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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 14 2006 : 10:06:01 PM
Whew! What a day! The first official day of the 2006 Great Mohican Gathering was a great success! Today we rafted the Nolichucky, and I have to say that this was the best time I've had yet on the river. The weather was nice and we had a terrific guide, who happens to love LOTM and was able to quote entire scenes right along with us. He also managed to keep everyone inside the raft; not a single person overboard in my raft. However, the OTHER raft had some casualties. Man (and woman) overboard... I'm not naming names, but both of their names start with "D." Luckily they weren't seriously injured; just some scrapes on the legs. Several of you were missed and thought about... you know who you are!
Tomorrow we're off to Chimney Rock, Blue Ridge Motion Picture Studio, and then dinner at Spirits on the River. By then, I think we will have earned our fry-bread sundaes. No pics yet from today... will try to post some tomorrow night. Stephanie
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: January 21 2004
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Posted - June 14 2006 : 10:36:17 PM
I sure am glad you didn't go into the casualties of the duckies. |
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 02 2002
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Posted - June 15 2006 : 4:18:27 PM
WHO WENT IN.... WHO WENT IN....Share Share Share..... . Hey Eric... I have seen you in those Ducky's....Sharon is MUCH better at staying in them  |
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 17 2006 : 12:46:30 AM
Gathering update! Cherie... I'll give them a chance to tell their own tales first... Here are some pics: DAY 2 THURSDAY First, the group at Chimney Rock:
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Merwyn talks about the filming of LOTM during the Blue Ridge Motion Pictures studio tour:
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Deciding what to order at SOTR:
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 17 2006 : 12:57:31 AM
DAY 3: FRIDAY The most beautiful sunrise:
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LOTM costumer Gera Girard speaks to the group at breakfast at Louise's:
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We made it to the top of the Chimneys at Table Rock, thanks to Soldier #2: Image Insert:
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Was it only 6 years ago that we witnessed a romantic proposal??!!
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And what in the WORLD is this year's Gathering Gadget?
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - June 17 2006 : 09:34:02 AM
So very strange to see this from afar!!!
One thing is for sure, this year's Gathering has absolutely fantastic weather!! Thanks for the pics, Smurf!! |
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Bumppos Tavern Patron

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 17 2006 : 11:34:05 AM
Great pictures! I look forward to more! Wish we were there with you! Be safe and have fun! 
Jack McCall: "Should we shake hands or something, relieve the atmosphere. I mean how stupid do you think I am?" Wild Bill Hickok: "I don't know, I just met you."
"A nation with no regard to it's past will have little future worth remembering." A.Lincoln
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things"
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 08:41:05 AM
Okay, here are a few pictures from Saturday at Dupont State Forest:
Group picture at Bridal Veil Falls:
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Michael and Connie under the falls:
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The Dupont Death march:
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 08:54:01 AM
And from Sunday:
Bo Taylor from Cherokee gives Big Del some makeup tips:
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Bo teaches Mohican Gatherers the Bear Dance:
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French Broad Rifles member DeDee gives weaving demonstration: (thanks, DeeDee!)
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Kay's son Michael tries on Soldier #2's uniform:
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French Broad Rifles member Darrell discusses the weapons of the era:
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Kay and Kim hard at work on raffles & auctions:
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LOTM seamstress Gera gets a kiss!
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Period dress:
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A sad end to Michael's brief military career:
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Tammy wins a prize:
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Brian and Carolyn show off their winnings:
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Council of Elders


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 14 2006
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 09:21:27 AM
It all looks so exciting and wonderful. I would love to see all those wonderful places and stand under the falls. I would imagine myself there with my beloved Uncas...heehee. Some day it would be nice to go there and walk the trails and meet everyone. I hope to some day soon. Thanks for the wonderful pics. Looks like everyone is having a great time. Weather was good too by the looks of things. |
IG |
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 3:21:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stephanie
Whew! However, the OTHER raft had some casualties. Man (and woman) overboard... I'm not naming names, but both of their names start with "D." Luckily they weren't seriously injured; just some scrapes on the legs. Stephanie
Good thing Gadget Girl doesn't start with a "D"!!
