Mohican WWWboard
1999 ARCHIVES (Part 4)

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For Those Who Wish To Send Flowers... - Doc M 15:17:44 10/26/99
Happy Birthday, Queen Elaine - Vita 14:07:53 10/26/99
Historical Trekkers - Dana S. 11:32:42 10/26/99
A Board Predicament! - Rich 04:03:07 10/26/99
Aristocrats.. What happened?? - Kate 19:05:07 10/25/99
...just a thought - Norm 16:09:31 10/25/99
Lainey, look MAH-velous! - Doctor M 15:28:05 10/25/99
Word/phrase translation - Ann-Elin 09:01:11 10/25/99
Happy Birthday Elaine! - Jo 07:52:07 10/25/99
Michael Mann's Manhunter! - John Mounsey 04:30:23 10/25/99
Courier Hot Off the Presses! - YeOldeTowneCrier 20:41:06 10/24/99
On Top Of The World On A Sunday Morning! - Rich/Mohican Press 09:08:32 10/24/99
Observer Article - Susan 06:14:13 10/24/99
LOTM: The Movie - Norm 15:46:52 10/23/99
Good morning - Chris 00:42:50 10/23/99
Hello MohincanLand!!!!!!!!!! - Standing Horse 18:32:06 10/22/99
Mark A. Baker? - Dana S. 20:53:19 10/21/99
Good Morning! - Dana S. 07:03:16 10/21/99
Helllooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! - Vita aka TowneCrier 11:30:53 10/20/99
Horse trails in WNC? - NightSky 09:06:27 10/20/99
Re: Wes Studi, Larry Sellers - Upcoming Production - KarenB 08:51:36 10/20/99
Hey Jo & Dana S. This Ones For You - Silver Wolf 21:25:12 10/19/99
Tall Stacks '99 - caitlin 18:22:06 10/19/99
Mohican Book Club - Ayesha 12:55:34 10/19/99
Kanentakeron Photo - Rebecca 04:07:45 10/19/99
Silver Wolf May Be Back? - Silver Wolf 21:17:53 10/18/99
Urgent Dispatch to Billygnome - Goody Sandy 08:36:32 10/18/99
Mohicanland - Katherine 01:00:06 10/18/99
REWARD OFFERED !!! - Diana 15:32:21 10/17/99
Ayesha - Katherine 12:14:26 10/17/99
Another week passes... - Doc M 11:32:54 10/17/99
Reflections - Rich/Mohican Press 07:58:35 10/17/99
Happy Birthday Donna!!!! - Sarah M. 05:41:45 10/17/99
LOTM DVD DC - a hint regarding the new scenes - Joy 16:49:04 10/15/99
Busy Little Gnomeling Reaches Milestone! - Woody Gnome 16:01:31 10/15/99
Thanks, Dana! - Jayne 14:01:22 10/15/99
I'm curious about the upcoming DVD release - LOTM and DVD fan 12:53:09 10/15/99
Book discussions on NativeWeb - Petra 22:35:17 10/14/99
Gayle! Have you found anything? - kim 13:42:50 10/14/99
dana s: ancient briton? - kim 13:31:59 10/14/99
BULLETIN! - MBMP 11:20:28 10/14/99
Eastern Woodland Warfare Tactics - Dana S. 09:08:50 10/13/99
Mike Kanentakeron - Rebecca 08:51:23 10/13/99
Something To Ponder On - Kate 17:54:58 10/12/99
"Sound Track" for Gathering 2000 - Dana S. 07:46:33 10/12/99
In conclusion... - Doctor M 15:35:20 10/11/99
A Modest Proposal... - Doctor Mary 15:05:45 10/11/99
KillDeer - Noah 14:12:22 10/11/99
LOTM DC dvd - Luke Stevenson 19:24:29 10/10/99
JOHN TRUDELL IN SAN FRANCISCO - Ayesha 15:54:21 10/10/99
A Request! - Rich/Mohican Press 08:00:38 10/10/99
Tantoo MARTIN??? - Chris 21:10:35 10/09/99
Happy and Uplifting Thoughts - started something Petra - Bill R 12:42:42 10/09/99
LOTM/Johdi May - Phil 03:18:37 10/09/99
The "In" Group - Chris 00:52:55 10/09/99
Good night - all. and Good morning all. - GnomeDome 00:24:13 10/09/99
Mohicanland Anthem Contest - Miss Gaylee Cooper 00:22:11 10/09/99
A Crock of Crones - Birdie 15:29:15 10/08/99
The Song of Hiawatha - Ayesha 14:52:15 10/08/99
Thanks for saving Old Crone - Dana S. 11:02:33 10/08/99
