Mohican WWWboard
1999 ARCHIVES (Part 1)

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Hello! - Soldier #2 09:54:07 3/28/99
Nunavut - Rebecca 08:33:27 3/28/99
BIG BEAR - Rebecca 09:38:21 3/27/99
The Black Robe - Eric Smith 16:55:24 3/25/99
Warning to Captain Achillse - She Who Tracks 10:43:05 3/25/99
To Captain Courier: Recent happenings - Commander Achillse 16:25:11 3/24/99
Hello again, and about Patrice Chereau.. - Rebecca 14:31:41 3/24/99
Champ - 'Chasing The Deer' - Kate 17:25:31 3/23/99
Mohicans - Ken Allison 16:01:10 3/23/99
Eric & Jodhi's Missing Love Scene - Joanne 15:20:34 3/23/99
The Massacre at Sand Creek - Champ 20:45:29 3/22/99
The Huron Farewell - Miss Gaylee Cooper 11:08:33 3/22/99
Dutch Lass Would Love a LOTM US Penpal! - E/Mohican Press 20:56:32 3/21/99
LOTM - AWARDS FOR BEST ACTING! - Kate 19:12:33 3/21/99
Wah-Tah-Wah Warnings to the beeholder - Commander Achillse 18:03:35 3/21/99
Hello and three questions. . . - Eric Smith 16:08:17 3/21/99
The State Of The Site - Rich/Mohican Press 06:40:31 3/21/99
Hello, I'm a stranger to these parts - Two Bears 04:57:55 3/21/99
Please help me find info!? - MON 14:31:32 3/19/99
CCCC Update!!!!! - Pilgrim Penny 10:28:05 3/19/99
Thanks for the Welcome - Who is My Favourite? - Kate 21:31:30 3/18/99
Movies we all would enjoy - Norm 18:17:40 3/18/99
Hello! - Rebecca 13:44:21 3/18/99
Many Thanks!!!!! - Pilgrim Penny 10:18:42 3/18/99
Who Am I? (Wasn't that a song?) - Kate 18:39:22 3/17/99
The History Channel - Victoria 16:17:44 3/17/99
Grand Re-opening - Peg O'Reilly 07:24:58 3/17/99
Stunt (?) - Stacey 21:46:36 3/16/99
TeaThyme! TeaThyme! - Yr Fthful Srvnt 20:53:36 3/16/99
the movie! - Missy 18:19:28 3/16/99
Wah-Ta Wah report to Captain Courier - Commander Achillse 16:27:58 3/16/99
Daniel Day-Lewis, boxing, and a record falls - TKilbane 00:04:53 3/16/99
New Member - MaddyRose 10:37:05 3/14/99
I'm Back - Jess 10:01:39 3/13/99
Wes Studi - Pat 21:26:37 3/12/99
Simon Kenton ... Biography Reprint - Elaine 14:32:26 3/12/99
Good to be back... - Norm 10:12:44 3/12/99
Pilgrim Penny ... - Elaine 09:45:16 3/12/99
Cooper's Perspective? - Janis 07:59:39 3/12/99
dvd - Scott T 21:59:49 3/11/99
Request for Help on History - Gayle 11:31:47 3/11/99
Who's Perspective? - Gayle 11:15:20 3/11/99
Other 'secret' Native celebrations - Janine 19:37:11 3/10/99
A Caution to She Who Tracks - Sheriff Twigg 12:16:05 3/10/99
Standing By My Clams, And Not Subject To Much At All - Doctor Mary 10:32:27 3/10/99
The 2nd Annual Great Mohican Gathering Update - MMMMarcia 23:25:17 3/08/99
Wes Studi in OK - Rich/Mohican Press 15:15:45 3/07/99
Calling Mohicanites Down Under - English Trader 11:20:23 3/07/99
Music: The Gael - Shell 09:46:10 3/07/99
Peripheral MohicanLand News & Comment - Rich/Mohican Press 08:12:33 3/07/99
