More faces & places from the '99 Gathering! Photos by Mohican Press & Assorted '99 Gatherers!
Early to bed; early to rise! The early risers at The Opening & Closing Vista - Back: Patty, Eric, Sharon, Sarah M., Karen, Mary, Kathie, Jo, Dave, Mark, Sarah Z., Len, Gwen, Rich Front: Ilse, Kate, Darla,
Cecelia, John E., & Diana
Peggie & Judy
Jeff & Caitlin
Eric & Sharon
John H., Glenn, Lynn, & Donna
Cherri & Don
Woody & Claudia
Jack & Stacia
Mark & Sarah Z.
Collin & Ayesha
Kate & Patty
Darla & Dave
Sarah M.
Linda, John E., & Kelli
Penny & Alma
Emily & Kevin
Kathie, Jo, Mary, & Karen
Sandy & Ann
Adrienne & Nicholas
Gwen & Len
Eric S. & Rose
Going under the falls!
More to come ...
See someone missing? Send a pic along. We'll add it to the gallery!
For more photos, go to MORE GATHERING FACES '99
Some Words From All Of You! ... Gathering Comments!
Well, here is my first post to the Mohicans friends. I had a great time at the gathering and
often found myself grinning like Ayesha. I particularly loved the Table Rock hike with the
narrow trails covered with jumping rocks and overgrown with green vegetation and
flowering bushes, and finally striking up-hill through the dense foliage to the
I wanted to personally express my thanks to Rich and Elaine for hosting this fantastic
Blessings on the Mighty Mohican Mama, the great Marcia, for her open heart.
Special thanks to Eric for his insights, his example of playing with nature, his care for
those of us who needed some extra support, and also for his service to the larger community.
Gayle, Ayesha and I enjoyed the time we shared with you. Please keep up with your music
and manifest a computer as well.
The great Caitlin makes everyone feel welcome, breezes through the trails without fatigue,
and merrily plops down in a cold stream. And thanks to Jeff for his strong right arm
holding the video camera. We are looking forward to seeing the results of your effort.
Thanks to Jo and her sisters for their child-like enjoyment of life and their infectious
Thanks to Sarah M. for her intensity and propensity for going for the gusto.
Sandy and Ann, Ayesha and I enjoyed our opportunity to spend a little time with you.
Ayesha was especially thrilled to meet you both after conversing on the board.
Thanks to Woody for helping Ayesha make it up the rocks by Triple Falls.
Thanks to Eric Schweig for his kindness and consideration.
And the list could continue...
Best Wishes to All ... Collin (California)
Thank you EVERYONE and especially Rich, Elaine, Marcia, and Eric for a
SPECTACULAR weekend ! It really was a joy for me to see everyone again and to meet
so many new friends. May I also add that it was "beyond-belief COOL BEANS!!" to have
met Eric Schweig - who was quite a gentleman and really a trooper for dealing with all the
humidity... oorrr was that the heavy breathing? ;-) Well, you know,...they do things
differently in NC....
Jeff really enjoyed the weekend and often mentioned how great the group and Gathering
was. (pssst... I think he's hooked ;-) !
We both look forward to next year's Gathering and to staying in touch throughout the
Take care everyone ! You truly are a breed apart and we are quite proud to rub elbows
with such wonderful folk ... caitlin & jeff (Indiana & California)
That was truly amazing.
Rich and Elaine and Eric H. (and Sharon): I said it before, and I'll say it again -- hand on
heart, this was one of the top 5 weekends of my life! Thank you! xxoo!
For those of you who were there: I MISS YOU!
For those of you who weren't: I can't wait until next year when I can meet the rest of you!
I am so lucky to have been able to take part, so privileged to have found Mohican Press.
LHK to all ... Sarah M. (New York)
I cannot believe I will not wake up at 6am to see 12 other smiling, happy, enthusiastic
faces, all desperate to get back on those trails, tomorrow morning!! :0(
But - what a weekend! What magnificent scenery, what exciting famous film locations to
discover, what great people we met, but best of all, what wonderful friends we made!!
