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 In The Tavern ... Wenches, Wahoos, and Girty!
 The King's Peace (Part-1) - 03 February 1765

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SgtMunro Posted - January 29 2006 : 6:34:20 PM
“The King’s Peace” (Part One) By Sgt. Munro

Fort Pitt, The Ohio Country

03 February 1765 / 0930 Hours

“Gawd Charles, did ye hear that?”

“Aye Donald, as I’ve already said, ‘tis only the wind howling up the Ohio River.” Replied Private Stewart, as he noticed his messmate’s unusual reaction. Private MacDonald, being a former gamekeeper, was always a hard man to excite. Today was different; ever since they assumed their post at the Western Blockhouse, earlier that morning, Donald was more ‘on edge’ than normal. Such behavior would normally cause Private Stewart to halt and look about; but they were secured inside of a brick blockhouse, yards from one of His Majesty’s most formidable forts in North America, and therefore he thought his friend was acting in an irrational manner.

“I’m sorry Charles… It is this place that causes me discomfort.” Private MacDonald said, as an explanation, “Ever since we arrived here over a year ago, I have felt uneasy. Far too much blood has been spilled in order to lay claim to this dreary valley; and the souls of all of those men still wander about in torment. The sooner we leave this cursed place, the better for me.”

Private Stewart just shook his head, and then said, “Donald, we have served together over twenty years, you are like a brother to me, but these feelings of yours do not make any sense to a simple old soldier like me. Aye, fate has not always been kind to us, but I feel that we will now enjoy the rewards for bringing the King’s Peace to this region once more.”

“Tea’s up!” Private Joshua MacDonald called, pointing at the tin pail hanging over the small cook fire.

“Aye Joshua, please fetch your father some, for I believe he needs it to calm his nerves.”

Private MacDonald the Elder then said, “Charles, I nae be getting soft… I just do not like this place, it feels bad.”

Grabbing his own cup, Private Stewart replied, “Donald, quit staring out of that loophole, and come have some tea.”

…Meanwhile, at Sergeant Munro’s cabin:

“You sacrificed your Warder for my Knight?” Corporal MacIntyre said, “You must be off your game today, Duncan.”

“I will still have you in six moves, Ian.”

The two men continued in their game of chess, until exactly six moves had elapsed, and Sergeant Munro said, “Checkmate.”

Looking like he had been kicked in the nether regions, Corporal MacIntyre could only say, “Checkmate, by a Pawn, how insulting.”

“Then the least I could do is offer you some refreshment.” Munro said as he rose from his stool, “Eliza left some coffee on the fire for us, before she and Clara departed to visit your wife. And I think I might have something to fortify it with as well.”

MacIntyre feigned protest, “Now Sergeant, I am supposed to be checking the guard posts, and I canna…”

“Nonsense Ian, you report to me, and therefore I will make it an order.”

Reaching for his haversack, MacIntyre then said, “Well I’ve never been one to disobey an order…”

Munro interrupted his friend, “At least never intentionally.”

Pulling a green bottle from his haversack, MacIntyre handed it to his friend for approval.

Munro read the label, “Hmmm, Justerini and Brooks Scotch? A rather odd name.”

“Aye, but a fine scotch.” MacIntyre then pointed at the bottom of the label, “And as you can see, it has the approval of our King.”

“Then it should be quite fit for two of the King’s Men.” Munro said, as he stepped over sleeping ‘Havana’ and retrieved two mugs of coffee. Munro then paused for a moment, and asked, “Wait, when did you, how did you…”

“Sergeant, you should know by now, never to ask me a question, for which the answer might upset you.”

Smiling, Munro replied, “Aye Ian, after all these years, I should know that by now.”

While savoring his drink, MacIntyre’s attention returned to Munro’s chess set, “Duncan, we have played with this same set for as long as I have known you, but I have never asked you where you ac
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SgtMunro Posted - March 13 2006 : 10:40:50 AM
That is quite all right, Cedric. The 42nd's schedule for the year has now been decided upon, and you will be receiving an e-copy of it, within a fortnight's time. As to my next installment, I have been remiss in my duties as one of the 'Board-Bards', since my day-job (The P.D.) has been demanding far too much of my valuable time and creative energies (Pearls before swine, I always say...). But fear not, for the next chapter will be posted in the next week or so.

The Sarge

P.S.- Which battery of His Majesty's Royal Artillery were you serving with?
Pte.MacGregor Posted - March 13 2006 : 03:08:24 AM
hey sarge sorry i missed the meeting i was doing a stint in the artillery for the weekend when is the next edition comming out?
pte. Macgregor
Sjt. Malcolm MacWilliam Posted - January 30 2006 : 6:52:53 PM
Sjt. Munro.....I need you to contact me immediately, use my email:

Your servant,

Sjt. Major MacWm., 77th GrenCoy
qasimoto Posted - January 29 2006 : 11:44:46 PM
Gotta love the expression on that Queen's face! She appears even more than my wife to be in shock!

Monadnock Guide Posted - January 29 2006 : 7:11:39 PM
Absolutely excellent Sarge, nice goin', - again! Like that name "Hard Rain" ...

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