Healing Ceremony Suggestion - Victoria 10:59:11 10/08/99
Rebecca ... - Elaine 06:15:26 10/08/99
"Feast" photos up on Muleskinner site - caitlin 22:30:52 10/07/99
BAR Schedule For Yeat 2000 - Champ 22:01:22 10/07/99
Message to Capitaine R. D'Vark - Major Rentokil 20:27:49 10/07/99
A Last Funny about the DAR - Dar 20:10:33 10/07/99
Emergency Supplies for Half-Drowned Gnomes and Prostrate Crones - Miss Marcia 18:50:50 10/07/99
Doctor M Has Left The Building... - Doctor M 15:31:49 10/07/99
Entertainment Tonight - Champ 15:15:32 10/07/99
S.Girty returns... - Champ 15:03:17 10/07/99
The SKY is Falling, the SKY is falling! - Miss Paddletale 13:49:23 10/07/99
This place is cool - Buffy 10:24:48 10/07/99
Mohican Mercantile - Ros 23:49:50 10/06/99
The Old Crone is Dead - Pat 22:47:50 10/06/99
Hay Dana S. Its That Hair Thing Again - Silver Wolf 21:21:38 10/06/99
Tying the arguments together - Victoria 16:11:10 10/06/99
Rotating Fan - Dana S. 15:34:32 10/06/99
Another Link to Chaco - Ayesha 11:54:28 10/06/99
Chaco Canyon -- History Channel -- Thanks Rich - Ayesha 11:50:14 10/06/99
I Had a Lovely Meeting With Petra! - Ayesha 11:38:43 10/06/99
Hi Again--especially ES fans - Buffy 10:30:10 10/06/99
Could I respectfully ask... - Doctor M 08:42:08 10/06/99
BUTLER'S RANGERS 1777-1784 - Bill Smy 08:23:11 10/06/99
A better late Than Never Update! - Rich/Mohican Press 06:15:57 10/06/99
Washington Post Review of LOTM - Gayle 20:48:00 10/05/99
Hello Petra..... - Silver Wolf 17:31:51 10/05/99
Last of Mohicans Teaching Guide/Resource Packet - Rowland Roark 12:24:00 10/05/99
On Set ... - Elaine 15:21:03 10/04/99
Answering Dana's Question And A Little More - Silver Wolf 15:20:55 10/04/99
The Last of the Mohicans, The Sequel????? - Karrie Wendt 14:23:45 10/04/99
Knife sheath - ThunderHorse 12:02:44 10/04/99
Re: Etiquette, LOTM + Husband Units, etc.etc. - Doctor M 08:58:03 10/04/99
Special Post By Silver Wolf - Silver Wolf 22:03:36 10/03/99
Cookin' School - Old Crone 21:54:43 10/03/99
Eric Schwiege - Buffy 21:06:44 10/03/99
Gnome-ore late nights helping humans. Harumph - Gnome 18:40:04 10/03/99
My Hero's Bringin' Home Dinner - Miss Marcia 16:31:47 10/03/99
Cruisin' Over Mohicanland - Sassy Soothsayer 14:10:14 10/03/99
Fishing From the Ark - The Bee Holder 12:56:10 10/03/99
Met Ayesha yesterday in Phoenix! - Petra 12:08:04 10/03/99
A Hail from the River Bank - Sheriff Twigg 10:33:01 10/03/99
Ruminations on The Good Life - Painter 09:17:48 10/03/99
Smoke Signal to She Who Tracks - Jeanne D'Arc 08:23:24 10/03/99
Mornin', all - Chris 00:17:41 10/03/99
Jodhi May on PBS - Rich 14:13:40 10/02/99
A question - Cara 10:06:24 10/02/99
Question of missing footage - Sarah M. 09:00:06 10/02/99
Great LOTM Party...Calling Doctor M - Dana S. 07:11:25 10/02/99
'nuther question for Silver Wolf - Adrienne 21:01:19 10/01/99
My First Re-enactment - Dana S. 20:32:21 10/01/99
Tonight is the Night! - Pat 17:21:26 10/01/99
Message to Poor Pitiful Pining Pilgrim Penny - MMMMarcia 16:23:21 10/01/99
Question for Silver Wolf....The Hair Thing - Dana S. 15:49:23 10/01/99
Redcap vs. red cap - Gnome 12:30:46 10/01/99
Sorry Rebecca........ - Silver Wolf 12:12:06 10/01/99
Have I Got A Non-Fiction Story To Tell!!! ... Part One - Elaine 11:12:48 10/01/99
Good morning and Happy October! gotcha Chris - Bill R 00:15:57 10/01/99