56(?) people getting together, having fun and accepting, nay, laughing and totally enjoying each
other's funny little ways! All I can say is - I'm sure going to miss the gentle snores of my
ex-roomies (you know who you are - Miss EEEM), situations being summed up in Mohican
"quotes" and I'll sure miss being able to discuss our favourite movie with other people who
do not view me as 'a breed apart'!!
So - who do we thank for all this? Rich and Elaine, that's who!! So, thanks, thanks,
thanks!!!! And to Marcia, Ilse, Jo and Sarah and a big THANK YOU to our own very
precious SOLDIER #2!!!! WHAT A TEAM!!
So, now we start to save up for next year's Millennium event!! (Don't we Rich?!?!)
My thanks to everyone at the "Great Mohican Gathering 1999" - every one of you made
my holiday very special in some way! Truly, this Gathering was more stirring to the blood
than any imagining could possibly have been!! Oh yes!! WHAT AN
Take care everyone, here on the board.
Best wishes ... Kate (Scotland)
Dear Rich & Elaine,
Dave and I will never be able to thank you both for the WONDERFUL and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL experience of the Gathering. Everyone was just as I imagined they would be in person. Special thanks to MMMMarcia for talking me up (and down) the mountain, and
for Eric Soldier #2 for making it all so real. I've watched the movie three times since Sunday just to shout "I WAS THERE!" and "THERE" and "THERE!!!!" Oh Wow!! I feel we've made friends all over the world, lovely, lovely MohicanManiacs. And Eric,(Uncas)
well what can I say, he was the icing on the cake. And I love cake, can you tell?
Please, please let this continue, I'm already planning my mountain attack for next year.
Thanks again ALL of you,
Blessings on you all ... Darla & Dave (Ohio)
Well, after an absolutely GREAT GATHERING weekend ... my sisters and I would like to say how much we truly enjoyed EVERYONE and every body at this year's gathering...our thanks to Rich and Elaine for all of their hard work and time to enable us to so
thoroughly enjoy a weekend of Mohicanland...and to MMMMMarcia for all of her work with the Chimney Rock people (the bunkhouse
decorations were GREAT); to Ilse for the great tee shirts and to Sarah Z...for the great
work on the program!
The weekend was absolutely grand; we did miss all of you who were not able to attend;
Chris: there were many "grey hairs" mine included; Carol: several charged up that
Tablerock to give one a pause....DAR; only three of us had a top bunk...more importantly...your rest stop on the way to the Top of the World is now "Dar's Stop"...Ros...we needed the extra license plate to look at...and the movie was only the right side
up!!! No surprises!
In other words; we had a great time; but did remember all of you "first time gatherers" who
did not make it; next year!!!!
I can not begin to tell everyone how great a time it was; one just has to be there....
Thank you Rich and Elaine again for a great weekend and a day to experience a great
event ... Jo and her sisters (California)
... and the half eaten fudge in the bunkhouse...I knew Simon Girty had been there to taste
MMMMarcia fudge....glad to see you in spirit...
Thank you sooo much to Rich and Elaine and everyone else who worked together to
create such a beautiful experience!!!!! Everyday was wonderful (rich and full)! I had a smile on
my face the whole time. My husband and I really enjoyed "every" moment. I have been such
an "indoor plant". I am surprised that I made it through some of the more rigorous hikes! It
was the best workout! Many thanks again to Rich and Woody for helping me up some of the
harder to get to places (the climb up the falls).
Being there with all of you "beautiful" people was an incredible experience. I am going
through my Mohican withdrawals today and really "missing" everyone. Marcia, thank you
for helping me to be more adventurous!
I can't wait to do this again! ... Thank you so much for everything! We really appreciate all of your effort to make this a great experience for everyone.
