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T O P I C    R E V I E W
richfed Posted - March 16 2003 : 07:14:35 AM
When did you first discover the Mohican Board?
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Batawana Posted - June 25 2007 : 2:30:21 PM
Originally posted by AliceH

I discovered this site last year. I have been a devoted fan for years. I am so thrilled there are "others" out there like us. My husband doesn't understand that I have to watch this movie daily, weekly - whenever I can. It's my favorite and I was searching for information and discovered this great site. I've been lurking for a while and posted for the first time yesterday. Like Katie, I'm new and confused. I guess "lonely" too, because I don't have any family or friends that feel the way I do about this movie. I've never seen a movie that draws me in like this one. I can watch it over and over and never tire of it. I hear the music in my head all day long - so beautiful and stirring. Can't wait to get in the car and listen on my way home. Will there be any more Gatherings? Hope so!

Wow this sounds like a carbon copy of me...I found the site in April 2006 and we took the plunge and went to the 2006 was by far one of the best times of my husband thinks I am whacky too...My kids got me a life size movie poster and framed it is huge and is sitting in the family hubby hates it...but he understands. Hopefully you can make the 08 gathering...plans are in the works...
Light of the Moon Posted - August 22 2006 : 8:37:35 PM
Honestly, Rich
I don't remember but I'm glad I did! I love it here among all my Uncas crazed, psychotic friends!LOL
Lady of Glencairn Posted - July 07 2006 : 04:25:56 AM
I had just watched the movie for the second time and I was hungry to get some information on the film, its actors, locations, etc. And then I found! What a great day!
AliceH Posted - February 25 2005 : 2:23:42 PM
I discovered this site last year. I have been a devoted fan for years. I am so thrilled there are "others" out there like us. My husband doesn't understand that I have to watch this movie daily, weekly - whenever I can. It's my favorite and I was searching for information and discovered this great site. I've been lurking for a while and posted for the first time yesterday. Like Katie, I'm new and confused. I guess "lonely" too, because I don't have any family or friends that feel the way I do about this movie. I've never seen a movie that draws me in like this one. I can watch it over and over and never tire of it. I hear the music in my head all day long - so beautiful and stirring. Can't wait to get in the car and listen on my way home. Will there be any more Gatherings? Hope so!
mountainheart Posted - February 23 2005 : 2:37:20 PM
I discovered it today! February 22, 2005. I just watched the movie a week ago and have been totally drawn in.
Doc M Posted - February 03 2005 : 11:38:48 AM
"What rough beast
Its hour come round at last
Slouches towards Mohicanland to
be born?"

Why, it's The Fabulous Doctor Mary, who came to the mountains of
Mohicanland back in 97! I was a member of rabid bunch of DD-L
Loonies on a listserv and one of them happened to mention that
she knew of this pair of wackos who were publishing a book about
LOTM. I immediately thought "Oh man -- someone weirder than me!
Gotta check this out!" And then I got the book from this ex-hippie
New Yawker Federici dude and decided to do him a big favor and check
out his pathetic little website...and the rest is history. Or

Doc M
CT•Ranger Posted - February 02 2005 : 9:30:16 PM
I ran across the Mohican Board just after the first gathering, maybe '98 or early '99. I was looking for info on Mark Baker in LOTM, and found his articles here. I had all the Longhunter series videos before I found out Mark was a featured extra in LOTM. I lurked most of the time but joined in several threads. Was a lurker off and on until I checked back one day and found this new board, and became a regular member back in 2002.
Kate Posted - February 02 2005 : 8:21:18 PM
I’m not sure HOW I came to Mohicanland! I was writing my university dissertation; ‘Self Advocacy For People having Physical and Mental Disabilities’ and was trawling through the internet for info, as you do. I THOUGHT I was on the British Medline, looking through the medical library Medical Journals for relevant case histories and journal articles! Somehow, I found myself on the Mohicanpress site!!! What was the ‘keyword’? Where is the relevance of the ‘search terms’??? Well… I CAN ONLY ASSUME that it was the phrase ‘mental disability’ that did it! Heck, it’s a KNOWN FACT that folks in Mohicanland can be a trifle ‘mad’ at times!!!

