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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - November 28 2009 :  12:33:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Hi All,
I am trying to help my son further his attempts at a music career. He has been active with singing all his life (gets his singing from his mom and looks from me (wink, wink, and yes that is the result of multiple family lines of Cherokee blood showing up). He sings country and "praise gospel. He sings often at special benefit singings, fund raisers, religious program events, Singing in the Mountains and at the Georgia Mountain Fair. It is very hard to get a break into the music business whether it is country or gospel, you almost need to have an "inside contact." The video I am linking to is his performance of a song titled "Above All," performed at a local country church. It is recorded with a simple hand-held video camera, over the churchs sound system. He uses "canned," music which provides the instruments and back-up singer sound tracts and the rest is simply him. There are other songs at his youtube site you might like to hear. I truly want your advise, comments and suggestions! Thanks!
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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


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Posted - November 28 2009 :  4:00:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
While I certainly don't know anything about the music business shadawick, - your son does indeed have a lot of talent, - best of luck, hope things work out.

you can keep "The Change"
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - November 30 2009 :  8:38:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
MG, thank you for your interest and kind words!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - March 09 2010 :  10:19:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I am pleased to say that Jimmy won a talent competition in Chattanooga this past Saturday against over 200 entrants. The competition or auditions are sponsored by AMTC (Actors, Models & Talent for Christ) which is a 28 year old talent development company. This company provides direct access to many top advertising, film, stage and music agencies and companies. He will move on to national competition at the Gaylord Palms Resort Hotel in Orlando, FL this summer. I was surprised to find that several of their competitors have gone on to contract with many big name agencies including "American Idol," and Chris Young a Country singer with two songs currently in the top 10 is one of their alumni. Keep your fingers crossed and in your prayers for good things to come to Jimmy!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - March 26 2010 :  3:13:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Scenes and script from Last Of The Mohican's.
As part of AMTC's program, in addition to his singing, Jimmy must participate in stage and film productions. As such he has to give "readings," of scripts and deliver brief dialogs and monologues. In preparation of the upcoming acting workshop leading up to the Orlando competition, he asked me to help locate a suitable script. What did I reach for? You guessed it "Last Of The Mohican's." Specifically I have made video excerpts from the Indian burial ground scene and where Hawkeye enters the village and makes his plea to the great chief. I have copied the appropriate scripts (which I must tell you include statements which did not make it into the actual movie) to help and wanted any feedback and/or suggestions you the die-hard and most knowledgeable on the subject can give. I have been taken back by the demands from this competition and can't believe the many different areas the participants are judged in (including swim suit and "runway,"). I know there has been little feedback to date on my posts and don't mean to bring up or post subject matter that is not appreciated or relevant to the subject matter of this group and website, but believe with the inclusion of scenes from LOMH would justify. What say you?
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August 12 2009

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Posted - March 28 2010 :  1:43:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I think your posts are entirely appropriate, Shadawick, and you've made excellent selections from the LOTM script(s). Another possibility might be Magua's explanation to Montcalm about why he hates the Greyhair.

If you should need another source of material, I'd like to suggest the movie "Gettysburg." Lots of monologues in that one, and you could even choose according to your sympathies, Union or Confederate. For the Union: Chamberlain's speech to the recalcitrant troops from Maine; Buford's remarks about dying valiantly in a futile charge and then being honored by big men who weren't there; Sgt. Kilrain's explanation to Chamberlain that he's fighting for the right to prove himself a better man than his father was. For the Confederacy: Lee's remarks to Longstreet about how he loves the pre-dawn time of day; Longstreet's meditation on the futility of the upcoming charge; Armistead's explanation to the British officer that "all Virginia is here." And no doubt others that I don't remember just now.

I've been hearing Chris Young quite a bit on the local country station. He has a great voice that he looks too young for! (Josh Turner is another one like that.) Here's hoping that your son will have an equally successful singing career, if that's what he wants to do.