Have a great day everyone ... Ayesha (California)
Hello to everyone in Mohicanland: I'm home safe and sound and already miss those
magnificent mountains!!! And what an ADVENTURE it turned out to be! I never hiked before and driving up mountainsides - with a lot of hairpin bends - is something you just can't do in The
Netherlands (pancake flat country, remember...) Well, I'm an expert now!!!
Thank you all for those wonderful days and nights, filled with a lot of laughter and
friendship. You all made me feel very, very welcome!
A big hug for all my new friends ... Patty (Holland)
Dear Rich and Elaine and all the wonderful, fun mohicanmaniacs,
Thank you so much for all the hard work and thoughtfulness that went into putting
together this years "Gathering". Nicholas and I enjoyed ourselves, made new friends and learned so much ! The pictures are great and brought back many happy memories for us.
I am also, as you all can imagine, overwhelmed with the sheer joy of winning Eric's mask.
Thank you, Eric, for carving this powerful image and donating it and then coming to
present it, thank you Rich and Elaine for making it possible, and thank you Marcia for suggesting
that I buy a ticket.
With much appreciation ... Adrienne (Florida)
You people wore me out!!! hahahaha ... Very wonderful to have met everyone, to see familiar faces and new ones. Thank you so much for all your comments. Really it was nothing. I was just happy to have been there to show you new experiences.
Caitlin: You have found you a great fellow there. We just need to get him outfitted for next
Patty: Thanks for the warm hugs but you missed out on the hugging party.
Sarah M.: You just keep on thinking and it will just keep on going over my head.
Karen, Mary, Kathie, Jo: Never grow up! We love you just the way you are.
Mark Z.: Keep on watching Norm. Maybe one day I too will have my own show. HA!
Take care of Sarah.
Sarah Z.: This has got to be the sweetest person I met. Take care of Mark.
Lynn, Len, Glenn, Gwen, Dave and Darla: What can I say if ya'uns find a seventh, ya'uns
have to get Snow White. The seventh would have to be Grumpy cause ya'll are waaaaaaayy
too nice.
Kate: What a Scottish lassie. BTW what were the colors again? Think...Kelt for Eric....Kelt
for Eric.... hahaha
Jenifer: Thanks for being there for Sharon and MMMM. You're the best!
Ilse: You Trader!!! Dutch Trader that is. Wild!!!!!
Cecelia & Diana: The party animals!!!!
Donna: If you ever need a hiking partner. You have to take her with you. Laugh till you
Woody & Claudia: The speed demons who care.
Jack & Stacia: Boy do feel sorry for Jack, but wish I was 13 again.
Collin & Ayesha: No doubt about it they get the smile award. Don't ever change.
MMMM: Momma......oh oh oh..... Get on that bike cause we're going again next year.
And you never know....When you least expect it. DING
Linda, John E., & Kelli: What a family. Smiles, Information and if I didn't know better I
would say that Kelli's dream came true.
Penny & Alma: A mentor for all Mothers and Daughters.
Gayle: I still have my Bee. And I know the ballad now. haha
Emily & Kevin: A mentor for all married couples. Come early next year and lets do some
Eric S.: 8 years and you still have all your hair. They melt at your sight. You lucky devil.
Next year?
Adrienne: Everyone else is saying "You lucky devil" Please bring the children again.
Nicholas: I wish you were one of my sons. The things I could teach you about the
outdoors. And I can see you want to learn. Next year, I want to see you tell Sharon about the year you have had. In sign!
John H.: Dependable, knowledgeable, caring. Your girlfriend must feel lucky.
Susan: I want to see Killdeer Agnes style.
Ann: You've been on the Price-is-right. I can tell. smile
Cherri & Don: You guys were waaaaaayyy too quiet for this bunch. We'll have to work on
you two for next year.
Rich and Elaine: Never let it end..NEVER...
Sharon: What is left to say but 143 143 143 143.
... Till next year, "I will find you, no matter what it takes, no matter how far, I will find you."