American Indian/Alaska Native Month - Chris 20:19:25 3/06/99
Report of the CCCC - English Trader 08:28:19 3/06/99
Vote for LOTM! - Susie 19:57:45 3/04/99
LOTM tv series - MMMMarcia 15:55:50 3/04/99
Alamo Ancestors - Champ 17:42:02 3/03/99
Dressin' up for the big hootinanny - Adrienne 09:12:25 3/03/99
Femininity Afloat - The Sassy Soothsayer 21:10:56 3/02/99
Whooooo-eeeeeeeee!! - Katepacomen 14:12:30 3/02/99
Courier - Issue Thirteen - S.Girty 13:51:40 3/02/99
Letter to the Courier Editors - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 11:34:49 3/02/99
Greetings, and a Question about the Courier.. - Mark 10:19:26 2/28/99
Mike Phillips, The Courier & Updates - Rich/Mohican Press 08:12:56 2/28/99
Next Meeting of the CCCC - English Trader 15:05:21 2/27/99
Upcoming TV Viewing Of Interest! - Rich 03:24:45 2/27/99
Note to the Mohicaan Bountyess - She Who Tracks 11:17:57 2/25/99
Skelpin' Knives 'n Eagle Feathers - She Who Tracks 11:14:06 2/25/99
The Knee, Means and more... - Victoria 15:39:24 2/24/99
War Clubs versus ... Nut Crackers???? - Rich 12:07:53 2/24/99
Report to the Courier Editors - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 11:25:39 2/24/99
Jodhi May? - Rick 19:14:53 2/23/99
Russell and Wes movie! - Pilgrim Penny 15:27:14 2/22/99
Red River in English - Abygooch 11:49:25 2/22/99
Making a Beeline for Home - The Bee Holder 11:25:32 2/22/99
Chat Over the Back Fence with Miss Marcia - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 11:20:59 2/22/99
Wes Studi's New CD - Elaine 14:12:27 2/21/99
Mr. Floyd Red Crow Westerman - Kyle Jones 13:23:05 2/21/99
Making Some Light With Michael Mann - Rich/Mohican Press 08:02:37 2/21/99
Save The Miami Circle - Vicki K. Whiting 07:23:57 2/21/99
Hawaii Powwows - kent gearhiser 21:36:58 2/20/99
The 2nd Annual Great Mohican Gathering - MMMMarcia 11:44:33 2/20/99
Feminine Gifts - She Who Tracks La Longue Carabine 13:23:51 2/19/99
Help me... looking for the actors name - Anne-Marie Marquise 11:56:10 2/19/99
Slinkin' past the corn crib... - S. Girty 17:30:36 2/18/99
Powder Horn - Parker 10:55:25 2/18/99
'SHE" is one her way back!!! - Delighted TowneCryer 18:18:17 2/16/99
Howdy Do! - Adrienne 16:29:33 2/16/99
tatoos - Nosfaratu 08:07:04 2/15/99
Courier #12 Off the Presses! - Yr Faithful Servant TowneCryer 09:26:38 2/14/99
The Sachem Is Still Speaking - Rich/Mohican Press 08:55:20 2/14/99
One more thing... - Jessica 06:17:35 2/11/99
one more thing... - jessica 06:13:47 2/11/99
Thanks!!! - jessica 06:09:09 2/11/99
Warning-Crap Alert! - Victoria 15:42:12 2/10/99
first time on this board!!! - Jessica 05:59:28 2/10/99
Navajo Nation v. Russell Means - Janine 19:36:13 2/09/99
Deerslayer - Pat 15:25:35 2/09/99
Winter Storms - Me 07:15:12 2/08/99
Woooooo-eeeeeeeeeee!! - S. Girty 21:54:50 2/07/99
Return of the Militia - Old Crone 16:47:29 2/07/99
