot meets LOTM - Diana 10:18:23 7/27/2000
F&I War History - Diana 10:12:50 7/27/2000
Where is soldier #2 in the film? - Schoolmafter Chris 00:01:27 7/27/2000
When are chats scheduled in the chat room? - Schoolmafter Chris 22:38:09 7/26/2000
Beads - Nigel 20:30:42 7/26/2000
Long Walk - Ros 10:14:45 7/26/2000
Native American Museum - Kathleen 10:01:37 7/26/2000
Hawkeye follows lass into western wildnerness... - Christina 07:36:55 7/26/2000
Update from the great Southwest/'must-see Museum - Christina 07:24:40 7/26/2000
Thought(s) for the Day - especially for Miss Kate & Clabert!! - The Huggy Merchant 07:04:35 7/26/2000
Stanton's "Keep a-Goin'" - Ossian Gunn, Poet of Caithness and the Orkneys 06:08:47 7/26/2000
The unenviable fates of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence - Schoolmafter Chris 22:35:52 7/25/2000
While We're Rememberin' G2K - Kate 16:55:50 7/25/2000
Goin` Trekkin` - Clabert 07:59:52 7/25/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 07:01:47 7/25/2000
eric schweig - penny 00:35:48 7/25/2000
I'm BAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAACK! - MMMMarcia 14:21:11 7/24/2000
A Meeting with Colonel Bouquet - Corporal Malcolm A. MacWm. 13:26:27 7/24/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 04:46:14 7/24/2000
Looking for Johdi May Pics - Pierre 23:27:47 7/23/2000
Was tarring and feathering fatal? - Schoolmafter Chris 22:34:07 7/23/2000
Looking for the process for salting and drying meat? - Schoolmafter Chris 22:30:14 7/23/2000
Red-haired lass lands safely! - Christina 22:11:42 7/23/2000
Chingachgook's weapon - chris lewis 21:20:26 7/23/2000
A non-Saved-By-The-Bell "Jack" siting! - Diana S. 20:07:18 7/23/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 13:12:33 7/23/2000
The Opinions Continue ... Or, Beating It To Death :) - Rich?Mohican Press 06:08:14 7/23/2000
Why didn't they all jump? - Clark 00:01:43 7/23/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 12:08:52 7/22/2000
Hello, Greetings and inquiries from a Newbie - ZAC 02:52:36 7/22/2000
Red Haired Lass Headin' West/dispatch to Ros - Christina 22:57:35 7/21/2000
Alloo...? - Eclair 10:12:45 7/21/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 03:13:32 7/21/2000
The Patriot....the final thought! - Norm 20:49:37 7/20/2000
Sheet Music for"The Gael" and "Promentory" - ZAC 12:55:39 7/20/2000
F&I War History - Diana 09:44:22 7/20/2000
This Day In History ... - TGAT Lainey 09:00:34 7/20/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 09:00:33 7/20/2000
Looking for some colonial foodstuffs or recipies - Shcoolmafter Chris 22:23:44 7/19/2000
FrontPage Mystery Solved by Another Mystery! - Vita Sistah to Lucy With the Diamonds in The Sky 17:22:09 7/19/2000
Fiddle music for "the kiss"aka"the gael"? - Zac 13:04:38 7/19/2000
O! Where Are They Now? - Ossian Gunn, Poet of Scotia 12:18:28 7/19/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 08:36:05 7/19/2000
terribly uplifting bikini line discussion...update - Christina 23:10:05 7/18/2000
Dispatch to Doc M - Christina 21:54:06 7/18/2000
Congratulations and Gathering 2000 - KarenB 15:50:43 7/18/2000
Had I But Known.... - Doc M 15:12:03 7/18/2000
Thought(s) for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 13:55:43 7/18/2000
Help with colonial diftances and monies - Schoolmafter Chriftopher 23:07:21 7/17/2000
It`s all over !!!!!!! - Clabert 19:33:33 7/17/2000