Anyhow, having FOUND the site, I have to admit to taking a week (or three… or FOUR!… *sigh*) to have a look around. Having been extremely interested in First Nations Culture and the Colonial era for as long as I can remember, it seemed PERFECTLY NORMAL to drop my thesis work in mid-flow and pursue something a little more… exciting! Much as I cared deeply about the subject of my dissertation, there was something a little more satisfying in reviewing Last of the Mohicans (a book I had LOVED as a child!) through the eyes of that (previous) Mohican Board.

Let me just say here, that it was not very long before this that I had actually seen the movie – a copy of the video which I had received as a Christmas present TWO YEARS BEFORE!! I had put it on my Christmas Wish List and someone had very kindly given me a copy as a pressie – which went into the video cupboard and I promptly forgot about!!! Unfortunately, with MY memory it’s a case of if it’s ‘out of sight’, it’s VERY MUCH ‘out of mind’!!! And it stayed where it lay for almost two years!!! One day, being on my own and the TV programmes being rubbish that night, I listlessly rummaged through the cupboard looking for a decent movie to watch! “HEY!!!!! LAST OF THE MOHICANS!!! I’d FORGOTTEN about you!!!!” And I promptly sat down to watch it!

Not long after that, I discovered the Mohicanpress site, and the Mohican Board in particular. It was just a couple of months before the Second Annual Great Mohican Gathering – and there and then I made plans to attend.

I remember sitting around a campfire in front of the Bunkhouse the last evening of the Gathering, when we were swapping tales of how we wandered into Mohicanland. I remember telling Caitlin and Marcia and the Sweetsers et al how I took three months to watch the movie! Well… it was just THAT KIND OF MOVIE!! I slipped that video into the machine, the opening scenes erupted onto the screen, I saw those beautiful longhun… those, uh… guys… running through a magnificent forest with that exciting music… or was it those magnificent men, with that beautiful music… or, it could even have been those exciting men with that magnificent music… OH HECK! WHATEVER!!!! I fell in love with it ALL – and promptly REWOUND the tape to go through it again – and again. AND AGAIN! We got to Cameron’s Cabin and I saw those most handsome men, with their magnificent long, dark hair, and those husky voices telling us about heading to Can-tuck-ee and – CLICK, REWIND!! Let’s hear those voices again, and marvel at that beautiful black hair… click, click, click… I’m sure you get the picture! I KID YOU NOT! It took me THREE MONTHS to see that video ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!

My claim to fame is attending four Gatherings… AND – I have been seen wandering around Chimney Rock most Octobers since, too. It’s that kind influence this movie holds over a person. Makes ye do CRAAAAZY things!!

My dissertation? Oh yeah… I was almost late handing it in…

caitlin Posted - January 31 2005 : 12:34:43 PM
1998 was when I found Mohicanland - just before the first Gathering and it has been a wonderful journey ever since!
Kaylynn44 Posted - January 31 2005 : 11:21:05 AM
Sister - you have gotten so immersed in MohicanLand you don't even know what year is what - You found your way back in 1992? - was it more like 2002 maybe?

I have told you before that I get in a time warp sometimes.
I guess that I better go and edit my post and make that 2002.

Gadget Girl Posted - January 31 2005 : 10:46:26 AM
Originally posted by Kaylynn44

I don't remember the month, but I found this board way back in 1998. I remember this because y'all were planning your first Gathering and even though I didn't post too much, I wanted to go to the Gathering, but I couldn't get any of my family to come with me. They all thought that I was nuts to want to meet up with a bunch of strangers.
I soon joined the Studigroup,(Which is a great group if you are a Wes Studi fan)so I didn't visit the Mohican Board like I should have, but I finally found my way back in 1992, which is the best thing that I ever did because I got to meet a great bunch of people!!!


Sister - you have gotten so immersed in MohicanLand you don't even know what year is what - You found your way back in 1992? - was it more like 2002 maybe?

Kaylynn44 Posted - January 31 2005 : 08:32:13 AM
I don't remember the month, but I found this board way back in 1998. I remember this because y'all were planning your first Gathering and even though I didn't post too much, I wanted to go to the Gathering, but I couldn't get any of my family to come with me. They all thought that I was nuts to want to meet up with a bunch of strangers.
I soon joined the Studigroup,(Which is a great group if you are a Wes Studi fan)so I didn't visit the Mohican Board like I should have, but I finally found my way back in 2002, which is the best thing that I ever did because I got to meet a great bunch of people!!!

silentthunder Posted - January 30 2005 : 11:36:29 PM
Not fair Rich, you don't have 2004 as an option. Anyway, to answer your question it was one night in December 2004. I had just watched LOTM and wanted to find more info about the movie and cast. I typed into the search engine Last Of The Mohicans, and I ended up in here somehow. It was love at first sight. lol..
To be honest, i'm still trying to keep up like most members. I feel so alone at times cause i seem to lose myself around all these topics alot.
Regardless, i'm trying to do my best, and loving every second of it.