Nobody Does It Better! - MMMMarcia 15:08:39 2/07/99
Well waddaya know.... Chief Gramatan - Sarah 11:39:47 2/07/99
Call to the Towne Cryer - English Trader 12:04:51 2/06/99
Headin' down the path.... - S. Girty 00:45:09 2/06/99
I`m back!! - Clabair 19:40:51 2/05/99
Courier Almost done... - Yr Faithful TowneCryer 06:17:16 2/05/99
Floor-ee-dah - Janine 20:48:24 2/04/99
Alaska:Florida - Chris 09:21:49 2/04/99
Info on Bayonets - Travis 20:28:51 2/02/99
director's cut - Carolyn 18:26:22 2/02/99
Miss Sassy's Acting Strange (So What ELSE is New?) - Miss Marcia 13:06:08 2/02/99
article on Michael Mann - Myrrh 12:42:51 2/02/99
Eric Schweig-Actor & Artisan pages - Claudia 10:45:06 2/02/99
Interviews - Essie Lewis 15:40:27 2/01/99
And Now For Something COMPLETELY Different! - MMMMarcia 09:18:54 2/01/99
A Good Quote - Victoria 07:19:38 2/01/99
Goode Wishes on the Evenin' Breeze - Yr Faithful Srvnt OldeTowneCryer 21:08:03 1/31/99
Ads for Rats! - Dutch Trader 16:30:22 1/31/99
Message to Simon "Dirty" Girty - Miss Marcia 10:27:54 1/31/99
Another Interview & Other Notes ... - Rich/Mohican Press 06:48:08 1/31/99
Posting and AOL Users - Rich 12:10:00 1/30/99
Message to Doctor Mary - The Sassy Soothsayer 12:25:29 1/29/99
Hurray for the Russell Means interview! - Janine 19:46:49 1/28/99
Hello from another LOTM fan.. - Jada 15:53:01 1/28/99
A Few Notes On Today's MohicanLand Happenings - Rich/Mohican Press 12:14:58 1/28/99
Interviews, and a couple LOTM questions... - Claudia 10:47:18 1/28/99
Message From Eric Schweig ... - Elaine/Mohican Press 08:29:46 1/28/99
Alarm and Consternation - Victoria 07:35:00 1/28/99
Eric Schweig and Mohican Press ... Promo Endeavor - Rich/Mohican Press 05:17:20 1/26/99
The Russell Means Interview - Champ 04:28:47 1/26/99
Well, since you asked... - Janis 20:33:54 1/25/99
Eric Schweig's age.. - Lex 15:09:31 1/25/99
Christopher Gist & Simon Kenton - Scott 18:26:28 1/24/99
Greetings from an old friend - Pat 14:47:59 1/24/99
The Captives - Scott 12:46:22 1/24/99
Russell Means Interview & More - Rich/Mohican Press 08:01:20 1/24/99
Kinfolk - Champ 12:47:26 1/23/99
Simon Girty & the Dark and Bloody Ground - Champ 03:37:01 1/23/99
Simon Girty & The Torture of Crawford - Champ - the Renegade of Caldwell's Coy 02:52:32 1/23/99
Simon Girty, White Renegade - Part 7 - Champ 02:47:27 1/23/99
Simon Girty, White Renegade - Part 6 - Champ 02:43:11 1/23/99
Simon Girty, White Renegade - Part 5 - Champ 02:39:27 1/23/99
Simon Girty, White Renegade - Part 4 - Champ 02:36:46 1/23/99
Simon Girty , White Renegade - Part 3 - Champ 02:33:27 1/23/99
Simon Girty, White Renegade - Part 2 - Champ 02:27:55 1/23/99
Simon Girty , White Renegade - Part 1 - Champ - the Cherokee Mix-blood Renegade 02:22:01 1/23/99
Message to Simon Girty, Again - Miss Marcia 23:00:41 1/22/99