See ya'uns ... Eric (North Carolina)
I hope everyone is making or has made it safely home. Normally, I can't wait to get back
in the swing of things after a vacation, but this is one time I must confess I was a little
depressed to see such a wonderful weekend come to close. Heavy sighs when rising to the 6am
alarm and getting ready for a day's work rather than an excursion to magnificent cliffs or falls
with new friends.
Thanks so much to Rich and Elaine for all you've done to make the Gathering a reality again
this year and for all the things you both do daily in maintaining the site and the board. You
truly are the foundation and the glue for many, many memories that will long be cherished.
And of course, special thanks to MMMMarcia for having such a generous spirit and big
heart for making all the CRP plans and many others. And I can't imagine what an LOTM
Gathering would be without Eric Hurley and Sharon. Thank you Soldier #2 for all the
explanations, enthusiasm, and excitement you brought to our days in MohicanLand. And
thanks Ilse, Jo, and Sarah Z. for your contributions and efforts with the T-shirts and
Program Guides. They were terrific!!! And thank you to Sarah M. for helping us organize our
memories of such a WONDERFUL TIME!!!! And a big Thanks to Eric Schweig for the
precious gift of his time spent with us as we visited MY favorite star of LOTM - the
scenic NC mountains. I was so fortunate to grow up here, and now I have such special memories
there with each one of you that I met this weekend. It was truly an exceptional weekend I'll
always cherish ... So now I'll look forward, jump back into life and start anticipating a 3rd Annual Gathering!!!!!!(please,please,please!)
Miss you all already (in case you couldn't tell) ... Diana (North Carolina)
Hi Rich, Elaine, Eric H. MMMMarcia, and all of you Mohicanites,
Well we made it home yesterday evening 6/15/99.
It was such fun to meet all of you super-special people(Mohicanites)!
Rich and Elaine, can't tell you how happy I was, to be there to experience this event! You
came great in my video, and so did Eric Schweig! Thanks also for the super photos you quickly put up. It was a THRILL to actually see myself (there in them) this time!
You can be proud of all your effort, and hard work. Thank you for your hospitality, and the
loving care and interest you took in each one of us. Love you!
Eric Hurley will be one of my fondest memories,with your care, guidance and explaining
how the LOTM movie was filmed in all those special locations, Thank you.
MMMMarcia, Oh gee, what can I say?!!! Your special hugs are the greatest! All your info
really helped since I couldn't make ALL the hikes. You are truly our sweetest Mohican
MAMA, Thank you. Oh, and I DID get to your fudge, by the way!!!! tee hee
Of course biggest highlight for me was getting to meet, talk with, take pictures and videos
with Eric Schweig! He signed my "BUFFALO HUMP" photos which he appeared to get a charge out of
seeing! Also, he signed that beautiful "INUIT STAR" handmade quilt I so desperately had
to win, and ((won))!!!!!!!!!!!!
To each and every one of you 1999 Mohican Gatherers, may the good Lord bless and be with all of you.
Love-N-Hugs ... Mohican friend ... ANN (Massachusetts)
The Gathering was awesome - just AWESOME! I am still trying to assimilate all the
impressions and activities and muscle challenges. What a lot to think about! I wish
everybody who visits this Board could experience so much fun and comradeship and beauty
along with us. It's an experience I would love to share with the whole human race.
Love to all ... Gayle, She Who Tracks, The Bee Holder, et al. (Texas)
I sure do wish I was back in CRP! Thanks to EVERYONE who made The Gathering such a once-in-a-lifetime experience! I miss you all, too!!!!!!!!! Guess I will just have to start looking forward to next year!!!! :-)
Love to all! ... Pilgrim Penny THE Mohicanite of CO (with Alamo Alma) (Colorado)
I got back to a desk full of work! It's so hard to believe I'm back in the real world now. I
wish I could have stayed in Mohicanland forever! I had a hard time concentrating on my
work before the Gathering -- but it's no better now! I keep expecting to go off to another
location (following behind Eric's truck, of course!) I really enjoyed getting to know so
many different people with this same strange obsession. Thanks for making a new-comer feel
like one of the gang.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped put this weekend together and pull it off so well!