History Lesson/ Hollywood's propaganda - Robert F. 17:35:56 7/17/2000
sequel - Jenni 16:04:40 7/17/2000
[TW] Gnome speaks (?) out against discrimination - Gnome Ling 14:55:36 7/17/2000
We Will Go Wandering...... - Many Flags 12:07:21 7/17/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 09:16:30 7/17/2000
The Verdict Is In On The DVD ... ?? - Rich 04:38:58 7/17/2000
Question Re the Canoe Trip to the Fort - Jeri 16:47:53 7/16/2000
note on a Sassafras tree - John MacKay 10:09:33 7/16/2000
Back ... From Can-tuk-ee! - Rich/Mohican Press 06:46:54 7/16/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 03:32:08 7/16/2000
Round 3 - Clabert 20:37:06 7/15/2000
Letter to Timothy - William Johnston 20:32:57 7/15/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 05:49:39 7/15/2000
animal symbolism - Tony 16:04:11 7/14/2000
Native Life Calendar - Jeri 12:54:46 7/14/2000
Movie: "Stolen Women, Captured Hearts" - Karyn 09:02:23 7/14/2000
So sad, no Brad -- but plenty of skeeters... - Christina 08:41:06 7/14/2000
Sadness and Grief from Your Message - Cpl. Malcolm MacWilliam 07:17:06 7/14/2000
The Patriot.........a British review!! - Adele 06:52:28 7/14/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 06:21:34 7/14/2000
Update from Clabert - Stephanie 21:10:00 7/13/2000
Finnished at last, finnished at last! - Jo 18:40:30 7/13/2000
Help! I can't find lyrics to LOTM song! - Sunshine 14:53:00 7/13/2000
ES Fans!!! - Danalee Lavelle-Burroughs 12:32:47 7/13/2000
Sharyn McCrumb Books - Susan 11:20:56 7/13/2000
report - Christina 09:13:36 7/13/2000
Mel Gibson Interview - 'The Patriot' - Kate 08:43:52 7/13/2000
Stop Press..!! - Adele 03:51:24 7/13/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 03:26:29 7/13/2000
Recommended Read for Highland Games Goers - Susan 00:53:02 7/13/2000
what happens next? - Shannon 17:06:39 7/12/2000
Repost - I miss TGAT LAiney - Vita 12:18:17 7/12/2000
Uncas at the Fort - Jeri 11:54:18 7/12/2000
Searching for Brad... - Christina 10:44:12 7/12/2000
For Christina... - Doc M 08:40:49 7/12/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 08:00:35 7/12/2000
Another message from my refrigerator....... - Adele 07:57:35 7/12/2000
Hello all! And an article on "The Patriot"... - Petra 20:45:58 7/11/2000
Kilts, Clans, Ft. Defiance, & King's Mt. - Susan H. 20:19:13 7/11/2000
NC Heaven - Diana S. 16:41:56 7/11/2000
Leaving Town -- Please Pass on this Message to Clabert and Family - Ayesha 15:27:18 7/11/2000
A Gathering T-shirt story! - Diana S. 15:21:27 7/11/2000
Obscure 18th century food question - christina 15:18:11 7/11/2000
Did anyone notice this? - Georgia (aka the Mohican Goddess) 13:54:29 7/11/2000
Message from Clabert - Adele 13:36:38 7/11/2000
Intrepid Scout??? - Jo 10:12:57 7/11/2000
A late note on the Gathering 2000 - Jo 09:54:33 7/11/2000
DUM's Thought for the Day - Dr. Uncle Mark 09:52:14 7/11/2000
Doc M's Happy Thought For The Day - Doc M 09:19:15 7/11/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 05:23:02 7/11/2000
Riverwalk needs your help- an update - Woody Keen 02:54:16 7/11/2000
Thought for the Day - By Special Request! - The Huggy Merchant 13:05:58 7/10/2000
Mohicans on TNT - Diana 10:29:47 7/10/2000
The Niece and Nephew Tour a Fort and Learn More History - Dr. Uncle Mark 10:26:51 7/10/2000
Dissapointment - Chloe 08:53:50 7/10/2000
...with its tail between its legs... - Seamus 20:21:56 7/09/2000
Directors cut - Lloyd Brown 17:47:14 7/09/2000