BESIDES...I didn't fall in, I was trying out for the part of Raft Hull in Drums Along the Nolichucky, backside was a bit large compared to the usual barnacle and it interfaced with a river mean RIVER BOULDER or two!!! That river literally "beat my butt"!!!! Hmmm, which one's a tattoo and which are bruises?
And THANK GOD our River Guide, Kevin, was SUPERMAN - he alone yanked me in that boat and I swear I was airborne for a moment. That thar took some doin' I'm here t' told ya !!!!!!! I LOVE YOU KEVIN!!!!
Just arriving home - will post a few rememberances tomorrow!!!
Stephanie you are a GODDESS!!!! Amazing effort this year little'un!!! Thank You aren't big enough words I fear!!!!
GG  |
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Lost in the Wilderness


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 19 2006
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 8:22:25 PM
Well, I made it back to Florida (I wanted to stay!!!) safely. This is my first post appropriately after returning from my first gathering! At first I thought I was crazy for travelling about 700 miles to meet up with a bunch of people whom I'd never met before who were all as obsessed with a movie as I was!! What was I thinking?!?!? But, to quote the movie, "It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly have been." I always feel like a new person when I visit the mountains of western North Carolina. But, this time I went and found a new family! It was such a treat to meet everyone and enjoy the scenery. I will remember you all very fondly and hope to see you all in '08. Stephanie, you are a gathering goddess!! Without you it wouldn't have happened and it wouldn't have been the same. Donna, my roomie, you made the trip so much more enjoyable. Who else was there with me to sing "Hurts So Good" in the car! Thank you for the frog in the blender, the gerbil in the microwave, and the 9 coronas! They made me laugh so hard I cried!! Eric, you and your family made the treks on the trails so much more bearable! Your anecdotes and stories from the movies made it easier to withstand the dreaded Death March!! To Sierra & Andrew, I'll always remember our adventures and especially "Who Let the Dogs Out!" (WOOF WOOF). And lastly, to Michael, my shutterbug pal. It was nice to have someone there to enjoy the beauty of capturing the perfect shot. You definitely have to let us all know when the book is finished!! I look forward to seeing everyone again. Definitely in '08 and perhaps sooner!! To everyone that attended, now we can say "Once we were here!!"
P.S. I'm downloading the pictures tonight and I'll post some of them tonight or tomorrow. |
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Overseer of Ariel's Auction

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 9:00:51 PM
It's just impossible to know how to to describe this 2006 Gathering! Absolutely a wonderful, fun-filled few days. Tis true, GG - Stephanie deserves more than a thank-you. How about a bouquet (Sorry they were fried, Steph )
So many memories to savor...walking into Louise's on Friday morning where lo and behold there was Marcy - not only a fellow Hoosier but practically a neighbor who lives 10 mins away from me! Taking in the wonderful stories told by Gera Girard and admiring her LOTM pictures. Watching Diana eat livermush (livermush???). The perfect views from Table Rock, reacquainting with "old-timers" and getting to know the "rookies". Trying to find ripe blueberries for Sierra and Andrew to stave off their starvation (man, Eric...don't you feed those kids?? )
Back at the Ramada on Friday night - the Gathering room where auction and raffle items were BEAUTIFULLY displayed. (Kay, you and your family are the BEST ) Perusing all that great stuff with Donna, Nancy, Vincent and his brother Ray who before Sat night had never even seen LOTM!! And Kay wondering if her son had fallen into Lake James...
On to Saturday and Dupont. Watching the delight on first timers' faces when they caught sight of Bridal Veil Falls. Looking for tadpoles and leaches in the pools up on top. Five hours later trudging to the parking lot and knowing the death march was oh so worth it!
