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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jayne Posted - September 07 2003 : 12:23:46 PM
Hi, all!

I've been noticing those little reminders lately from You-Know-Who that the 2004 Gathering is just nine months away! Whew! How can that be? Don't know about all of you, but as summer wanes I wonder what happened to June, July, and August! Seems to me it's about time to start turning those thoughts to next June and our little darlin', Ariel Boutette.

If you're a bit fresh around these parts, you might not know that Ariel is a sweet little gal who we Gatherers "adopted" as our own back a few years ago. Why, do you ask? Well - partly because we're BIG HEARTED FOLKS who just love to help those in need. And a lot because of a special Scottish lass (our dear, dear Kate) who took it upon herself to get Ariel's Cabin going, a fundraiser-to-beat-all-fundraisers, so we could help out a baby and her family...a baby born with no eyes and other defects affecting her heart, lungs and spinal cord. This little tyke has had many, many treatments and surgeries - with more to come. Any financial help at all is a boost to those huge medical bills that Ariel's family must face.

I know, I know. We all have our trials and tribulations. But helping Ariel is easy. And as a Gatherer, your participation is part of the fun. Think of all those awesome, beautiful sights of the North Carolina mountains that we'll be able to see that Ariel will never visually experience. Ariel's trials and tribulations at her young age may amount to more than any of us have yet had to deal with as adults. So how can you help? Read on...

Over the next few months, think of what you might be able to donate to the auction. Items relating to LOTM and the time period are great, but other donations are good, too. We welcome homemade items (you know, like PING and LEMON SHRUB - English Trader, are you out there???) and purchased ones. Books, "regional" baskets, wooden jewelry boxes, bath salts, ornaments, floral arrangements, moccasins, wampum, paintings, LOTM posters (really big posters, of DDL, even), CD's - just a sample of the many past donations. And don't forget the wonderful offer from Carter Ard and Wes Studi! T-shirts, cookbooks and more signed by Magua himself!! WOO HOO!!!

When you come to the Gathering, Ariel's Cabin will be set up at the Geneva where you can peruse the items throughout the week. You'll have lots of chances to bid on those many, many things you absolutely MUST have to take home with you. This year, I'm blessed with not one but THREE helpers. Kay, Patrick and Karen have been SOOOO kind to help mind the store. One or more of us will be there to help you make that tough bidding decision! On the night of the raffle we'll finalize the auction. It's lots of fun and most rewarding to know we've advanced this here Gathering to a higher purpose than just trompin' around them thar hills and actin' like a bunch of fun-lovin', crazed and wild LOTM fans! Oh, I think nine months is just TOO long to wait!

Anyway, drop me a line at with any ideas or suggestions. If you're coming to the Gathering, you can bring your donations with you. If you aren't, there's always the U.S. Mail. Look forward to hearing from lots and lots of you!


P.S. I've contacted Ariel's parents and will hopefully have some updated info re her progress and treatments. I'll pass that on when I hear.

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jayne Posted - September 07 2004 : 10:58:06 AM
Hey, Jo!

Good to see your posts! I assume your computer is up and running these days? Yes - Patrick did get the doll to add to his history related collection. And YOU were a great financial boost to Ariel's fund! Thanks for your enthusiasm!

Jo Posted - September 05 2004 : 5:40:33 PM
Well, I don't know WHO got the doll (Patrick???) (a great guy! an honor to meet him and talk to him at the GAthering; so interesting!!), but I bid for and got an incredible amount of magazines on the LOTM topic; which I adore! Love adding to my written word collection. A special thanks to Rich who let me commandere his "winning copy" of the Premier Magazine; although I don't think Cherie was calling the right name then...I think she was a bit confused....ha, ha!
(where is the spell check?)
Jayne Posted - May 19 2004 : 6:11:50 PM

Many thanks to you for all your hard work and time spent on this beautiful doll. What a treasure for some lucky person to take home, and best of all that person will know he/she will be helping out a very sweet little girl. If only Ariel could see your doll...

I promise I'll take great care in getting this very special donation to Chimney Rock!

Wilderness Woman Posted - May 19 2004 : 07:58:27 AM
How does one thank you?