Jodhi May - Lloyd Brown 17:45:15 7/09/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 15:22:22 7/09/2000
Alas, I have been duped..... - The Huggy Merchant 15:20:52 7/09/2000
At the risk of sounding callous... - Christina 10:37:45 7/09/2000
LOTM Views & Gathering Blues! - Rich/Mohican Press 07:13:18 7/09/2000
Sorry - But I Just Had To Do This! - Kate 23:01:48 7/08/2000
The Patriot - Does He Survive in the End? - Vita 21:01:11 7/08/2000
What was THAT? Another blooper maybe? - Stephanie 20:47:24 7/08/2000
Public Confession: You Keep DDL, I'll take Duncan - Weeping Willow 20:17:34 7/08/2000
Mosquitos - Christina 18:58:24 7/08/2000
8 PM! LOTM! on TNT!!!!! - Towne Crier 17:54:49 7/08/2000
Contradicting Post by the Turkish Trader! - LOTMLand's Tax Collector, the Mighty Fierce Publicant 17:36:10 7/08/2000
LOTM on TNT - Ayesha 13:38:07 7/08/2000
You May Find This Article Very Interesting, Considering the Latest Conversations - Ayesha 11:27:24 7/08/2000
Movie question -- the Huron village - Christina 11:01:56 7/08/2000
Looking for Doctor GoodMary - Elaine 09:59:42 7/08/2000
6 degrees challenge:LOTM - Stephanie 09:07:53 7/08/2000
Memo to She Who Tracks... - The Red-Haired Lass 07:50:47 7/08/2000
Results of movie party... - Christina 07:40:19 7/08/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 06:03:05 7/08/2000
A Different Thought For The Day - NightSky 21:57:08 7/07/2000
Bertha and Martha - Adele 17:17:44 7/07/2000
One More Visual - Camp Nutritionist 15:16:26 7/07/2000
2000 Gathering - George Penman 14:44:42 7/07/2000
movie party - Christina 14:19:04 7/07/2000
Voice of a Sinner - NightSky 11:26:28 7/07/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 09:40:53 7/07/2000
A Great Way to Start the Day! - The Resident Nutritionist 00:23:01 7/07/2000
Trade Wars With the Far East - The Turkish Trader 22:39:40 7/06/2000
IT`s been a long week my friends. - Clabert 20:04:19 7/06/2000
The Public Looks at History and "The Patriot" - Gayle 18:30:06 7/06/2000
The Patriot...Our Favorite Line - Dana S. 09:47:50 7/06/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 09:43:25 7/06/2000
Invitation to Miss Marcia and updates... - The Red Haired Lass 09:37:27 7/06/2000
The "Package" - Dana S. 09:30:37 7/06/2000
Poor, Lonesome Me! - MMMMarcia 09:02:24 7/06/2000
We Make Ready for Raystown - Corporal M.A. MacWilliam 06:58:58 7/06/2000
Premonitions...and more... - Seamus 19:38:50 7/05/2000
The Patriot....Again???? - Dr. Uncle Mark 18:45:12 7/05/2000
The Patriot - Diana 17:06:33 7/05/2000
Posting Photos - Official Guidelines - Dana S. 15:20:04 7/05/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 12:24:50 7/05/2000
Dear Huggy Merchant...Where's the Thought? - Dana S. 11:52:52 7/05/2000
Okay, another movie question - Stephanie 22:31:17 7/04/2000
4 of july - stan and teri 20:36:10 7/04/2000
My take - Sgt. Toot 16:33:05 7/04/2000
The Glorious Fourth! - Dr. Uncle Mark 12:14:27 7/04/2000
More July 4th thoughts... - Mike Slease 09:55:02 7/04/2000
Some random thoughts on the Fourth... - Christina 08:30:36 7/04/2000
We've arrived and The Expedition begins.... - Seamus 06:09:10 7/04/2000
MORE Photos??? Yes! - Rich 05:43:49 7/04/2000
Thought for the Day - 4th July - The Huggy Merchant 04:40:26 7/04/2000
Dispatch to Bill R. - Vita 16:12:45 7/03/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 14:23:02 7/03/2000
Binding cloth???? - Christina 13:43:47 7/03/2000
