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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - April 06 2003 : 07:56:17 AM

I hear you!!! I know there's at least a few wondering, "What the ... ?"
OK - it wasn't as sudden as it may have appeared.
We had a "hidden" forum up, where those involved in the planning of this thing could get together & toss thoughts around. As early as mid-February, I made it clear to these fine folks that this Gathering was in potential danger ... the numbers just weren't there.
Usually, at Gathering sign-up, there's a flood ... most everyone who is going to sign-up does so in the first few days. This year, a mere trickle [though, the drip continued as time went on]. By cancellation, we had roughly 42 signed-up. However, a goodly percentage were going to be week-enders only. Why do numbers even matter? Well, some things, like the theater, for example, have a static cost ... it costs us $850 to rent the film and theater, whether 8 people come or 80. The smaller the group, the more costly it all becomes per person.
Anyway, we discussed this and decided to wait it out for a bit, and though numbers were increasing, they were doing so very slowly, and like I say, many were planning only a week-end out of it. Plus, cancellations are always expected, so I really wasn't too comfortable with what the numbers would turn out to be. It just seemed better to cut the losses now, rather than when it would be too late. That would only be fair, both to the facilities involved and to Gatherers. Apparently, everyone agreed ... I actually had tried to turn the reigns over to another to carry on for this year, but no takers!
Why low turn-out? Theories only, but I figure, as far as regulars are concerned, there was somewhat of an understandable "been there, done that" attitude. Then, there's the economy ... and the war ... now SARS ... I feel folks just weren't in the mood. Enthusiasm was at an all-time low ... you could tell that by merely reading this board. Very few posts concerning The Gathering from anyone ... so very contrary to previous years. These things feed off of - at least I certainly do - reciprocal feedback. That's what they're made of!!
I know my enthusiasm level was low. Partially due to those factors I just mentioned ... particularly the war & the war the war caused here on the board - just made me lose the drive ... Of course, Sophia played the major role in that for me, too! Then, too, there were some early cancellations - among the folks who had planned to put it together. That didn't help. Plus, cancellations began as a result of the to-do here on the Board. I think that pushed me over the edge. Too many factors were playing against a successful Gathering in 2003.
So, without too much detail, all those factors played a role.
All in all, the time, the atmosphere, just didn't feel right to proceed with gusto. Rather than do it half-heartedly, and just go through the motions, I thought it better to pull out ...
We did promptly notify all those who had signed up to attend with a list of the reasons enumerated above ...

This does not mean the end of the Gatherings necessarily. I want to make that very clear!
In fact, already being thunk about is what is becoming known as The GRAND Mohican Gathering of 2004. Perhaps a year's rest is all it needs? Having one every other year has long been suggested by a few. Maybe, just maybe, we'll put together the biggest of all next year. Enthusiasm for such a venture, among those who were putting this one together, was unexpectedly - to me, anyway - VERY high!

How's this for an itinerary?
- MONDAY - Chimney Rock Park/Pisgah National Forest [Elk Hunt]
- TUESDAY - Cherokee Tour
- WEDNESDAY - The Biltmore Estate
Rich Mohican Press
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - April 06 2003 : 4:26:45 PM
In keeping with the "rescheduling" of this year's gathering, one note to those that have reserved rooms at the Geneva Riverside Motel.
I spoke with Rebecca this morning at the Geneva (she handles events) and while they know the Gathering has been cancelled, they wanted to let everyone know that each person that has made a reservation needs to cancel it themselves. I'll be checking in a week, to make sure everyone has gotten the word. They would like to open these rooms up asap. So if you haven't already done so, give the Geneva a call in a day or two to cancel.
Personally, I'm keeping my room from Thursday to Monday. I already have the time off, already got a room booked, and I gots to get me some mountains in my blood some time this summer. So if any "chicks" wanna spend the weekend in Chimney Rock under the glorious "you know what" in the sky, I'll the keep the apartment instead of changing to a double. Stephanie and I have already scheduled a full fledged Alice-flavored flinging ourselves off the cliffs type ritual in memory of this year's event that just wasn't meant to be (the deck was truly stacked against it). Perhaps, there'll be some "evidence" left behind to view at the GRAND GATHERING of 2004!!!
So here's to hopin' next year brings us a more peaceful world, an upswinging economy, and thriving, joyful personal lives so that we can again visit GRAND old and new friends in GRAND places in the GRAND NC MOUNTAINS!...guess that means I'll have to come up with a GRAND Gadget? 
DON'T FORGET TO CALL THE GENEVA, YUNS!!!...as the GRAND Soldier #2 would say! |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - April 07 2003 : 3:13:44 PM
Gadget Girl... Do you have the phone number you could post for the Geneva? I can't seem to find it. Thanks...... |
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Gadget Girl
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - April 07 2003 : 6:46:27 PM
I's Thank you greatly!!!! |
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English Trader

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 25 2002
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Posted - April 11 2003 : 09:01:25 AM
Richfed -- from a voice in the wilderness:
If I were to speculate on the reasons why people aren't signing up in droves for the Gathering, I would not thing "been there done that" would be one of them. The huge number of people who return year after year (or every other year as in my case) indicates that "been there, what surprises are in store this year" is more likely. And since every year has new elements, new places, new faces, each year is guaranteed to be special.
For myself, the economy is definitely a factor. I had $0.00 income for 18 months. I'm not even reeacting the amount of the past. I had hoped to be at the Gathering (it's been 2 years) but it's not possible.
Meanwhile, I STILL think a PLAN B in the form a Gathering at Fort William Henry or in PA as some people have suggested, is a great idea. This year is not the year for WH, though, if people want to see the Grand Encampment at Ti, because that weekend huge numbers of us will be at the 225th Anniversary of the Battle of Monmouth.
Anyway, I've come our of my whole for that little piece. Look at this this way -- if you take the time off as planned, you can have hours and hours more to hug your littlest angel!
YHOS, Sarah |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - April 12 2003 : 07:52:55 AM
Well, like I said, I really don't know the reasons ... just groping.
In any event, I can just hope that the enthusiasm level is there - from all concerned - to rev it up again in 2004 ...
It won't be long before I put up some "feelers" on the Gathering Pages.
I profusely apologize for having to cancel this year - I hate that! "It hurts me, too" [Elmore James]! |
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: April 19 2003
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Posted - April 19 2003 : 03:19:52 AM
I have just recently learned of the Mohican Gathering and was wondering if you could give me some info on it such as cost, location, and when everyone is planning on going. Thanks. |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - April 19 2003 : 2:23:37 PM
All that information, and a whole lot more, can be found at the 2004 Gathering Informational Page.
There's a pretty detailed "proposal" there, considering how far off it is. There's even been talk of including an evening at Spirits on the River - a highlight [for me, anyway] of the 2002 Gathering.
Consider making the trip! |
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