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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - August 11 2002 : 3:22:10 PM
Dear Friends,A new F&I movie is in the planning stages."Jamie MacGillivray" promises to be "a kind of a big Robert Louis Stevenson action-adventure movie".It will be directed by John Sayles("Sunshine State","Lone Star","Matewan""Eight Men Out","The Howling")and Maggie Renzi("Return of the Secaucus Seven")The pair were in Pittsburgh recently at Ft.Ligonier doing research for the film.Updates will be posted on my website as they become available.Enjoy!
Edmond N.Highlander Jr.
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - August 13 2002 : 11:13:13 PM
Back on April 4th "Quint" at Ain't It Cool News interviewed Sayles about several upcoming projects, including his rewrite of THE ALAMO (which is now undergoing two rewrites). He metnioned "Jamie MacGillivray" as a dream project, but he has several in the works before it. I agree that it would probably be a wonderful film in Sayles' hands, but I also think he could have a lot of trouble getting funding for it (something he acknowledges in the interview). Anyway, here's a link to the interview at AICN. If it doesn't work for you, use their search engine and search on Sayles. You should be able to find the article:
Two Kettles
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - August 29 2002 : 4:11:13 PM
More good news.Shooting will start in the Spring of 2003,first in Scotland then here in the colonies(my guess is SW Pennsylvania since the director spent the bulk of his time doing research here).It stars Robert Carlyle(The Full Monty,The World is Not Enough)and covers Culloden,Braddock's Defeat and The Battle of Quebec.
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Robert Asher
Lost in the Wilderness

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 09 2002
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Posted - September 09 2002 : 08:15:15 AM
I would like to be concederd for an extra for this movie. I have all my own stuff. Can send pictures.
Your humble servent,
Robert Asher
Robert Asher |
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - September 10 2002 : 01:42:06 AM
I've heard nothing back from the director yet on this one.He is currently in Mexico filming "Casa de Los Babys" and also a remake of "The Alamo" for Ron Howard.It is still in the planning/fund raising stages right now,but promises to be a "pretty manstream"movie once production gets started.I will post updates as they become available,as I'm certain that reenactors will be highly sought after.thanks,EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Soldier of the King