Answering Dana's Questions - Silver Wolf 21:40:14 9/30/99
Questions for Silver Wolf - Dana S. 20:40:33 9/30/99
Scientific Anomaly Discovered!!!!!!!! - Bill R 16:22:17 9/30/99
And The Greatest Thread That Ever Was Award... - Doctor M 12:49:56 9/30/99
Attention MMMMarcia... - Doctor Mary 09:40:02 9/30/99
good afternoon?? - Chris 08:00:36 9/30/99
Hello There Dana....... - Silver Wolf 21:57:25 9/29/99
Parrot Chant - Bill R and Gnome 21:28:53 9/29/99
alexandria cameron's dress - kim 18:57:01 9/29/99
Gayle's Study Guide and the Archives - Dana S. 12:36:26 9/29/99
Okay, Who's The Wise Guy... - Doctor Mary 09:50:09 9/29/99
The Hits Keep A-Comin'! - Rich 04:02:06 9/29/99
Marcia? What happened to the Parrot?????? - Bill R and Gnome 20:59:22 9/28/99
~* Ode to Rich and Elaine *~ - The Traveling Minstrel 19:09:32 9/28/99
Hello to MohicanLand - Hannah 18:56:55 9/28/99
Smoke Signal to The Sassy Soothsayer - The Bee Holder 18:02:56 9/28/99
Technical Question RE: DVD - Joy 16:30:45 9/28/99
MMMMarcia's Totally EXCELLENT Dream! - MMMMarcia 13:00:56 9/28/99
SNL 25th and LOTM - Chloe 11:09:21 9/28/99
Gooood Morning Mr. Bill and Chris - Jo 02:13:35 9/28/99
Hey Sarah M........ - Silver Wolf 21:39:45 9/27/99
In the Name of the Father and Age of Innocence - Dana S. 14:53:32 9/27/99
Happiness is ... a one-lane bridge to MohicanLand - Diana 13:48:10 9/27/99
Good Morning! and good night! - Bill R 00:26:09 9/27/99
Cooper on Film - Gayle 18:54:25 9/26/99
Sunday Morning Coffee With Miss Marcia - Bent Twigg 11:07:14 9/26/99
Negatives & Positives ... What Else Is New? - Rich/Mohican Press 09:45:24 9/26/99
Good mornin' Bill, Good mornin' Jo - Sarah M. 05:59:19 9/26/99
A Few More Arrows! - Kate 23:21:53 9/25/99
Been away - Pat 22:12:48 9/25/99
The Boxer - Dana S. 18:03:58 9/25/99
Crackers for Basil and This Little Gnome went to Market - GnomeDome 17:43:06 9/25/99
not alone????!!! - steve 12:34:16 9/25/99
Gnome Awakens - GnomeDome 10:33:39 9/25/99
In shakes and cold sweats... - Sarah M. 05:20:05 9/25/99
Good Morning LOTMers and especially Jo - Bill R 00:07:50 9/25/99
Hello Mohican Land!!!!!!! - Silver Wolf 21:37:03 9/24/99
Visitor in Gnome An's Land - Basil 19:40:04 9/24/99
Tracking Painter - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 18:11:00 9/24/99
PETRA: I Will Be in Phoenix! - Ayesha 09:45:59 9/24/99
Goooood Morning Bill! - Jo 00:28:35 9/24/99
Grousings & Mutterings from the INDOOR Hickory Perch - Basil 22:37:43 9/23/99
First Visit To WWWBoard - SilverWolf 22:23:33 9/23/99
Request to Sheriff Bent Twigg for a Net - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 18:43:15 9/23/99
A New Plan - Miss Gaylee Cooper 18:30:00 9/23/99
Explanation to Miss Polly Anna - Miss Gaylee Cooper 18:20:32 9/23/99
Address Book - MMMMarcia 12:35:30 9/23/99
A Birthday Proclamation for Mohicanland - Miss Marcia 12:28:01 9/23/99
help and info - Savannah 09:15:59 9/23/99
18th Century Clothing and Hunter's Moon - Dana S. 07:31:45 9/23/99
Greetings! - caitlin 18:37:16 9/22/99
Mmmmm Mmmmmm Good, and Doc Mary - Gnome 10:38:56 9/22/99
One Day Only!!!! - Doctor Mary 10:05:36 9/22/99
Thanks and a Question About LOTM - Dana S. 08:22:46 9/22/99
Gathering - Stephen 20:52:37 9/21/99
Bird with an herb's name is still a chicken for the pot. - Gormet Gnome 20:43:21 9/21/99
Note to Miss Polly Anna - Miss Gaylee Cooper 20:39:50 9/21/99