Absolutely none necessary, Sachem.
Bookworm Posted - May 19 2004 : 06:58:41 AM
That is truly beautiful, Joyce! We who are totally without talent salute you!
richfed Posted - May 19 2004 : 05:05:11 AM
You've outdone yourself now, Joyce ... this is just fantastic!!! Somebody is going to have themselves quite a little treasure! How does one thank you?
Wilderness Woman Posted - May 18 2004 : 11:16:51 PM
Thank you. I enjoyed every stitch!

It is my hope she fetches lots of money for little Ariel and her family.
Kaylynn44 Posted - May 18 2004 : 5:02:55 PM
She's beautiful!!! Somebody will be going home very happy!!! You are very generous!!!

Wilderness Woman Posted - May 18 2004 : 1:03:14 PM
Preservation on the 18th Century Fashion Baby is now complete. Over her top petticoat, she now wears her "Open Robe Anglaise", that is laced closed over her "Stomacher." On her sleeves are the large cuffs that were very popular in mid-century.

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Kaylynn44 Posted - April 18 2004 : 10:34:24 AM
I think that we are going to have a great auction Rich. In fact, I just acquired a new DDL item last night that I think that everybody that loves DDL will have to have. I'm not going to post what it is because I want it to be a surprise. I might need to get more than one. I wouldn't mind having one myself!!!!

richfed Posted - April 18 2004 : 09:50:51 AM

Great stuff, ladies!
Kaylynn44 Posted - April 17 2004 : 6:12:12 PM
I have a few more minutes before I have to leave, so I will go ahead and post the Joanne Shenandoah items. The first one is one of her c.d.'s. It is "Life Blood." The second is her book, "Skywoman" There will be two more of her c.d.'s in this auction too, and hopefully she will autograph them. Here they are:

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Kaylynn44 Posted - April 17 2004 : 6:00:20 PM
Here are the Wes Studi items. The first picture is of a print of Wes as Geronimo. This was done by a very good frined of mine that lives in the Netherlands. She is sooooooooooo talented!!!
The next picture is of an autographed "Firecat of Discord" cd. Both Wes and Maura signed it. It also comes with a "Bonnie Looksaway's Iron Art Wagon" VHS tape. It is signed by Wes.
The next two pictures are some 8"x10" glossies of Wes. Very nice for any Wes Studi fan.
The next picture is of two magazines with articles about Wes in them. Actually, I have to correct that statement. The "Indidan Artist" magazine has him as the interviewer.
The last picture is an autographed XL t-shirt of Wes as Geronimo. It has never been worn. Just put away in a drawer.
Now, all of you Wes Studi fans, start saving your pennies, because Jayne has more Wes Studi items donated by Wes and the Studigroup, so we should have plenty for everybody.
I will have to post the Joanne Shenandoah items later.


PS Chris, the t-shirts that Jayne has are a different design than this t-shirt. The ones that Jayne has are very nice. I actually like the quality of them better than the shirt that I am donating.

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Kaylynn44 Posted - April 17 2004 : 5:32:32 PM
That is a great item WW, and I have been letting people know about it. I'm planning on bidding on the doll, but I have a feeling that I have a friend that will outbid me!!! Here are a few more things that will be up for auction.
The first set of pictures will be of some DDL clippings. Most of these clippings came out of Japanese magazines. I think that there are about 60 clippings. These clippings will also come with a scrapbook, and that way, some lucky winner will be able to spend hours making their very own DDL scrapbook. The next photo is of Premiere magazine, and it has an article about DDL when he was making ,"Age of Innocence." The next picture is an autographed cinema card. Here they are:

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PS More pictures to come. Anyone interested in Joanne Shenandoah or Wes Studi?????
Jayne Posted - April 17 2004 : 3:38:10 PM
Hi, Chris!

I could be that friend - I'm trustworthy ! Good idea about posting pictures of the t-shirts. I'll get on it soon. Now where is that digital camera??

Chris Posted - April 17 2004 : 12:26:12 PM
Hi Jayne,
I'd like to see pictures of those Magua shirts. I'm not able to attend the gathering this year, but I might be persuaded to find a friend to bid for me. That's if I can find a friend trustworthy enough to actually give me the shirt if I won the bidding.
Jayne Posted - April 17 2004 : 11:58:57 AM
Me, too, Theresa!! Joyce, you've outdone yourself! Thanks for putting the pics on the board for all to see.

Hey, if anybody else wants to add a picture of an auction donation for everyone to preview, please feel free!