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Posted - October 02 2002 : 11:55:31 AM
I think it would be more appropriate to use Braddock's Defeat as sort of a back drop (In other words the main character was not there). The main character could have come from Jacobite roots, after the '45, he may have enlisted in the 42nd as a way to escape his past (I couldn't see him as a some loyalist scum in the 44th or 48th regiments, both of which had there respective clocks cleaned by the Jacobites at different times). This could be followed by his going into the 77th, as part of their NCO cadre, when that regiment was formed in early '57. They could follow him to Charleston, then onto Pennsylvania Colony for the Forbes Expedition in 1758. From there we could experience Grant's Defeat, the defense of Fort Ligonier, and subsequent capture of the remains of Fort Duquesne (This could include a rather dark image of the tortured remains of the casualties of 14 September, and the anger amongst their brothers). Afterwards, we could continue on to South Carolina for the pacification of the Cherokees. Also they could cover, albeit lightly, the Carribean Campaign. ...More in a future post...
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - October 02 2002 : 1:19:34 PM
...Above posting continued... After the Peace of Paris, we could then return to Pennsylvania Colony (via New York) and follow our hero's adventures with Bouquet's Field Force on the Fort Pitt Relief Campaign. Maybe during this time, he could run across some of his old mates from the 42nd (if he hasn't already during the Crown Point Expedition of 1759). After Bushy Run and the subsequent raising of the siege against Ft. Pitt, the 77th (what is left of it) is disbanded at Ft. Pitt. From here, he decides to return to his old regiment for the Muskingum Expedition, and afterwards returns to garrison Ft. Pitt, until 1767. At this time, he has had over twenty years as one of the King's Men, and decides to take the generous land grant offered to a senior sergeant of such long and distinguished service (he is also probably only 37 years of age and is already "used up" by years of hard campaigning). He may decide to take up the rebel cause, eight years later, or he may decide to sit it out. It is, however, unlikley that a bitter old veteran as himself would ever return to the colors (for while he was soldiering for the Hanoverian, his uncles, cousins, brothers, etc. were being removed from their ancestral lands to accomidate lowland sheep farmers). An alternative ending is where he returns to Cork with his regiment in 1767, and after a short while is retired to an "In-Pension" at Chelsea Hospital. Where he spends his resting years, reminiscing with what few friends of his survived the whole ordeal.
Whaddya think?
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - October 02 2002 : 1:30:35 PM
As far as John Sayles other movies are concerned, I found that the gunfight in "Matewan" the most realistic until "Saving Private Ryan". As far as the "Howling" goes, it was an excellent adaptation of the Werwolf myth and the leather clad brunette was an absolute babe!
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 02 2002 : 10:14:20 PM
I like it, like it.Hopefully John Sayles will look at this.EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - October 02 2002 : 11:54:00 PM
Interesting ideas, Sgt., but I don't think you'll see them in this movie. The real "father" of this project isn't Sayles, but Scottish actor Robert Carlyle. He has his own production company, and he has apparently hired Sayles to write and possibly direct the movie, with Carlyle starring (supposedly he's been talking with his friend Ewan MacGregor about costarring). And it's not about the Highland regiments - it's about a Jacobite who flees Scotland after Culloden and ends up in New France living among the Native Americans. The "high concept" description of the story is ROB ROY meets DANCES WITH WOLVES. One of the Carlyle fan sites even said that they wanted the Scot to live with the Plains Indians! Hopefully that will be corrected by Sayles. So the highlander will apparently be at Braddock's Defeat, but not in a red coat. And any redcoats who appear in the film will be the bad guys. Wonder if they'll try to find a way to have them burn down a church full of civilians....
Two Kettles
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - October 03 2002 : 12:35:47 AM
Well, if that is the storyline, it remains to be seen if it will fly or not...
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - October 03 2002 : 1:47:05 PM
Well, as always, it's anybody's guess what movies will wind up being made and what ones won't. But I think this storyline has a lot better chance of showing up onscreen than anything that showed the British in a favorable light. It's not just the BRAVEHEART/PATRIOT thing. Look at how far they had to go bolloxing up history, the original source material, and the previous films to make the British look bad in the just released remake of THE FOUR FEATHERS. I don't think an American film could be made today that showed Redcoats as good guys.
Two Kettles
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 03 2002 : 8:29:04 PM
I agree with Sgt.Munro on this one.The public needs to be educated(hopefully)that during the F&I period,the RedCoats were the good guys.In Pittsburgh,whenever the Indians went on a rampage(ie;Pontiac/Guyasuta's Uprising)the colonists all sought refuge at Ft.Pitt,a British fort.
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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The French Trader