The movie was a tough one for me. That's where I most noticed the absence of Gatherers past, BUT...AS ALWAYS there were cheers to Eric's laser pointer, the Skyland pizza and beer, and the comradery of a grand group of folks . Once again, a bit of magic in the air!
The grand finale on Sunday at Fr. Broad Muzzleloaders. Perfect weather, perfect food. Bo Taylor teaching us the bear dance, the friendship dance. A fine talk on history of guns, the pops of muzzleloaders, silent auction wars, raffles, raffles and MORE raffles...laughs and MORE laughs . Bailey choosing her favorite doggie videos...A swift and efficient clean up before the last minute photos. Then the lengthy goodbyes. Reliving each moment with my sister on the way home.
These are only a FEW of my memories !
Thanks to you again, my dear Stephanie. And to Kay and Diana.
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 13 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 9:52:04 PM
I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said, but, THANK YOU STEPHANIE for an absolutely WONDERFUL Gathering!!! You did an amazing job!!!!
Oh, I have alot of wonderful memories!!! I loved seeing the old faces, and really enjoyed meeting the new ones!!! I was so happy that my husband Bill, son Michael, sisters Cathy and Karen, and best friend Kim were all able to attend the Gathering. They all loved it, but I would have to say that my son REALLY enjoyed the Gathering. He went on all of the events except for Nolichucky, and probably would have done that too if we had been there in time. He met alot of new friends that he considers life-long friends now. It meant alot to me that everybody was so nice to him. He is my baby, you know. I did kind of worry about him when he took a few risks to get the "perfect" shot, but aside from him giving me a few more gray hairs, everything turned out just fine!!! Except for him getting scalped, that is!!! Sheesh, he makes it all the way through not falling off of a mountain just to get scalped on the last day that we are there.  He loved every minute of it!!! Thanks again Steph for making this a really memorable Gathering for us!!!
Love, Kay
~ An Infinite Zephyr~ Some things never end As long as goodness exists Winds shall always soothe
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 19 2006 : 11:19:13 PM
Gosh guys, you're making me blush! The Gathering is what YOU all make it, and you all made it wonderful. It wouldn't be a Gathering without such a great group of people. And I had some good help putting it all together: Kay, Diana, Sarah Z., even Jo Sweetser who was unable to attend. And don't forget that the Gathering itself was the idea of Soldier #2, and Rich set out the blueprint which I followed. Thanks, Sachem, for the Gatherings past on which all future Gatherings will be built. We missed you!
You all are right, so many good memories, and some valuable lessons as well. I can't thank you guys enough! Stephanie |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: February 23 2005
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Posted - June 20 2006 : 10:38:42 PM
It was truly remarkable. I've been sharing stories with everyone who will listen. Thanks to all of you for making this newbie feel very welcome and Steph and other planners. It was great!
Marcy |
"Oh the depth of the human experience!" |
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 07:13:51 AM
Marcy, Glad to know you made it home. Sometimes the Gathering is hard to explain to people, isn't it. I'm glad you were able to experience it first hand... you were really a GREAT addition this year. I can't wait to hear from others as they arrive home: Donna, the Dels, the Batliners, the Caseys (you guys should be home of course!). In the meantime, here are a few more random pictures to enjoy:
Sarah smile at CRP:
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President Rita and her cabinet, photo taken at Blue Ridge Motion Picture Studio:
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 07:22:00 AM
Oops I hit the "post reply" before I was finished. A couple more:
Another Gathering Gadget found on Gadget Girl's keychain... dental floss?? On your keychain? Only our GG!
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Kay's dear son Michael, who must have taken a thousand pictures. With the camera in front of his face all week, none of us ever really knew what his face looked like:
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April goes under the falls. What's wrong, April, is it cold?
