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 The truth about the Gathering Car Flags... Revealed!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stephanie Posted - August 02 2008 : 8:50:49 PM
Attention Jayne! You are SO busted! I found out where you *really* got the Gathering car flags. I spotted some of the baby car flags growing in the wild at Dupont:

Image Insert:


And all this time I thought you MADE them!
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jayne Posted - August 07 2008 : 11:06:07 AM
That's ok, Fitz! I was quite happy with the quail!

Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 07 2008 : 09:05:25 AM
Originally posted by RedFraggle
Let me guess. It tastes like chicken.

Don't know. I don't eat chicken. But it is not as good as alligator.
RedFraggle Posted - August 06 2008 : 11:19:04 PM
Originally posted by Fitzhugh Williams

Originally posted by Jayne
And...I've never tasted rattlesnake to this day!

You missed your chance! They serve it at SOTR.

Let me guess. It tastes like chicken.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 06 2008 : 8:06:46 PM
Originally posted by Jayne
And...I've never tasted rattlesnake to this day!

You missed your chance! They serve it at SOTR.
Jayne Posted - August 06 2008 : 11:50:37 AM
We have rattlesnakes here, too. I remember back in my youthful days hiking in the hills of southern IN during scout camp (back when killing a snake was the cool thing to do). We nearly tripped on a huge rattler that was stretched out over the path. Our counselor smacked it over the head with a piece of wood - unfortunately it was partially rotten! Which served to make the snake coil with fury! She grabbed another piece of much-sturdier wood, hit the snake again which stunned it long enough for her to swiftly behead the poor thing! I had it in my mind that I'd take a piece back to the camp cook to see if she would fix it for dinner. was too hot and at the beginning of a 20-mile hike. Had to throw it out before we made it back to camp. But I'm sure the counselor prized the skin for a hat band or belt...

Don't worry, Rattlesnake Woman!! I wouldn't advocate killing a rattlesnake. I'm sure we could have made a safe exit from the situation, especially since the snake was minding its own business and taking a lazy siesta! And...I've never tasted rattlesnake to this day!

Karen W Posted - August 05 2008 : 8:32:18 PM
Boy Jayne, you sure had me fooled. Here I was going around and telling everyone how hard you worked on those flags. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!
RedFraggle Posted - August 05 2008 : 1:28:28 PM
I've seen that same kind of snake when I was hiking near a creek here in NC once before. My dog was moseying along beside me in her usual beagle "must sniff everything" mode when she stopped to give special attention to something that must have smelled really curious. I didn't think anything of it, and was just turning to give her leash a little tug when I saw that she had her nose right on a big, fat coiled-up snake.

I freaked out and dragged poor Molly away, and she looked at me like, "What's the deal? It's a cool smell!" The snake just stayed as it was like it didn't even care. I guess we were lucky it was a chilly day and the snake was feeling more than a little sluggish. It's not a poisonous variety---at least I don't think---but they can be nasty all the same. Now I make sure to scope out everything on both sides of the path before I let my dog trot along, sniffing to her heart's content!
Wilderness Woman Posted - August 05 2008 : 11:38:32 AM
~ shudder ~ I could have gone all day without seeing those, Fitz. Let's go back to the cute little baby Car Flags!
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - August 05 2008 : 01:15:56 AM
While not rattlesnakes, here are a couple of pics of our little friends from the Gathering.

Stephanie Posted - August 04 2008 : 9:20:46 PM
Yep I've noticed "Rattlesnake Woman" before but didn't know about the project. Can you tell us about it?
Diane B. Posted - August 04 2008 : 8:57:36 PM
Did someone say rattlesnake?

Yep - that would be me, Steph! Haven't you ever noticed my signature at the end of my posts? It's Rattlenake Woman - a name that I earned while working on that canebrake rattlesnake project - and I answer to it proudly!

Stephanie Posted - August 04 2008 : 7:34:32 PM
Did someone say rattlesnake?
Jayne Posted - August 03 2008 : 2:53:27 PM
DAM_ ... DAM_ ...

You found me OUT! Well, thanks Stephanie. Now I'm sure to be arrested for digging up rare and endangered species!!

I've nurtured those babies for 2 years now. Miracle Grow truly is miraculous, eh??

Diane B. Posted - August 03 2008 : 12:19:57 PM
Reminds me of the flags we used in the field when I was a volunteer with ODU's canebrake rattlesnake project...those were such fun times!
Wilderness Woman Posted - August 03 2008 : 11:24:46 AM
A-w-w-w-w-w..... and they are such cute little baby flags, too! How could you have resisted picking one up to hold, Stephie??
Gadget Girl Posted - August 03 2008 : 10:51:26 AM
That Jayne! She's a sneaky rascal!
Obediah Posted - August 03 2008 : 10:34:11 AM
I've heard of "green thumbs," but "red thumbs?
richfed Posted - August 03 2008 : 10:13:24 AM
That's it, she is BANNED!!!!! [Not!]

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