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 28 2002
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Posted - October 03 2002 : 10:01:21 PM
Well, as much as I`ld like to see the film be historically correct, it does sound interesting and I`ll be the first in line to be an extra. Even a French Savage extra if need be!!
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - October 04 2002 : 3:04:56 PM
"The public needs to be educated(hopefully)that during the F&I period,the RedCoats were the good guys."
I couldn't agree with you more, Edmond. And you've hit one of my real hot buttons. There seems to be a tendency among some reenactors to throw away any standards of authenticity, historical accuracy, and fairness when the chance comes to get in front of a camera. Personally, if I had been involved in THE PATRIOT, I'd be ashamed of myself and outraged at Hollywood. (Instead, I'm just outraged at Hollywood.)There have been some really interesting posts at the Yahoo Rev List newsgroup by people who were very much involved in the preproduction stages of PATRIOT and in training the British core group who walked off the set when filming started and they saw where things were going. I give them a lot of credit.
According to articles published at the time, both GETTYSBURG and SON OF THE MORNING STAR went through crises at the start of production because the reenactors (in GETTYSBURG) and Native Americans (in SON) weren't happy with what they were going to be portraying. In the case of GETTYSBURG an agreement was reportedly made where Brian Pohanka was allowed to review the script and suggest changes. He made extensive suggestions (about 40 pages single typed, if I remember correctly) and they took about 90% of them. In the case of SON, the producers reportedly added much more screen time to Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull in order to get cooperation from Native Americans.
After THE PATRIOT, I think British reenactors should take the same kind of stand. There are enough sources online these days (Ain't It Cool News, IGN FilmForce, etc. etc.) to check up on movies in development (STAX at FilmForce had a detailed review of THE PATRIOT script, noting its distortions and innacuracies, even before Mel Gibson came on board). Before getting involved in a project, I think it's only common sense that a reenactor should find out if what they're contributing to is going to add to the misinformation and misunderstandings in the public's minds that we devote so much time, effort, and energy to correcting.
Filmmakers have every right to make whatever kinds of movies they want, and to distort history to suit their ends as much as they want. BUT that doesn't mean reenactors have to help them do it.
Two Kettles
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 04 2002 : 4:12:57 PM
You are correct Two Kettles in that reenactors should stand for something(as opposed to falling for anything)in regards to the historical accuracy of films today.While the primary purpose of cinema is to entertain,it wouldn't hurt to see a little historical accuracy now and then.
If director John Sayles is serious about accuracy for this film,then in addition to Braddock's Defeat,he should also include Grant's Defeat.This was actually the third attempt to take Ft.Duquesne from the French and involved Major Grant's Highlanders of the 77th as the bulk of the force(also taking the majority of casualties as well).It has often been said that Ottowa War Chief Pontiac was present for Braddock's Defeat,Siege of Ft.William Henry and The Battle of Quebec.
After the battle,five highlanders were condemned to death and burned at the stake by the Indians.One pvt.Alex MacKenzie,when he saw the gruesome fate that was in store for him decided to appeal to the superstitious nature of the indians.When he found on who spoke some English,he told him that he knew how to make a "magic"potion that would leave him impervious to any edged weapons and would make it impossible for the indians to cut off his head(anybody see where I'm going with this? )After making this concoction and smearing on the back of his neck he placed his head on a log,and dared the strongest brave with the sharpest axe to try to cut off his head.When the Indian obliged,the blow promptly severed his head and it rolled several yards.Then it dawned on them how this highlander cheated death.Rather than be angered,they were tickled at the ingenuity of this highlander to escape torture.They then spared the rest of the highlanders,and adopted them into their tribes.Also see"The memoirs and adventures of Robert Kirk,late of the Royal Highland Regiment,written by himself".This attention to detail is what makes a good movie great.EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - October 09 2002 : 12:28:21 AM
The whole concept of a "Rob Roy" meets "Dances With Wolves" thing is overdone at best. I tire of seeing movies that portray Western Europeans in a dim light that ranges from buffons to the Anti-Christ incarnate. There was/is more than enough barbarity and senseless bloodletting to go around. The only difference between Europeans fighting natives and natives fighting natives is that the Europeans more often than not did not engage in genocide (Just look and see if you find any Conestoga Indians here today, you don't, just ask the Iroquois). Europeans did not engage in canabalism (ritualized or not), and you can't prove that rumor about us Highlanders!!! In closing, let me say that Europeans are not without their faults (God knows we got alot of them), but the native peoples of the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East are not as pure as the driven snow either (for every atrocity you can cite of European conduct, I can give chapter and verse of a similar one for any/all of the above, welcome to the human race).
Your Humble Author, Sgt. Duncan Munro 42nd RHR
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Soldier of the King