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And lastly a few veteran Gatherers (I didn't want to say "Old" Gatherers):
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: April 03 2006
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 1:27:31 PM
Dear 2006 Gatherers: We made it home Trailer and all..... What an incredible experience we had. Brian and I would like to extend our hearts, full of thanks, to each and everyone of you. You all made us feel as though we were part of this very special group of people from the very start.
Stephanie...what can we say that hasn't already been said to you from the rest of the group. You gave so much of yourself to make this gathering a success. We give you a very special blessing of thanks. Your welcoming and caring attention was much appreciated and will never be forgotten. You made everyday wonderful. WE MISS YOU
Kay and Diana and Sarah....You also deserve a huge THANK YOU for all the hours you put into the preparation, the auction and the itinerary all are fantastic....Blessings to you also.
Now the friends that we made...each and everyone of you have touched us beyond words....April you are such an incredible Young woman, we so enjoyed you and your camera....your energy and your humor.we miss you. sweet and caring ....always ready to help us if needed...your knowledge of all the area was wonderful too....we Miss you....Vince and Ray our first real mannerly and kind..we had a great time talking and laughing with you on the trails....and all the pictures... getting wet and just enjoying your wit and humor...we miss are a delightful soul.. and we so enjoyed the depth of your love of the experience and the interaction with the country...we miss are a doll..we loved walking and talking with you and discussing all the MOVIES....You are a kind and patient Angel...lots of situations gracefully handled...we miss you....Fitz (AKA Higgins)you are a delightful spirit with a charming air about you...we so enjoyed all of your knowledge of every subject...we learned lots of tidbits from you...thanks for it all...we miss you...Cloud(michael) are a special young man and I see why your Parents are so proud..Thanks for all your Pictures...cant wait to see all of them...we miss you..Tammy...what an adorable person...your energy was boundless and your jokes pictures and more pictures ...posing and just plain fun....we miss you...Del and what a great father and son pair...we we so impressed with your deep love of your heritage and your interesting facts and views...we loved all of your stories and just watching you two in the Cherokee both looked also we so kind and giving....loved the jokes and the fun we all had together...we miss you. are sweet and kind with a true love of all that is Mohican...we miss you...Connie and Michael...what an exciting are a joy to know...we miss you...
Now...Special THANK YOU...Eric and Sharron Sierra and Andrew...What a great family.....Thank you Eric , so very, very much for your tireless energy and endless knowledge..I loved every minute of your stories and all the behind the scenes information...I have not shut up about every little thing that you had to say. You are just the most devoted husband and father and it shows...your family is also need special blessings for putting up with us rookies...we so appreciated all that you did...and a special thanks to Sharron for letting us have you all week. God Bless you always. We Miss You!
OK now you all know we miss you....Just a special group thank you...if I missed anyone just know that we enjoyed each and every moment we spent in the presence of all of you......You all made our Mohican Gathering something we will always treasure.
God Bless all of you..
The Batliners of Lake Lotawana Carolyn Brian and Bailey |
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 1:31:30 PM
Well, Well, Well...snapping pictures while the Gadgeted one is in the Ladies Room!!! Aren't y'all just precious.
Vee haff vays off dealing viss you people!!! 
GG   |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 13 2002
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 6:57:35 PM
Amazing how it always has the same effect on folks!
Steph, I am VERY proud of you & the gang! GREAT JOB! |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: July 05 2002
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 6:58:36 PM
Greetings all,
I too made it back all in one piece. I took my time getting back to Northern VA. I got back Monday afternoon. The doctor who took my initial X-ray of my left foot, said I did not fracture it. However, I saw a foot doctor this morning for confirmation. He told me I did fracture it. Luckily, it is a bone that normally heals itself after 5-6 weeks. So now, I am wearing a shoe boot most of the time. Anyways, it was unfortunate this I had to miss the Table Rock hike and the hikes to the waterfalls. I still had a great time. It was a pleasure to see a number of old faces as well as meeting plenty of new people. Thanks to Stephanie, Diana, Sarah, and Eric for making it a great Gathering. Cannot wait till 2008.
