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 In The Tavern ... Wenches, Wahoos, and Girty!
 Christmastyme of 1764 - 24 December 1764

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SgtMunro Posted - December 23 2005 : 07:36:46 AM
“Christmastyme of 1764” By Sgt. Munro

Fort Pitt, The Ohio Country

24 December 1764 / 1330 Hours

Things were a bustle in the Sergeant’s Cabin, as Eliza and Janet worked on the final fitting for Octavie’s gown. Stepping back to appraise her work, Eliza said, “Well my friend, it looks as if we may be ready. Now let me see; something old and something new.” Eliza then paused to remove her cross, which Welethetowaco made for her, and placed it around Octavie’s neck, “Something borrowed and something… Damm! I knew we forgot one thing! Janet, make haste for the post store!”

“Eliza, I do not know if Bayton, Wharton and Morgan has a full stock yet, but I will try.”

As Mistress Henderson rushed to leave the cabin, the front door opened and in walked Mistress Francine Straub. Shaking the light snow from her cloak, she said by way of greeting, “Good day Ladies, I came by hopping I could help.”

Eliza looked around and replied, “We need something blue!”

Francine searched, and then remembering her blue silk modesty piece, she removed it and said to Octavie, “Her Dear, let us find a spot for this, and then you shall be ready for your day.”

When the Afternoon Parade was dismissed, the men of Graham’s Company gathered at the fort’s chapel. They quietly were taking their seats, except for those men and distaff that comprised the wedding party. Sergeant Munro stood next to Corporal MacIntyre, chiding his old friend with, “It nae be too late Ian, I can still sneak you out the rectory door.”

MacIntyre smiled a bit, and then whispered, “I canna do that Duncan, she wae hunt me down like a dog.”

Noticing the whispered smirks between groom and best man, the maid-of-honor glared at the both of them.

“I best be careful Ian, Eliza is giving me that look.”

“Aye… ‘that’ look.”

The whole congregation stood, as the Grenadier Company’s piper played the wedding march. Looking back toward the chapel entrance, Ian watched Lieutenant MacMillan walk his lovely Octavie toward him. Once the two of them were together at the altar, Lieutenant MacMillan departed to his seat with, “I leave this young lady in your capable hands, Corporal.”

Captain Thomas Graham then stepped up to address the assembled company. “Men and women of Graham’s Company, and distinguished guests. As a captain in His Majesty’s Service, most of my duties are filled with danger and sorrow. This duty is one of the few exceptions. As long as men have fought on land and sea, it has always been a privilege of officers to perform certain religious ceremonies, when a proper man of the cloth could not be found. This one, the one of marriage, is by far one of the most pleasurable for any King’s Officer to officiate.”

After the vows were exchanged, Captain Graham then said, “Corporal, you may kiss your bride.”

And he did.

After more than a minute had passed, Graham continued with, “While we wait for the happy couple to come up for air, I would like to introduce to the company, Corporal and Mistress MacIntyre.”

And they still continued to kiss, as Captain Graham motioned for the congregation to move out of doors. Once outside, the men formed two lines, facing each other, and drew their broadswords. On Lieutenant MacMillan’s command, they presented and crossed blades above the heads of the happy couple. As Ian and Octavie both walked under the razor-sharp steel arches, the other women of the company tossed dried rice upon their heads.

Privates Stewart and MacDonald the Elder were the last two men of the arch. As the couple passed by, Private Stewart swatted Corporal MacIntyre on the buttocks with the flat of his blade. Stewart saying, “Good luck to the both of you and God bless”, accompanied this.

The company then adjourned to MacKenzie Barracks, for a traditional post-ceremony ‘Highland Fling’. Entering the main door, with Octavie cradled in his arms, Corporal MacIntyre noticed a large spruce tree in the center of the
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
42ndNCO Posted - December 31 2005 : 6:18:26 PM
Great job Sarge!

I strongly urge those who enjoy reading the good Sergeant's work to do so accompanied by having or playing in the background whilst doing so...

Merry Christmas to all in Mohicanland!

P.S. Pics from Graham's Coy's winter quarters will be posted shortly. Stay tuned!
SgtMunro Posted - December 31 2005 : 6:11:28 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. Don't forget the next installment, titled 'Hail the Conquering Hero' Part-2, shall be posted before my birthday...

...And to all of my friends in Mohicanland, I wish,
A Very Happy New Year!!!

The Sarge
Highlander Posted - December 26 2005 : 8:24:00 PM
Always a good time!
Monadnock Guide Posted - December 23 2005 : 2:59:53 PM
Once again, - excellent Sarge, thanks.

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Tune, 40, used by permission - composed by Ron Clarke

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