Arrows Through the Loopholes - Gayle 18:45:14 9/21/99
New to the Neighborhood - Dana S. 07:29:55 9/21/99
Message to Miss Polly Anna - Miss Gaylee Cooper 20:19:01 9/20/99
thank you, Rich & Elaine - Myrrh 20:17:16 9/20/99
Re: I Have Seen The Gnome Dance - Doctor M 15:19:44 9/20/99
Another Mohicanlander Alive, Alive-O! (Message from Diana Strickland) - MMMMarcia 15:15:30 9/20/99
I Have Seen The Gnome Dance - Doctor M 13:42:33 9/20/99
The Fate of the Web Site - Rich/Mohican Press 12:23:49 9/20/99
Words To Ponder - Anonymous 16:28:04 9/19/99
Visit to Miss Polly Anna - Miss Gaylee Cooper 16:13:52 9/19/99
"To Know Is To Understand" - Rich/Mohican Press 10:38:24 9/19/99
First Impressions of LOTM - Joy 07:14:06 9/19/99
Express Package! - Polly Anna 14:29:05 9/18/99
A First "The Patriot" Photo - Rich 13:30:02 9/18/99
Mystery Men - Chris 22:57:48 9/17/99
An Excerpt From The Mohicanland Chronicles - Mohicanland Historian 21:42:47 9/17/99
Wee Bee in a Panic! - Wee Bee 20:10:54 9/17/99
Message to Sassy Soothsayer - Miss Marcia 19:11:04 9/17/99
Buzzing Along the River - The Pirate Bees 18:50:48 9/17/99
Buzz to Quilting Bee - The Bee Holder 18:42:59 9/17/99
Hurons, Sioux or what in Wisconsin? - Bill R 18:42:16 9/17/99
Plea to Miss Marcia - Bent Twigg 18:37:15 9/17/99
Floyd survivors stand up and be counted - Bill R 10:10:49 9/17/99
Bill, where are you?? - Chris 01:05:49 9/17/99
Happy Birthday ... Happy Anniversary - Elaine 21:14:29 9/16/99
What The Heck Is Going On Here? - Sheriff Twigg to The Bee Holder 20:29:07 9/16/99
heading out - Chris 00:12:22 9/16/99
Good Morning Chris - Bill R 00:04:35 9/16/99
The Ark in the D'ark - Jeanne D'Arc 20:03:02 9/15/99
Fun Site - Pat 19:35:25 9/15/99
Happy BDay JFC??? - Sarah M. 14:18:27 9/15/99
Eric's Film & Thanks - Elaine 11:17:33 9/15/99
Message to The Sachem - Sheriff Twigg 19:23:48 9/14/99
Message to The Sachem - Capitaine R. DeVark 18:55:08 9/14/99
high DVD pre-order sales of LOTM DC already! - Chris Howard 13:34:17 9/14/99
Director's Cut - Lonnie 09:51:46 9/14/99
Hello - Mark 00:39:21 9/14/99
The Rowdy Streets of Mohicanland - Sheriff Twigg 20:20:03 9/13/99
Last Call for the Photo Exchange - Sarah M. 16:29:52 9/13/99
Up In Arms - Victoria 14:44:53 9/13/99
I KNEW I was feeling a little poorly today... - Doctor M 10:45:25 9/13/99
Did Uncas braid Alice's hair? - Danalee Lavelle-Burroughs 09:41:04 9/13/99
I'm A Doctor, Jim, Not A Lawyer... - Doctor M 08:52:02 9/13/99
Meeting Magua - Ros 01:21:39 9/13/99
Hey! that's not fair. - Darla 22:16:30 9/12/99
Wow! What's new@#$%! - Darla 22:10:02 9/12/99
Ros meets Magua - Ros 15:44:13 9/12/99
A Voice From Out Of The Past - Gayle 13:22:20 9/12/99
dressin' for G2000 - caitlin and jeff 05:36:38 9/12/99
GnomeMore Off Topic - Bill R 13:09:05 9/11/99
Gnome, Gnome On The Range - Doctor M 10:27:24 9/11/99
Watt's on second - Gnome An 09:57:55 9/11/99
who's on first? - Chris 00:46:18 9/11/99
Mohican Film sites - Len and Gwen 21:36:40 9/08/99
First-Timer - Stephen Oetken 21:33:31 9/08/99
LOTM DVD Questions - Chris Howard 14:45:37 9/08/99
Clabair`s Surgery Up Date - Clabert 19:59:34 9/07/99
Oscar Soapbox - Joy 16:12:52 9/07/99
All in all - Victoria 09:53:43 9/06/99
A Choice LOTM Review - Joy 07:28:54 9/06/99
New LOTM Character - Scotto 00:43:37 9/06/99
Re: Wow! - Jo 01:36:39 9/06/99
Re: Wow! - Chris 23:50:46 9/05/99