Theresa Posted - April 17 2004 : 09:29:13 AM
I want that doll! Beautiful, Joyce. A treasure for sure.
richfed Posted - April 17 2004 : 05:51:48 AM
This is gorgeous, Joyce! Excellent, excellent contribution!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Wilderness Woman Posted - April 06 2004 : 1:23:33 PM
The management of Ariel's Cabin Auction House has asked me to post the following announcement...

Selling at Auction in June 2004!

A Rare Find!

A genuine, antique 18th century "Fashion Baby", that is dated to about 1755. This lovely item is in excellent condition, but is currently undergoing preservation. It comes complete with authentic Certificate of Provenance, signed by family members of the original owner, and should fetch a good price at auction.

Here is the history of this doll:

When Miss Cora Munro received the summons from her father, Col. Munro, to bring her younger sister Alice to join him in the British colony of New York, her thoughts turned immediately to matters of practicality. She sent for her mantua-maker and asked to see the latest Fashion Babies so that she might make her decisions regarding the proper gowns and accoutrements needed for their adventure. She wished to be clothed properly and elegantly, as fitted their stations as the daughters of a Colonel in His Majesty's service, yet she strongly felt the need to have gowns made of textiles that would be able to stand the rigors of travel and life in a fort in the wilderness of the American colonies.

Miss Munro made her choices wisely and she and her sister left for the New World with their full, neatly packed trunks. She also purchased several of the Fashion Babies from her mantua-maker to bring with her, feeling that it may be necessary to have replacement gowns made while there.

This doll has been handed down through the children and grandchildren of Cora and Nathaniel Poe. She has been carefully wrapped and packed in a trunk for many, many years, and children were allowed only to look... not touch. Only recently, family members have decided to offer her for sale.

In the photos below, the Fashion Baby is shown in several stages of undress, while her outer garments are being conserved. In the first photo, she wears her shift, stockings, and stays.
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In the next photo, she additionally wears her under-petticoat and her pocket.
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And in the final photo, she has her top petticoat, her neck handkerchief, and her cap.
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A photo of the completely preserved Fashion Baby will be posted at a later date.
Cherie Posted - November 04 2003 : 08:53:38 AM
Pennys being saved!!!!
Karen W Posted - November 03 2003 : 5:44:18 PM
I was recently at Jayne's house and I got a look at the shirts and cookbooks signed by Wes Studi. All I can say is that Magua fans had better start saving their pennies for the bidding war. The shirts are awesome! Just thought I'd add my unbiased opinion.
Jayne Posted - October 18 2003 : 2:12:48 PM
MAGUA LIVES! Straight from THE source - Wes Studi himself! WOOHOO, WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Just got a package with three recipe books and three awesome Magua t-shirts. Signed by Wes - all signatures just a bit unique. A big thank you to Wes and Carter Ard for arranging to make these available for Ariel's Cabin auction. YOU could be one of six top bidders for one of these prize items. Hey, Magua's Moll - could be you!

Been hearing from various folks with commitments for donations. One of the best parts of doing this job is finding those fun emails from old friends and new. So...keep 'em comin' my way!

Theresa Posted - September 10 2003 : 07:22:49 AM
So good to hear from you English Trader. 'Tis good news about the Major's health recovery. We have thought of him often. I will look for the delivery of your news. Claude sends his best and says he would love to see Pvt. Chauncey and the Major. As for the Ping...goes without saying that we are hoping for a supply to be sent our way in June. Would be nice if we could be graced with your presence as well.

Take care.

English Trader Posted - September 09 2003 : 8:28:38 PM
Greetings, Theresa!

How nice to hear from you!

I don't know if you have been trying to reach the Major, but his email address has changed. I will send that by post to you. I learned that from a post from Pvt. Chauncey, who assures me that the Major is fully restored from his bout of bad health last summer. His continued habit of smoking causes great alarm, however... Still, he does well in keeping us all supplied with Ranger Ping! I have sent Chauncey word about Ariel's Auction and he assures me he will bring up with his Major the matter of donating Ping. I hear the Major is a kind and generous man in that regard, so I hope for success for the auction.

Kindly look out for a courier with a letter and details about the Major. And please give my best regards to Claude.

I remain YMHOS,
English Trader

Originally posted by Theresa

English is Pvt. Chaucncey's Major doing these days? Haven't seen him around in a while.

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