Delightful Ditties & the Traders' Tango - Dutch Trader 15:44:55 1/22/99
"Elk Chase" music - Kathy S 22:59:36 1/21/99
I am here and thank you all - Major George A. Bray III 20:59:46 1/21/99
"Ten Bears" in Dances with Wolves.. - Lex 20:08:32 1/21/99
Slow Motion scenes in LOTM? - Lex 18:21:37 1/21/99
Catherine Mellott - Pat 13:21:40 1/21/99
Eric Scweig: huge fan - Jade Taylor 03:33:40 1/21/99
Dan'l Boone & Natty Bumppo - Champ 02:29:16 1/21/99
Living Historians... - Champ 20:46:48 1/20/99
Just wanted to say hello! - Lex 13:37:38 1/20/99
the movie Smoke Signals - Ryann 16:31:44 1/19/99
"Have you seen the Red Man?" - Champ 01:59:50 1/19/99
Where Are Roger's Rangers? - Champ 01:44:44 1/19/99
Indian Massacre & Coureurs de Bois - Champ 23:53:42 1/18/99
John Hunt Morgan Film Project - Champ 20:52:26 1/18/99
New Pages To LOTM Site & Running Of Elk - Champ 14:29:11 1/18/99
Dispatch to Jeroboam Jones - The Sassy Soothsayer 09:02:10 1/18/99
Killdeer - Champ 01:18:54 1/18/99
Smoke Signal to Sassy Soothsayer - She-Who-Tracks 17:06:06 1/17/99
Note on Front Door of Sassy's House - The Sassy Soothsayer 16:22:31 1/16/99
Note to Miz Crone - Jeroboam Jones 14:23:37 1/16/99
An Apology to She-Who-Tracks! - The Sassy Soothsayer 10:15:52 1/16/99
Message to the Old Crone - The Sassy Soothsayer 20:54:31 1/15/99
Potions an' Things - Jeroboam Jones 19:46:42 1/15/99
Eric Schweig - Michelle Howell 16:42:47 1/15/99
Smoke Signal from She-Who-Tracks...FUNNY smoke, that is! - The Sassy Soothsayer 16:37:19 1/15/99
Re: Live and Let Live & two new questions - Maria S. 09:01:21 1/14/99
The Grey Hair - Victoria 08:00:51 1/14/99
Doctor Mary - Miss Prim 07:48:34 1/14/99
Into the Wilderness - Kate 18:04:05 1/13/99
Rum-inations - Jeroboam Jones 19:32:24 1/12/99
What the bloody hell kind of plan is THIS?? - Sassy Soothsayer 15:10:11 1/10/99
The End of the World! - Sissy Doomsayer 12:41:40 1/10/99
More On LOTM In The Theatre At The Gathering '99 - Rich/Mohican Press 06:47:19 1/10/99
Help! The death of Col. Munro - D Rubin 10:52:22 1/09/99
Loser of the Week - Macy Cassack 16:40:25 1/08/99
BIA and the American Indian Arts and Crafts Board - Janis 14:52:56 1/07/99
LOTM In the THEATRE!!! - Rich and Elaine 14:13:42 1/07/99
Open letter to the Courier re: Snow White in the Black Forest - Dutch Trader 13:57:22 1/06/99
Michael Mann Movie - Pat 05:54:40 1/05/99
Comments on '92 Interview - Janis 20:55:48 1/04/99
Great Photos - Victoria 15:32:38 1/04/99
Thank you to my Fellow Townies - Vita 12:03:29 1/03/99
THANK YOU - Kristin Donnelly 11:54:30 1/03/99
Courier # 11! - Yr Faithful TowneCryer 11:42:59 1/03/99
A Fruitful Wish List! - Rich/Mohican Press 09:35:33 1/03/99
Just some comments - Pat 04:51:25 1/03/99
Where can I buy video "The last of the Mohicans"? - Henk Duijzer 02:55:54 1/02/99