"Glory, glory, hallelujah, welcome to the future!" -- Brad Paisley
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King 1

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Posted - March 28 2010 :  1:52:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit richfed's Homepage  Click to see richfed's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
I agree with Mary, shadawick. Entirely appropriate; especially WHERE you posted. Pretty much anything goes here in Bunkhouse Banter ... Don't worry, just post!!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - March 28 2010 :  4:35:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Rich and Mary, Thank you so much for your kind reply!
Mary, believe it or not, I also had "Gettysburg," on the list and it is laying next to the DVD player for screening later tonight. Your right, the Magua scene is also worthy. This past week, Jimmy used the scene from "Hoosiers," where the coach was giving the pep talk to the team before the big game. While the acting coach recognized the scene and said Jimmy did a good job, it was a tough sell for a mid 30's aged man to portray a late 40's-50's character, just as it would be difficult for a child to portray a parent. He wanted Jimmy to stay with a character which would "fit," Jimmy's profile. Well he is a 32yr old male of mixed heritage standing 6'3", 200lbs. If you look at his picture from 4 years ago that I posted in my original posting would suggest that he would be right at home with the Hawkeye role. I genuinely appreciate your and Rich's postings and hope that others can become interested in Jimmy and his ambitions. I hope that you take the opportunity to go to the YouTube link and listen to a couple of his songs. He just finished being a guest singer on a local TV Christian music broadcast which had a viewer base of over 65,000 households and received very favorable feedback with request for additional appearances according to the shows producer. I should have a DVD from the show to work with in a couple of weeks which I will "Pull," his songs and post to the YouTube channel we are setting up for him, a website is also planned and perhaps Rich can offer some suggestions and insight into that (HOPE-HOPE!) Jimmy has also been working on a CD and has already cut 7 of the planned 12 tracts. He is also trying to finish a couple of songs he has written and wanted to include on the CD. He has a family of wife and three kids and works 4 different part time jobs trying to keep things together, so time is limited. One aspect of the competition that has taken him by surprise is the photo shoots, runway training and acting. He hates to admit it but with the swimsuit competition, they are making him work out at the gym and use the tanning bed. I was shocked to find out how much some of the catalogues and mail order sporting goods and clothing companies pay for modeling. Any way, sorry to rant on! Again, thanks for the kind words and suggestions!
Shadawick "a proud dad."
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 12 2009

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Posted - April 08 2010 :  12:59:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
As I was driving home yesterday the radio announcer introduced Chris Young's latest song, "The Man I Want to Be," by saying "Chris credits his success to the support and guidance his parents gave him as he was trying to establish himself in the music business" (or words to that effect). With luck I'll hear a comment like that about you someday, and you will richly deserve it.

"Glory, glory, hallelujah, welcome to the future!" -- Brad Paisley
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - April 08 2010 :  9:25:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Mary, thank you so much for your kind words and continued encouragement!

A favorite aunt of mine passed away this weekend and her children asked Jimmy to sing at her service, it was such an honor. Her grandson by marriage was the presiding minister and her great nephew provided the music which I thought was unique and special. It was the first time that many of my distant relatives had heard Jimmy sing and frankly most were amazed. Naturally I was very proud! He was told by her children to pick the songs he felt appropriate and that Aunt Mizie would like. I don't know if you like progressive Christian gospel music but it is a lot like country. He sang "Homesick," a beautiful very popular song made popular by Mercy Me, the old standby song of "Sweet Beulah Land," I don't remember the original singers (this he performed a cappella which would make goose bumps on you) and closed the service with "Amazing Grace -My chains are gone." I had wanted him to do "Wish You Were Here," but scheduling would not permit. I will soon be posting several videos of him singing on his YouTube channel and would love for you and everybody else to check them out and comment.

As to the acting class coming up week after next at Knoxville, he has settled on and is practicing a scene from "Facing The Giants," (a religious themed sports movie) and I am happy to say the Graveyard scene from our beloved Last Of The Mohican's!

Time will tell, Thanks again for your kind words and keep us in your prayers!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - April 28 2010 :  10:23:59 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
New videos, Jimmy singing at a special youth night revival.

"There Will Be A day," The first time he has sang this song and first time working with a new sound technician,they had trouble getting the mix and volume right.

"Show Me Your Glory," I love this song and it is one of the two that he sang in the AMTC audition he won in Chattanooga. It will also be one of his songs showcased at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlanda this July. It is one of my personal favorites.

Hope you all enjoy these new videos and can give feedback.
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Monadnock Guide
Council of Elders


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March 14 2005

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Posted - April 29 2010 :  07:04:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
As I've said before Shad, - I'm no authority on the music business, but Jimmy seems to have a lot of talent. Best of luck going forward, - but he probably won't need luck.

