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 Best Wishes to all 2010 Great Mohican Gatherers!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - June 12 2010 : 1:08:38 PM
I truly hope that all of you have a really outstanding time next week at the 2010 Mohican Gathering!! Veterans know what you're in for; Newbies ... well, it is always a treat. Just be yourself and go with the flow. It'll take you along for a great ride.

Hoping the best for all of you - wonderful adventures, camaraderie, and weather!! Be safe!!

Happy Trails!!

Great Mohican Gatherings
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jayne Posted - June 24 2010 : 8:35:56 PM
Ah, Fitz. Is it possible we were there just 4 days ago??? So good to see you and the others. I had a great time! Good pictures!

caitlin Posted - June 24 2010 : 3:10:53 PM
Ahhhhh! What a tease!

Looks like you're had fun though.... *sniff, sniff (for me of course)*
Theresa Posted - June 23 2010 : 10:47:33 PM
Great pics, Fitz! Seeing all this makes me miss everybody.. :(
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - June 22 2010 : 10:27:19 AM
OK, some pics.

Table Rock at Linville

Linville Falls

Leaving Lake James

richfed Posted - June 21 2010 : 7:00:28 PM
We'll be looking forward to it, Steph ... As you know, I am registered on Facebook - and I did follow the posts over there over the weekend, best I could - but I am really not a fan ... It's kind of an anarchistic free-for-all ... to me, anyway. I need order!
Stephanie Posted - June 21 2010 : 6:38:09 PM
Hi all! Vincent is right... Facebook is the place. It was easy for several of us (April, Eric, Phil, me and probably others) to upload pictures immediately to Facebook, at least where cell signal allowed. Then we would add comments and that was the extent of updates over the weekend. Having done that, I didn't realize until this morning that I had left the rest of you hanging with no message board updates, and I'm sorry!!!
Suffice it to say it was a magnificent weekend. Not a drop of rain fell on us, and things went very smoothly. Parts of the schedule were shuffled around and I was worried how things would flow, but we stayed on track and had plenty of time to enjoy the stops.
Friday at Dupont was beautiful, of course. The falls are on full blast, probably the most water we've seen there during a Gathering. Only one little problem occurred when we accidentally crossed onto private property, and a security guard appeared out of no where and asked Eric, "Are you some kind of guide or something?"
I ain't your scout... haha!

Saturday was a new sort of advencha, with a new twist in the schedule. We started at Manor Inn (Webb's Headquarters), then ventured on to Cameron's Cabin. More about this when I write a detailed summary.

Just over the hill about 15 minutes away we found ourselves at the Elk Hunt and Tracking the War party. Donna brought along screen shots from the movie and much effort was given to figuring out exactly WHICH rock might be the magic one. Last I saw April she was headed further downstream comparing each rock to the ones in the picture.

Saturday afternoon was filled with a LOT of fun and laughter as we enjoyed the raffles and Ariel's Auction. Ariel's comment "Not today, Eric, not today" cracked everyone up and became one of the favorite lines of the Gathering. A quick pizza dinner and off to the movie at Colonial Theater, where Sierra donned her daddy's soldier suit for our entertainment.

Is that the alarm clock already? Mohican Gathering sunrise veterans know 3am comes way too early, but we were thankful for good weather for the awesome sunrise at Green Knob Overlook. Famous Louise's hosted our breakfast and lunch again, and our trips to Table Rock, Linville Falls, and Lake James were made memorable by hearing Soldier #2's reminiscences. No matter how many times I hear his stories, he never fails to entertain and tell me something new I didn't already know. And seeing Ariel hike at Linville Falls is something I'll never forthcoming!

Ok that's the brief low-down. Sorry for not updating here over the weekend. I will upload the rest of my pictures and come up with a more in-depth Gathering 2010 summary in the near future, stay tuned for details!

For those of you who have been part of the Gathering in the past but could not attend for whatever reason this time, you were on our minds and in our hearts while we were on the trails. Rich, Elaine, Lady Ann, Marcia, the Sweetsers, Kate, Roz, Vincent, Clabert, Adele, Ilse, Joe and Belinda, John Evans and family, Theresa and Claude, Bookworm, Caitlin and gang, the Batliners, Kay & Bill, Michael & Kimberly, Sharon, Matthew... so many others... your names were mentioned with fond memories and hopes that all is well with you.

More later! Thanks for the well wishes and thoughts.
vincent Posted - June 21 2010 : 6:02:58 PM
Hey Jo - seems like some of the details and pictures were initially uploaded onto Facebook. That should be a good place to start until everybody gets back home and starts uploading their albums.

Jo Posted - June 20 2010 : 10:45:14 PM
My sisters and I hope all of you had a GREAT time at this year's Gathering!

Anyone going to post details???


and her sisters
Theresa Posted - June 18 2010 : 9:37:32 PM
Best wishes and good times for all at this year's Gathering. Claude and I remember this as one of the most fun, interesting, educational, friendly times. We will miss seeing the veterans and meeting the newbies. Take it all in! Happy Gathering!
Batawana Posted - June 17 2010 : 5:04:48 PM
Dear 2010 Gatherers....Sending you all blessings for great adventures this year. The Batliners will not be able to have this years gathering to put down in our memories. We are heartbroken that we can't attend this climb those mountains with us in mind and slide down those waterfalls for us too. I still just want to hop into the car and head that way.

Love to all of you we will miss you dearly.
Carolyn and Brian
the Bats
caitlin Posted - June 17 2010 : 12:31:41 PM
*sigh* Guess I'll have to watch my old videos too...thank goodness Jeff had the video camera attached to his hand when we attended way back when!

Have a wonderful time - all of you! The memories and friends that you will make are priceless...I know I've never forgotten them. ~hugs~

PS> look forward to all the pictures! *hint* HINT!
ardensgal Posted - June 17 2010 : 07:57:12 AM
Best wishes to you all! Enjoy the 2010 gathering...
You all will enjoy this..

I will miss you all

Kaylynn44 Posted - June 16 2010 : 10:36:50 AM
I am really going to miss everybody this year!!! I hope that y'all have a wonderful time and make sure to bring lots of water with you if it is really hot over the weekend. Sending love to all of the Gatherers from Kay, Bill, Michael, and Kim!!!
Jayne Posted - June 15 2010 : 10:32:23 AM
Hi, Rich.

Thanks for your good wishes! I know I'll be sitting at Louise's with half an eye out - hoping for one pony-tailed gentleman to appear at the top of the stairs...

It's never the same without you.

Donna Posted - June 14 2010 : 08:47:13 AM
Thanks Rich,
Last night I watched my video from the 1998 Gathering.
I had filmed the whole Skyline and Cliff trails at Chimney Rock.
I wanted to see them again especially since now they're closed. I
know the Skyline is open to Exclamation Point.
It was fun to watch you and Eric tell all the stories for the 1st time
at Linville and Table Rock.
Eric and Sharon do their fake battle scene. Good Memories.

Now I have to pack for one more adventure.
Stephanie Posted - June 13 2010 : 10:36:11 PM
Thank you Rich! And thank you for your support in placing the info and registration on the website and answering my gazillion questions once again. You will be on many hearts and minds this week and weekend.

PS: Not too late to join in... ;-)

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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