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: September 23 2002
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Posted - October 09 2002 : 12:37:00 AM
...And one more thing. While I am on the subject of how the "Hollywood Types" raise my red hackle, when are they ever going to learn that you do not have to "sap-up" a good war movie by injecting an overdose of romance. Gettysburg, Zulu, Zulu Dawn and The Rough Riders were all excellent movies and they did not have to lean on the old "Love Triangle" or "Love Lost/Love Regained" theme best reserved for a pint of Hagen-Daas and a box of Kleenex. If you want that in a movie, might I suggest "Titanic" or "Meet Joe Black".
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - October 10 2002 : 11:58:52 AM
Well said, Sgt. And you can get at least a touch of those emotions anyway if you have the right actor and dialog. I still get a little misty-eyed and a lump in my throat when Burt Lancaster (as Durnsford) turns to his sergeant and says, "Tell the Bishop, that is, tell his daughter...that I was obliged to remain with my men."
Understated, aye, but powerful nonetheless.
Two Kettles
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 10 2002 : 11:20:53 PM
I don't mind "love scenes"ala' LOTM if they are tastefully done.But I agree that some war movies can do well without them,a they tend to distract unless of course,you are looking for the wide spectrum of the human experience EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Soldier of the King


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Posted - October 11 2002 : 12:17:22 PM
I couldn't agree more, with the both of you. The scene in "Zulu" where the yound private dying on Surgeon Reynold's 'table' and the last question he asks is "why?" As a combat veteran, I most certainly can relate. More than a few times I've asked why, but the answer is always the same "Because we are here, and if not us, who else?" A favorite story of mine (and well worn around the campfire, if you ask Lt. McKinnon) deals with a piece of grafitti written by a soldier, which paraphrased goes as follows:
I'm tired of marching and falling in and out, I'm tired of drilling and standing guard, I'm tired of being far from home and seeing my friends die, I wish for some good food and to go home.
It was found on a wall in Syria and was written by a Roman Soldier, over 2000 years ago. Some things never change...
Your Humble Author,
Sgt. Duncan Munro Capt. Graham's Coy 1/42nd Royal Highlanders
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit" |
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 11 2002 : 12:47:36 PM
I hope that this new movie "Jamie MacGilivray" encompasses all of these things,and director John Sayles at least aspires to mke it as good as LOTM(espcially with a killer soundtrack,and an accurate portrayal of the Crown Forces).And it only goes to show you that the more things change,the more they stay the same.EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 11 2002 : 10:47:08 PM
If "Jamie MacGilivray" is indeed about a Jacobite who is adopted into one of the Eastern Woodland Tribes,I wonder how he will act when he confronts some of the Highland soldiers who are serving in the British Army in North America(the 77th or Montgomery's Highlanders at Ft.Duquesne or the 78th or Fraser's Highlanders at the Battle of Quebec)of course he might even have encountered the 42nd(the other Highland Regiment that served in North America) or "BlackWatch" at Culloden.Of course,he might not encounter any at all in this movie,but it would only add to the plot if he did.
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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Two Kettles
Colonial Settler

Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: August 01 2002
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Posted - October 12 2002 : 11:16:08 PM
That's exactly the kind of plot element we can certainly hope Sayles will bring to the story, and the kind of thing he excels at. His LONE STAR was a marvellously complex look at modern day Texas. According to an interview just published in the Austin newspaper, his draft of the script for the new Alamo movie introduced a young Mexican conscript as a major character to give an entirely new view of the Alamo story. So one thing we can hope for, if Sayles remains true to form, is that the characters will be rich and the story will offer more than one viewpoint.
Two Kettles
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Scott Bubar
Colonial Militia


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - October 13 2002 : 2:21:04 PM
I don't believe he would have encountered the Black Watch--then the 43rd--at Culloden.
IIRC,they weren't there.
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Edmund McKinnon
Colonial Settler


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 23 2002
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Posted - October 13 2002 : 9:58:38 PM
Not so laddie,there was one company of the 43rd(later the 42nd when the regiments were renumbered) at Culloden.The rest of the regiment was in London.Don't forget,they started out as a police force in the highlands in the employ of the Crown.Hence the name Black(the colour of their government set plaid or black mail,the crime they encountered most)and Watch(keeping "watch" oe'er the highlands).EM
Edmond N.Highlander Jr. |
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