With Honor,
Patrick |
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Lost in the Wilderness


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 19 2006
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Posted - June 21 2006 : 11:02:07 PM
Just wanted to let you all know that I have placed some slideshows on my myspace page if you want to see some of my pictures. I figured that would be easier than trying to make them smaller and putting them in a message. My myspace page is ( Enjoy!  |
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Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: January 21 2004
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Posted - June 22 2006 : 12:00:07 AM
Yes its me! I was told I wouldnt read the board so I wanted to prove her wrong. HA! I hate to be told I wouldnt do something. You remember that Steph. :)
So many folks thank me, yet thanks is only needed from me to you. If it were not for you, all that I have experenced would be lost. Thanks be to those who keep it going. Stephanie, Kay, Diana, Sarah Z., Jo, Rich, and a special thanks to the newbies. I love to see their faces when I tell the tales that they have only heard from the old timers. Thanks be to those who travel. I live here and feel you come to visit my home. Makes me want to cry.... NAW........ P A R T Y!!!! Rich, ol friend, you were missed more than anyone. Not counting the Sweeter sisters. Sorry buddy but you have to admit they are the ultra party animals. You hear that girls????? OHHHHH BTW I move that a honorary sister now be added to the Sweeters. Marcy! Do I have a second? Gara gets the 35th Regt. of Foot best trooper award. Nancy, the peacemaker award. Brian, the most improved virgin award, Lil Michael, honorary Soldier # 2 for this year. Tammy, the Jack Russel Terrer award. (NO! Shes not a dog, its the HYPER award folks. Geesh!) Big Del for best rubbing bear grease all over your chest in front of a crowd award (NO! That did nothing for ME, buddy but the girls loved it.), April for best mothering award. Donna, best supporting Soldier #2 award, Sharon, best putting up with Soldier #2's endless; rambling, wanding off, talking without signing and all around best T and polo shirt award. Someone actually said that I rambled! How rude! Can you believe that. Who would think such a thing to say that I.... ME....Soldier #2 would ramble on and on endlessly about things. Oh? Where was I. What was my point? Oh yes.... and to Stephaine, the GREATEST short person award. For organizing this shindig. (thats a new word April. Look it up.) For going at it alone to walk the trails beforehand, to clear the trails of all the rocks that may prevent our passage. For taking the tables that we eat upon without letting the owners know. For being the taxi mom. For running around on 3 hours sleep.... For.. For....For taking the day off after its all over just so you walk into work refreshed like you actually had a good time. (This is that rambling part she was talking about, aint it?) THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart and all the others bottoms too. (thats hearts folks. OMG folks pleeeeease. Work with me here!) Thank you Stephaine. Ya done good. :) Doedagin! Bechacan! (Those are WNC words April they aint in the dictionary. Sorry.) See ya'uns, Eric |
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Gathering Sachemess


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: June 23 2002
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Posted - June 22 2006 : 07:11:31 AM
Somebody ask Sharon how to type that symbol for "flapping your jaws" that she taught me.  Seriously, Eric, even though I tried to scout the trails beforehand, there is no way we could have found the non-trail at Table Rock without you. Thanks so much for being our guide. And I hardly cleared any rocks out of the way... just ask Patrick and his fractured foot! Sorry Patrick! And let's just get this straight about those tables... the owners knew I was borrowing them they just got the weekends mixed up. Good grief, make me sound like a thief!!
Sorry that my earlier picture of Michael wouldn't post. I still can't get it to work after several attempts. Kay, you mentioned that Michael had given you a few gray hairs... why do you hate the gray hairs?    Is it 2008 yet??? Steph
P.S. Eric, I love your "awards" and I agree with them all! Jayne, your memories were well written and I enjoyed reading them and remembering. Brian and Carolyn, I miss you guys already. I'm dying to know if you went down sliding rock. It was kind of cloudy Monday so I figured you'd be COLD if you went. I want pictures if you did!!!
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