DIENSIEG.HSU Posted - June 26 2003 : 01:46:55 AM
like a lot of other members, once you entered this site you are hooked for life.
Pen Posted - May 29 2003 : 9:07:31 PM
I don't remember when I first found the was when the Old Board was still going. I lurked for quite a while then, and by the time I finally worked up the courage to post, the New Board was up.

Katie, welcome to Mohicanland! Glad to see new people here. The folks here are friendly, and they treat newbies very kindly. I oughtta know--I posted for the first time only a few months ago. Now I find myself hanging out in the forums almost every day. This is a great place to learn all sorts of things and make a friend or two (or two dozen while you're at it! Enjoy!

Hey Rich...I've been so stressed lately that I can't remember what I did five minutes ago. You expect me to remember the precise date I found the board?


richfed Posted - May 29 2003 : 7:15:52 PM
Joseph! That was Chief Joseph!

Actually, you'd be surprised. I actually completed quite a few good books up there in the quiet madness of the ward. One I know I read was The Washing of the Spears about the English/Zulu Wars. Great book!

In retrospect, it was good practice for me. My house, often times, is not all that much different than it was there. I can now concentrate on anything, no matter how much chaos is around me!
securemann Posted - May 29 2003 : 6:26:46 PM
I don't quite remember how I drifted to the mohicans.I knew my old buddy Rich was into Indian things even way back when we worked together.He would reach into his bag of tricks and pull out some Indian book and try to read it on the ward.But it wasn't long after that he packed it away for another time because how do you expect to read in peace in a nut house? I think on his lunch break he headed down to some river to read about Chief George or something.But anyway,I'm here for now and having fun with my new cyber friends.
Christina Posted - May 29 2003 : 1:23:41 PM
It was April 2000, I was at work and being supervised by a man with all the gallant supervisory panache of Caligula, so to calm frazzled nerves I'd been listening to my compilation of Celtic music. A song called "There Was a Lady" by the Scots group Relativity had me obsessed. While listening to it I startedt thinking about the theme music from LOTM. Then I starting thinking about DDL as Hawkeye. So for fun I typed "Last of the Mohicans" into a search engine. Mohican Press came up. The rest is history.

Chris Posted - May 29 2003 : 11:00:42 AM
Dear Katie,
New and confused? We've all been there and done that! But lonely? You'll never be lonely around this place. It's full of friends you just haven't met yet. Stay with us; you'll like us.

Theresa Posted - May 29 2003 : 07:18:56 AM

We're glad you're here! Take your time with learning this place. It's massive and full of anything and everything Mohican you need to know. So, just jump on in and hang's a great ride!!
ConfusedOne Posted - May 28 2003 : 11:38:39 PM
I found this site less than a month ago. Right after i saw the movie for the first time. I'm still trying to figure out what this place is all about. Hopefully it won't take me that long.
The new, confused, and lonley one,
- Katie
Many Flags Posted - April 22 2003 : 02:04:14 AM
I came across the site in February, 2000 and first posted on Feb. 21.....a post about Fort Frederick. Morning Dress soon followed, the first posting of the Chronicles series. In three years, three Chronicles have been written and slowly Chrons 4 is being built. Thanks, Rich and thanks Mohicanland....for giving the MacWilliam lads, their family and friends, the forum for their stories. Come see us at Fort Freddie this weekend. Huzzah!! Pax Aye!! Many Flags and Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam
chasis_22 Posted - April 21 2003 : 04:31:42 AM
I was "lost in the wilderness" lol
Fitz Williams Posted - March 17 2003 : 12:43:01 AM
My daughter was in some movies made in Charleston, and she is very interested in where and how they are made. I ordered the book for myself, she promptly took it, so I had to buy another. Are they still in print? They should be!
Wilderness Woman Posted - March 16 2003 : 12:34:55 PM
Well, I can remember when and why... but only because it was so recent (Nov. 2002).

As for why... I had just attended Saratoga 225th and was searching for information on the Jane McCrea incident. One of the hits was! When I got here and discovered it was all about my all-time favorite movie... I was hooked!

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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