Rich and Elaine, Marcia, Jo and Sarah Z. -- your efforts are much appreciated! ... Jenifer (Kentucky)
Hi gang.....though Peggie and I could only join you for the movie, you made us feel part
of the whole. I must say that it was good to see the film on big screen again after all these
Thanks Marcia for talking us into going to the bunkhouse (after the movie) to see the goodies for the raffle, all the photos and memorabilia. We had a really great time visiting with you all and are sorry if we kept some of you guys awake with our
laughter, but you know how entertaining Marcia can be ...
Congratulations Adrienne! The photo of you winning the mask was great.
We enjoyed meeting all of you. Much thanks to Rich and Elaine and all who put in so
much of your time and effort....great job. I hope you know how much it means to us who are the
"dreamers" of the dreams and "keepers" of the memories of LOTM ... Judy (Tennessee)
I am back home, and already looking forward to the next chance of meeting you all. I had a wonderful time at the gathering, rekindling old friendships and bonding with new people. How sad it seems to be apart so far right now, but I know we can leave all
those boundaries behind and meet whenever we want, in Mohicanland, and feel that togetherness again. One of the most beautiful things to come out of this website has been just that: a place where all distances and boundaries fall away and people come
I want to thank everybody being at the gathering, for just being you and adding your special
flavour to it. I want to thank everybody on the board, who could not come but thought
about the gathering, for being friends to meet up personal in the future...
Seneca once said: "The blessing is not in living, but in living well." I like to think that we are that.
Thanks to everybody, making it happen, no matter how far, no matter how long ... Love, Ilse (Holland)
I want to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you at the gathering. I also want to thank
you for all of your hard work organizing this wonderful event. Ann and I had a fabulous
time. Even though we were expecting to have a lot of fun after reading about last year's
gathering, it managed to exceed our already high expectations. This was do in large part
to meeting all of the happy and friendly Mohicanites, and Eric Schweig�s :o)~~~~ (Oops.
Sorry about the drooling.) beautiful Babes Ayesha and her husband Collin, Cherri and her
husband Don, and Penny and her mother Alma. It�s great to be able to put a face to the
name. I miss all of you already.
Of course it didn't hurt meeting Eric Schweig either. :o)~~~~~ I want to thank Eric
:o)~~~~~ for taking time from his busy schedule to stop by the gathering and making my
dreams come [true], and for allowing his Adoption Mask to be raffled. Congratulations to
Adrienne, the very fortunate and lucky winner of this striking work of art. Thanks also to
Rich & Elaine for arranging Eric�s :o)~~~~~ appearance at the gathering, and for donating
the photo of Eric :o)~~~~~~ that I won and had autographed by Eric :o)~~~~~~~.
Thanks to Eric Hurley for his fun insights into the making of LOTM. And if all of this
wasn�t enough, there was the breath-taking scenery, the great hikes through the woods
and up the mountains (thanks for the draft Caitlin) and seeing Eric :o)~~~~ �.er�um�. the
movie for the first time on the big screen.
It's definitely an event that will go in my memory book and something that I can look back
on with fond and joyous memories. Every time I think about Eric :o)~~~~ �I mean the
gathering, it brings a huge smile to my face -- other people must think I'm crazy smiling to
myself -- but what the heck, if they had been at the gathering, they would be smiling too.
Hmmmm! Gathering 2000! Let me mark that on my calendar.
Did I mention what a thrill it was for me to meet Eric? :o)~~~~~~
Best wishes ... Sandy (Massachusetts)
This past weekend was so special for Stacia and I. Everyone involved is to
credit for that, especially you two, Eric H., and Marcia! I've sent an
email to Marcia thanking her also.