My Annual Rave Regarding 1776! - Pilgrim Penny 09:31:47 7/03/2000
More pictures - Susan 21:39:00 7/02/2000
Movie question - Stephanie 20:43:32 7/02/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 14:27:26 7/02/2000
Ok.....web page UP! And a protocol question! - Adele 14:13:38 7/02/2000
Response to BillyGnome's "Good Morning, Folks" - MMMMarcia 10:24:14 7/02/2000
Time To Start Anew - Rich/Mohican Press 07:38:56 7/02/2000
Humbled.... - Vita 21:51:22 7/01/2000
FOURTH OF JULY - V .The TowneCrier 21:34:18 7/01/2000
A Simple Test On A Sunday - Vita the TowneCrier 21:28:59 7/01/2000
Two Very Happy and Grateful Campers - Collin 17:35:26 7/01/2000
Fearless Leader with Several Happy Campers - Collin 17:27:08 7/01/2000
THE KISS! - Collin 17:21:05 7/01/2000
Waiting for Rescue at the Stump - Collin 17:15:43 7/01/2000
Happy Troopers Returning from Table Rock - Collin 17:07:39 7/01/2000
Intrepid re-enactors at Linnville Falls - Collin 16:58:15 7/01/2000
Riverwalk needs your help - Woody Keen 16:49:48 7/01/2000
Forot to mention........ - Adele 16:04:21 7/01/2000
Late with my thanks - Ros 15:48:54 7/01/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 15:33:14 7/01/2000
Thanks, BillyGnome!!!! - Pilgrim Penny 12:09:04 7/01/2000
OK.......So not TOO much of a challenge to work out who I am!! - The Huggy Merchant 10:31:58 7/01/2000
The GnomeDome Meets Miss Marcia - MMMMarcia 22:27:07 6/30/2000
Summer and Ayesha's Friend - Jane Davis 22:12:11 6/30/2000
Smoke Signal to BillyGnome - MMMMarcia 19:58:36 6/30/2000
Clabert & Cyndie - Elaine 17:33:31 6/30/2000
Present for Ros! - MMMMarcia 16:39:52 6/30/2000
Arizona??? - Christina 15:28:50 6/30/2000
Thought for the Day - The Huggy Merchant 14:53:28 6/30/2000
Riverwalk needs your help!!!!!!! - Woody Keen 14:03:09 6/30/2000
Prayer, my dear friends. - Clabert 12:58:28 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Kathy 20:58:24 7/04/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Ros 15:42:47 7/01/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Seamus 12:55:38 7/01/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Summer 19:02:05 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Christie 18:29:15 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Donna 18:27:04 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Dr. Uncle Mark 17:53:54 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Kate 17:37:12 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - caitlin and jeff 16:48:51 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Doc M 14:54:34 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Adele 14:49:08 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Pilgrim Penny/Alamo Alma 14:34:50 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Ayesha 14:30:15 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Chris 14:06:16 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Goody Sandy 13:57:16 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - Lady Ann 13:39:26 6/30/2000
- Re: Prayer, my dear friends. - BillyGnome 13:09:01 6/30/2000
Eric and Sharon......Another Award! - Pilgrim Penny 12:32:58 6/30/2000
Walela Information - Ayesha 10:27:44 6/30/2000
Still got those Post-Gathering-Mohican-Withdrawal Blues... - Lady Ann 09:29:42 6/30/2000
Picture needed! - Stephanie 08:51:02 6/30/2000
A Patriot Review - Doc M 08:46:58 6/30/2000
Lost and Found at Bear Den - Dana S. 08:45:35 6/30/2000
The Patriot - Dr. Uncle Mark 06:30:59 6/30/2000