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 Battle of the Little Bighorn - 1876
 We have discovered another survivor of the Little Big Horn

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Kay Posted - December 29 2009 : 10:37:41 AM
This October, me, my sister, and a friend of ours went out to Pittsburgh for Halloween. One day my aunt took us all up to Conoma (sp?) dam. There once was a town up there but they flooded it to make the dam and now it sits under the water. There is also an old cemetery on a hill up there where they filmed part of the original 1960s "Night of the Living Dead". In the cemetery is a man ( I forget his name, I'll have to get it from my aunt b/c she took a picture of his grave) who fought at Little Big Horn. It is written right on his headstone. He was born in 1854 and died in 1932. We always thought the history books said no one survived and on some of the threads here I see you have mentioned only two. We thought this man was pretty cool and I wanted to share our find with you!

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Obediah Posted - January 04 2010 : 11:00:38 PM
All you good folks here seem to have forgotten all the hundreds or thousands of other survivors: Lakota, Cheyenne, etc.
richfed Posted - January 01 2010 : 10:50:33 AM
Yep, as Fitz says, there were many survivors as Custer divided his force into several battalions. Under Custer's IMMEDIATE command, there were but two survivors - both were sent back to call for reinforcements before the heavy fighting began: Daniel Kanipe and Giovanni Martini.
Kay Posted - December 29 2009 : 5:36:09 PM
Blackfoot: Thanks for the correct spelling! I will try to post a pic of the headstone sometime in the future. We've always enjoyed walking through cemeteries, especially the old ones. We grew up roaming the cemeteries in every town we lived in. This one was especially well kept too, considering it is in the middle of no where. We also took a several mile walk down the old railroad cut converted into a hiking trail. We went as far as the railroad tunnel through the hill and peered inside the grates (it was spooky!)

Fitz: Thanks for the info! I admit I know little about the battle and you're probably right, a lot of it could very well be inaccurate anyway. I'll have to share this with my Aunt too, who is interested in Indian War history and would like to know more.

Fitzhugh Williams Posted - December 29 2009 : 10:55:00 AM
There were a lot of survivors, just not the ones with Custer's personal detatchment. Most of those with Reno and Benteen survived.
blackfootblood Posted - December 29 2009 : 10:45:22 AM
The Conemaugh Dam, yeah, my fifth grade class took a field trip there once. It was all apart of the Johnstown flood of 1889. When you get a chance, go visit the flood museum located downtown Johnstown. It's a really neat place with lots of pics and artifacts from the flood. Nice find though on the grave stone!! You'll have to post a pic of it when you find it. The interesting things you will discover when walking through a graveyard.

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