Even though this was Stacia's 'End of the School Year' present, we'll be
there next year and subsequent years because we've found a special group of
friends that we will always want to have in our lives.
I'm already missing you and lots of the others too! Stacia and I talk
about this past weekend everyday... with each other and so many of our
friends and family.
Talk to you soon ... Jack (Georgia)
A special thanks for the warmth which you and Elaine greeted us with, it
made us feel so very welcome and right at home ... Peggie (Tennessee)
I just wanted to send a short note to say thank you. The Gathering allowed us the unique
opportunity to meet individuals, make new friends, see a region of NC that I have not been to
and to visit with Eric Schweig. It was also a pleasure meeting the both of you.
Again, thank you and may God bless and keep you well ... Cherri and Don (Virginia)
I wanted to take a moment to thank you both for all your efforts to make the
'99 Mohican Gathering a great success. This was an experience that will be
remembered fondly for years to come! Eric Hurley's availability for the
group the entire Gathering weekend was also a real gift!
There are so many wonderful aspects of the weekend to comment on...
Overall, a fantastic experience. We'll definitely be back next year ... Thank you both, again. A great time was had by all, I'm sure.
Mohican regards ... Sarah Z (California)
I'd like to say thanks to Rich, Elaine, & Eric for making it possible for us to Gather once
again. It was wonderful to see the waterfalls at last! Thanks too to Sarah (Z), Jo, & the triple M for the program and to Ilse for the unique tee shirt which I baptized under the waterfall. (Most of the algae stains came out, and I shall treasure the
rest) Kate outdid herself with raffle tidbits and Adrienne's "Hawkeye" was a beautiful work of art! To all the folks who shared
photos (and if you didn't see the N.C. gals burned at the stake, wait till the 99 video comes
out!) and memorabilia, thank you! John Evan's collection is always interesting to see and I
learn something new every time I hear him talk! Thanks to both Johns and Eric for
"dressing up". We really do need to have a costume time next year so lots of folks will dress up and we can have good photo ops. And we need a Magua or an Uncas! A Chingachgook would be
fine, too ... Susan (North Carolina)
Hey, Mohicanites!
I am having terrible withdrawal pains! I want to see mountains, not miles of colorless
concrete. I want to see sun-sparkling waterfalls, not muddy street gutters littered with
trash. I want room to breath fresh air, not choke on vehicle exhaust. There......that made me feel better.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Rich and Elaine for making LOTM happen yet
again!! I had a wee doubt you could top last year. But it was!!! Believe me, such
dedication does not go unnoticed, nor is it unappreciated! Standing ovation from here!!
mmmmarcia, what can I say? My thanks to you as well for going those extra Mohican
miles. The raffle, decorations, CRP, fudge...
Isle, Jo, Sarah, Donna, Sisters....ditto! You all make me laugh!
Eric: Your energy is amazing, but more than that, the way you make everyone feel
wanted, included, and special is a true wonder. In my book you still are, and will always be, a
SWEETHEART!!!!!! Sharon, same for you. By next year I promise I will be able to sign
John and John - thanks for the weapons display and lessons!
Caitlin - Great husband you got there. Fit right in with the rest of us loons! You did
good!!! ...
Jenifer - a LOTM loon as well. Next year, okay?
And to Eric S: Thanks for taking the time to visit us MohicanLanders. Never doubt it was
much appreciated!! And we all invite you back for the Mohican Gathering 2000.
Indeed, LOTMers are a breed apart, but make perfect sense! I enjoyed seeing old friends
again and making new ones.
Underwear Check..... (you know who you are) :) ... Lynn (Ohio)
 The front cover of the 1999 Great Mohican Gathering Program Guide
Relive past years' Gatherings at THE GREAT MOHICAN GATHERING OF 1998
Original musical score composed by Ronald Federici. Copyright 1999 by Ronald Federici All rights reserved.