![The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!] The Mohican Board! [Bumppo's Redux!]](images/wwwboard.gif) |
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 23 2003 : 9:05:22 PM
Well, Well, Well...
The "Remnants" of the 2003 Gathering turned into what those few souls fortunate enough to have made their way through the wilderness to Chimney Rock have now termed THE UN-GATHERING! Many titles were knocked around (not knocked UP like Theresa did to late sleepers last year)...Le Petite Gathering, Mini-Gathering, The Gathering that wasn't, a total opposite - The Dispersement, but finally we settled on the UN-Gathering because like the Un-cola, so much of the GOOD STUFF, was missing - all YOUSE!!! BUT...as all previous gatherings have provided, a memorable time was had by those that hacked their way through the wilderness, leaving their children AT HOME (AS IF they'd wanna come)!
Day 1 (Thursday) of the UN-gathering found Theresa at the Geneva....ALL ALONE until the wee hours when Diana (AHEM...MOI!) and Cecelia arrived, finding Theresa whimpering around about how..."it got dark...and I was beginning to wonder if I was the Lone Gatherer - THEIR IS NOBODY HERE AT THE GENEVA!". We calmed T down, and consulted our program guides...uh....WAIT...there are no Program Guides...because there is no Gathering! Right then and there, plans began to unfold for the UNGathering over snacks and libations!
Day 2 (Friday)
The day begins....getting up WHEN WE FEEL LIKE IT and we catch Rick and Bubba on the tube. Diana, Cecelia, and Theresa wait, and wait, and wait to hear where Christina is! FINALLY at NOON...during a delectable, leisurely cheeseburger lunch at the Tiki Bar..we hear Christina has been hog-tied by her boss who DOESN'T LIKE her most recent installment of AS THE BAPTIST CONVENTION TURNS, and shackles her to her desk until she gets it right. Plans are to join us ASAP in the AM
The girls set off to see all the sights along Hwy 64 that we WOULDN'T see at a Gathering. I have to tell you...ALL THE FALLS were SPECTACULAR!!!! First we headed up from Brevard to see Sliding Rock - a favorite for area summer camp kids - as well as Looking Glass Falls (A scene from Follow the River with Eric Schweig was shot here), then more westward travel to Whitewater Falls - the tallest falls east of the Rockies. Another spectacular view!! As we progressed westward still, we encountered the towns of Sapphire and Highlands, two very quaint little towns with scores of inviting shops (being after 6PM, most were closed). Next on the trip was a view of Lake Sequoia, and then ANOTHER Bridal Veil Falls, less robust then OUR Bridal Falls, but one you can DRIVE under - COOL! THEN we came upon Dry Falls, named this because one can walk under the falls on a path and not get wet. WELL, today Dry Falls was throwing off mist like Niagara Falls, so one did get a might bit damp darting under the raging torrent of water. VERY LOUD!!!! But again -SPECTACULAR!!!! As we head home we hear from Stephanie, making sure none of us are having second thoughts about our scheduled cliff-jumping off Chimney Rock, and we assure her we'll be ready and willin' in the AM. Whew - getting late - very tired of driving on winding, zigging, zagging, turning, rounding, spirally roads, so we head home for a late dinner of salad at the Margarita Grill. A very LOUD band was playing in our tired ears and the lights were low now for the late evening crowd, SO CECELIA grabs Theresa's little yellow pen light to locate and acquire bits of feta cheese in her salad. Day done - TIRED Puppies!!!
An ADDENDUM! - We had the gratuitous key incident at Sliding Rock. Theresa left her keys in the rest room and ALAS they were gone when she returned to retrieve them. Luckily the gatehouse guys assured her that..."Oooooo, that's not good (Theresa'a eyes widen), people will steal anything around here (Theresa chokes), no keys here Miss"! Minutes later, Diana (passing the torch to Theresa for this year's key neglect award - shouting I HAVE AAA NOW) finds that a ranger has found them and saves the day!
Day 3 (Saturday) - CHIMNEY ROCK PARK!
Christina arrives uns
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 23 2003 : 9:15:42 PM
We all gathered under the Pavilion. While we HAD NOTHING to pass out, no new faces to greet, we DID save some room for you to insert yourself in the pictures! Some of us are EVEN posed to look like we could be having a conversation with you!
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 23 2003 : 9:20:08 PM
As the others headed up for the CHimney, Diana remained puzzled...she knew something was missing ....BREAKFAST!!!! Where's breakfast..they'll be here any minute, I just know it...I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL BREAKFAST GETS HERE! 
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 23 2003 : 9:26:50 PM
Diana finally gave up on morning rations as the gang posed for yet another opportunity for you guys to join in. Just take a picture of yourself and insert it anywhere in the group. Alternate descriptions of this photo included - "Auditions for STOMP - The Movie" or perhaps "Squat - The Movie" in Theresa's case. HEY Theresa, THERE'S PLENTY OF ROOM -MOVE OVER!!!!!
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Gadget Girl
Gatherer of Gathering Gadgets


Bumppo's Patron since [at least]: May 17 2002
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Posted - June 23 2003 : 9:39:47 PM
Next, the girls boarded the STUPID bus to ride to the top. Any of you that have ridden the bus with me KNOW HOW I HATE THAT THING! But, once at the Top...Christina and I FIND the breakfast woman, Sherry, and commence to getting to the bottom of WHY NO BREAKFAST???? Once again, we are reminded there IS NO OFFICIAL GATHERING, so she didn't know anything about cooking for us. Oh Well!!! Sherry, being one of the nicest folks you'd ever care to meet was happy to pose for a photo AND was nice enough to take our cliff-jumping pics!
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To conserve loading time, I'll post about 5 pics per topic - K?
NEXT........... |
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