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 A Minor Hack Job!

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richfed Posted - March 15 2008 : 10:17:31 AM
Could've been worse ... LOTS! ... and it has been a long, long time since we have been hacked, but it happened again this past Monday morning.

I checked the board to see a new post by Lainey, of all people. Only it wasn't Lainey ... Somebody hacked into her Administrative account and made a single post [advertising something or other] and disabled all log-in functions to the Board.

I was able to get in through the back-door, delete the post, change Lainey's password to something more sophisticated, and get it all up again rather quickly. Did anyone even notice?

Seems the hacker - as they often do - was just making a statement, "Hey, I can DO this!" But, we gotta fix it.

So, I'll be tinkering with adding an additional level of security to the passwords. Something called "Password Salting". Hopefully, you won't even notice anything different, but if anyone encounters difficulty - other than briefly as I am changing code - please let me know. Probably will get to it today and/or tomorrow.

If you have some ridiculously easy password, this might be a good time to change it, but that's up to you.

Sorry for any inconvenience!!
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blackfootblood Posted - April 15 2008 : 10:21:20 AM
Thank you!!!
Seamus Posted - April 14 2008 : 7:45:14 PM
Humphhhhhhhhhh!!! Now I can't remember what the "h_e_double hockey stick" I was going to do to my Profile.....)

Oh,'ll come to me sooner or later.
Seamus Posted - April 14 2008 : 7:43:35 PM
Huzzah!! Good job, Sachem....thanks for all your efforts, sweat, blood, tears, and loss of MORE hair. (I do know a peruke maker who can fix you up...)
richfed Posted - April 14 2008 : 7:39:59 PM
Finally, success! Thanks to some help.

Those of you wanting to update your profile can now do so again, AND the site is more secure.
Irishgirl Posted - April 13 2008 : 1:41:24 PM
Good luck with that Rich.
richfed Posted - April 13 2008 : 10:24:37 AM
Status Quo ...

I tried valiantly, but in vain, yesterday to fix that Profile issue; all I did was succeed in locking EVERYONE [myself included] out of the forums completely! Yee-Haw!

So, right now, it's back to where it was before I started yesterday ... everything is fine, except the ability to log-in to your profile.

Sooner or later I'll have it fixed!!!!
Obediah Posted - April 08 2008 : 11:56:14 PM
Originally posted by caitlin

Well, for some reason when I simply hit "Reply to Topic" it bounces back my response.
Now, I can though "Log In" and then respond to topics.

That'll teach you to try playing with the Big Boys and Girls!
caitlin Posted - April 08 2008 : 12:27:49 PM
Well, for some reason when I simply hit "Reply to Topic" it bounces back my response.
Now, I can though "Log In" and then respond to topics.
Obediah Posted - April 07 2008 : 10:18:50 AM
It's a good thing you're not my child, then!
Irishgirl Posted - April 07 2008 : 09:00:13 AM
Originally posted by Kaylynn44

Hey Obi,
You wouldn't like it so much if Lizzie was your child.

Or gave you 41 whacks

Kaylynn44 Posted - April 07 2008 : 08:57:13 AM
Hey Obi,
You wouldn't like it so much if Lizzie was your child.

Obediah Posted - April 07 2008 : 12:26:46 AM
Lizzie Borden took an axe,
And gave her mother 40 wacks,
And when she saw what she had done,
She gave her father 41!

One of my favorite songs of all time is that folk classic by the Chad Mitchell Trio, "Lizzie Borden."
richfed Posted - April 06 2008 : 11:02:27 AM
Sorry guys ... I know it's not fixed yet. It will be, but it ain't easy.
Irishgirl Posted - April 06 2008 : 10:16:03 AM
Originally posted by Obediah

You know, when I originally saw the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Lizzie Borden!

LOL good one Obes. You know I did a tour of the Borden house Summer of 2006 and it really felt creepy. Got a good shot of the guy on the sofa who plays her pa, laying down pretending to be dead. I am just fascinated by the story of Lizzie. Went to the graveyard to see her last resting place. Anyone else fascinated by this story?

She so did it.
Seamus Posted - April 06 2008 : 05:44:13 AM
Me, either, but I know me.
Obediah Posted - April 05 2008 : 10:54:02 PM
Irish, I was hoping to say "it's just you," but I can't get into my profile either. Maybe, "it's just us."

You know, when I originally saw the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Lizzie Borden!
Irishgirl Posted - April 05 2008 : 11:42:51 AM
I still can't get into My Profile. Anyone else having this problem? Guess it is not fixed yet or is it just me?
richfed Posted - March 30 2008 : 10:56:45 AM
It's pretty much that way for me, too, WW - I use a lot of trial & error!!!

About the passwords things: A couple of you have reported that you cannot log in to your profile area. Sure enough. I checked myself and can't get in!!! . Known issue. Will be resolved ... after a few trials ... and ERRORS!!!!
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 23 2008 : 1:10:20 PM
Well done, O' King Computer Guru Sachem!

As for me, it would all be.....
richfed Posted - March 23 2008 : 09:58:34 AM
Who knows, LOTM?

Anyway, the "salting" process is still in the "figuring out how to do it" stage, but I have tweaked the password requirements. This will not affect you UNLESS ... you are a new registrant OR if you attempt to edit/change your password.

Any troubles, let me know!

UPDATE --> All implemented! You ought not have any troubles. You won't even notice anything unless, as stated above, you are registering for the first time or are changing your password. Don't hesitate to contact me if you should encounter difficulties.

PS - FYI - "Salting" adds a random string to your password making it more difficult to guess. This will be applied the next time you log-in, but will not require any proactive behavior on your part. It should take care of itself.
Light of the Moon Posted - March 19 2008 : 2:38:33 PM
Now that's just irritating. Why would someone go and do that?

Well, Rich, I haven't noticed anything but then again I haven't been around too much. So glad you found it and hope we can stop it from happening again.
caitlin Posted - March 17 2008 : 12:49:10 AM
Why do they bother disrupting our peaceful community?

Well, Rich, I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this.

richfed Posted - March 16 2008 : 07:25:47 AM
A LONG while, Christina - yes.

A little snafu in my implementation of this code, so it may be next weekend before it is in place. Waiting for assistance from the techno-wizards!
Christina Posted - March 15 2008 : 4:57:29 PM
Well, it's been a while since there's been a hack attack here hasn't it? So I guess it was inevitable. There is no site I visit that hasn't been hacked. My Myspace profile got hacked a while ago and I was suddenly sending everybody advertisements for ringtones, and I won't even talk about the hack jobs that used to happen when I worked at the newspaper. Hope this was the only one you'll have to deal with for a long time, Rich!
Kaylynn44 Posted - March 15 2008 : 4:53:12 PM
I saw it, but I thought that the server was acting up again. I saw Lainey's name, but when I clicked on it, it gave me some kind of message. I forget what it said now, but I had no idea that someone had hacked into the site. Some people just like to do stuff like that just because they can. Oh well, I doubt if you can ever make any website hacker-free.


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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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