you can keep "The Change"
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - May 11 2010 :  10:55:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Update -
Jimmy just posted three new videos on YouTube. The videos are from a special guest appearance on a Gospel singing television program called Evening of Promise on ETC3. The station executives and show host told Jimmy that they had received high ratings for the broadcast and several complimentary emails. Things are still looking up for Jimmy as he struggles on with a singing career. This Saturday, he has to travel back to Knoxville for a weekend photo shoot. The AMTC talent production company has a professional photographer come in and do a 200 shot professional photo spread. They then will use the pictures to put together a portfolio for presentation to the talent scouts and executives who will be holding the tryouts and auditions this July at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando,FL. He is trying to finish up a demo C/D with 6 songs to be given to the recording label's and ad agencies (commercials and voice overs if I understand correctly). He is also really busy trying to cut the last 5 tracts for his first C/D. He is currently working full time with a cabin rental agency in the office as well as contract maintenance. For additional income he keeps books for 4 businesses and has a yard maintenance business on the side. Yes it takes income from all that to keep house payments up to date, utilities paid and 3 kids in school (two high school and one in college). He amazes me that he still has the energy and desire to try and make it in the music business. We appreciate your kinds words and emotional support and ask that you remember him in your prayers. Now as to the videos, here are the links:

"Show Me Your Glory,"

"Your Grace Still Amazes Me."

"Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone."

I genuinely appreciate any feedback or comments, good or bad! If you like the YouTube videos, please comment in the appropriate comment section and please "subscribe," to his videos. The number of subscriptions, number of views and comments will help with interviews with recording studios.

A sincerely thankful and lucky Dad!

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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - May 30 2010 :  9:41:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
update -

Hi Folks

I hope I'm not wearing out my welcome on this subject but we have new videos posted.

On May 23rd, Jimmy was invited to provide special music for both the morning and evening services of the Emmaus Baptist Church in Dalton, GA. We have just posted these seven new videos on YouTube. I am linking to them individually. There are three news songs which he has not had on YouTube before and I especially call your attention to the first three listings for them. Jimmy has benefited greatly from the talent coaches and management from AMTC and I believe it is evident in the latest videos. If you compare some of his earliest videos of the same song to those from the 23rd. church performance, I believe you will agree that he is getting better and better.

In the next few weeks he will be back in Knoxville for a full dress rehearsal for the National auditions at Gaylord Palms in Orlando to be held in July. He continues working on his new C/D, but his time is limited when you consider working 4 jobs to make ends meet and invest the time that AMTC and his music ministry requires.

If there is any way possible, please watch his new videos (or at least the first 3). I beg you to take the time and if you would be so kind, please "click," on and subscribe to his music channel. There is no cost or obligation and the only material you will receive is updates when he post a new message or video on YouTube. The folks at AMTC stress that the more we can get people to watch his videos, post comments and most importantly "Subscribe," to his channel, the better it will go for him in auditions with the recording studios. Apparently, they look at his existing subscribers as potential customers of his music, and it hedges their investment in him. I ask that you continue to remember him and his family in your prayers and that God's will be done in his life and career.


"There Will Be A Day" -

"Homesick" -

"Praise You In This Storm" -

"Show Me Your Glory" -

"Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone" -

"Your Grace Still Amazes Me" -

"Cry Out To Jesus" -

Thanks for your kind consideration, comments and participation!
We value your comments and insight!
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - June 07 2010 :  11:36:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Update -
Jimmy said dress rehearsal went well Sunday in Knoxville. Naturally he is nervous but continues to rehearse at home and manage to get some time in trying to finish his first C/D. On top of everything else, he starts a new "part-time," job June 14th, as business and office manager for a dental practice. Please keep Jimmy and his family in you prayers as he continues to prepare for the AMTC National event in July at Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando. If you have not done so, please check out his 7 new videos I hot linked to in my post from May 30. Thanks and hope you enjoy.
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]:
August 19 2009

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Posted - July 20 2010 :  9:57:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Copy this URL to Link to this Reply
Update -
Well AMTC 2010 Summer Event at Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando is history! Jimmy had a great week and auditioned with several recording companies and also several modeling agencies. He received 5 call backs with 3 labels expressing a desire for him to write his own material and when he has a CD finished to bring it back to them to try and work out a developmental artist contract. He is really torn between staying loyal to the Gospel music that first got him noticed or concentrate on the Country side which a lot of folks are pushing him toward. On the surface it would appear that Country could result in more money, but I'm not so sure, there's a lot of folks including young people buying modern praise gospel. Anyway, the folks at AMTC had Jimmy put 3 country songs on his demo as well as 4 gospel. You all have seen his gospel videos, but not heard him do country so, I am including links to the following country songs. Please go to his YouTube channel (enter jsbbb12) and PLEASE subscribe to his channel. One thing we heard from every label in Orlando was that it was very important to get as many subscribers and video views as possible (the says to the recording studios that they have an established customer base). OK here they are

"Sissy's Song -

"Sideways" -

"Out Last Night" -

This is what the demo DVD cover and insert looked like.

Image Insert:

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