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Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 04 2017 : 4:09:20 PM
October 28
5:30-7:30 PM
5:00 - 7:00 PM
For a Mature Audience
-The "Seedier Side" of the 18th Century
-$6 per person
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 11 2017 : 08:05:14 AM
I am still reenacting. I have not been to any events in the north for some years, but I regularly go to Fort Frederick, MD, Fort Dobbs, Fort Toulouse, Fort Loudoun, and this weekend to Martin's Station. I would really like to get back to Crown Point but that 18 hour drive is what holds me back. And some family things.

Fort Frederick this August:

Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 10 2017 : 5:26:09 PM
Fitz - are you still re-enacting or have you "retired from the field?" ...
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 07 2017 : 07:58:37 AM
All the exploits and raids were done by the Compagnies franches. They dressed and looked just like the milice. The blue and white uniforms were mostly parade ground stuff, except they would wear the veste as opposed to a milicien's gilet. And when the milice fought, the were under the command of an embedded CfM officer. At Braddock's Defeat the English could only tell who were the French officers by the fact that they were waving their hats to direct the soldiers. In LOTM at the Burial Ground, the Frenchman there is supposed to be one of the Troupes de Terre. But the TdT would never have been involved in that kind of action, or dressed that way. They were European line troupes and fought as such.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 06 2017 : 10:10:03 AM
Good to know - that was a "copy & paste" from the link ...
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 06 2017 : 07:43:15 AM
Sort of the "Hollywood" version of what a milicien really was. Basically, they rowed boats and carried supplies. And only fought when absolutely necessary to assist the Compagnies franches de la Marine.
Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 05 2017 : 3:35:55 PM
The Pequawket Alliance

by Living History Event | Feb 10, 2013 | The Stories
The Pequawket Alliance is a group of progressive historians, re-enactors, that portray life as it was in early to mid 18th century New France (Canada). - The women in the camp wear 18th century attire, often layered which differs slightly from the 18th century British counterpart. - They will be seen sewing, cooking, making lace and many other things that was demanded of an 18th century French woman in New France. - They constantly dote on their men and constantly remind them to eat, stay hydrated and rest. They are all strong women, as to be expected for the time. .... The men portray Canadian Milice (militia) of New France. - Canadian Milice were formed into companies, organized out of parishes, they had strong Catholic beliefs that governed how they lived. - All men 16 to 60 were expected to do their part. - Each Parish had a malice company, the more populated had several companies. Each company was required to drill every Sunday and was expected to be well armed with a musket, full powder horn, 20-30 pre-rolled cartridges, at least 20 extra balls (for the musket), a tomahawk and blade (knife). In battle they had no use for European style tactics. - They preferred bush fighting, surprise the enemy, attack out of nowhere, give a war whoop (which was used to frighten their enemy), fire volley or fire individually. - While on campaign, they could live indefinitely in the woods. - However their raiding party style of warfare was so strenuous that when and if they returned, they were unrecognizable and needed long periods of time to recoup. - When you see a Canadian Milice just sitting around,...
Monadnock Hiker Posted - October 05 2017 : 08:13:10 AM
Dunno Fitz - haven't been "up there" for over a month. - This is in the early evening, so I kinda doubt it. Actually it "might be an interesting/humorous two hours" - tempting.
Fitzhugh Williams Posted - October 05 2017 : 08:07:08 AM
This is the same weekend as the Pequawket Alliance annual meeting at Fort at No. 4. Is there a connection?

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