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Stephanie Posted - November 20 2010 : 8:28:17 PM
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
richfed Posted - April 14 2013 : 10:42:42 AM
Still sitting in its wrapper on my TV stand. Been out of sorts. Hopefully, I'll be watching it soon.
James N. Posted - April 10 2013 : 11:35:45 AM
Originally posted by Monadnock Guide

I just finished watching it, and I'm NOT a movie buff. - No question, ... there is some very good acting there. LOM I've seen several times, I won't see Lincoln several times.

Me neither - it was generally excellent, but in a dry, detached, and academic sort of way. I saw it in a small theater, and about halfway through looked at my watch - not exactly what you'd call "riveting", like our favorite DD-L epic! I applaud the film for taking on a less-than-exciting aspect of the man, the times, and the political machinations. But having seen Argo, I think that even if it was exaggerated and at least partially fictional, it was better movie-making; DD-L still deserved his Academy Award though!
Monadnock Guide Posted - April 06 2013 : 7:55:32 PM
I just finished watching it, and I'm NOT a movie buff. - No question, ... there is some very good acting there. LOM I've seen several times, I won't see Lincoln several times.
Dark Woods Posted - April 06 2013 : 01:56:04 AM
I enjoyed "Lincoln" a great deal. The process reminds me of what Bismark said about law-making and sausage making.
Monadnock Guide Posted - October 10 2012 : 08:09:26 AM
In contrast to today, the Republican party to which Lincoln belonged was founded by anti-slavery activists and Republicans were often tagged "radicals."

Two-time Oscar-winning actor Day-Lewis portrays Lincoln as a charismatic, gifted wordsmith and an often quietly determined, skilled politician who risked his popularity to gain enough votes to pass the 13th Amendment - which outlawed slavery - in the U.S. House of Representatives during the final months of 1865.
Pen Posted - October 04 2012 : 3:28:27 PM
This one is better than the first trailer:


IWLFNDU Posted - September 16 2012 : 3:16:18 PM
First official trailer is out!

Monadnock Guide Posted - September 06 2012 : 8:54:56 PM
"The dueling legal teams will dress in period clothes from the era, - but will argue their case relying on current law."
What's the point of this, - to prove todays laws are more "understanding" on these things? ... Sounds like some folks have far too much time on their hands.
Pen Posted - September 06 2012 : 5:46:03 PM
I put this here because it's about Mary Todd Lincoln:

winglo Posted - August 23 2012 : 7:21:29 PM
More comments about the excellence of DDL's (upcoming) portrayal of Lincoln. Of course, it's not "news" that DDL looks like and does a great job playing Lincoln, but it will be great to see the movie.
richfed Posted - August 11 2012 : 3:57:01 PM
I knew it would work, but not THIS well! Can't wait for this movie!!!!
Pen Posted - August 07 2012 : 8:21:14 PM
I just found this:

I didn't think it would work,

Diane B. Posted - July 24 2011 : 3:16:31 PM
Casting agents for "Lincoln" were in Richmond, VA on Friday! They were looking for men with long hair and beards, to be cast as extras in "Lincoln." Here's a link to an article about the casting call, from Richmond Times Dispatch:

richfed Posted - July 03 2011 : 4:11:55 PM
More cast members:

Sally Field as Lincolns wife
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Lincolns son
Tommy Lee-Jones as Thaddeus Stevens
David Strathairn as William Seward

richfed Posted - May 07 2011 : 12:42:50 PM
The movie will be made -- I don't think there is any doubt about that.
winglo Posted - May 05 2011 : 7:23:06 PM
Not only Lincoln. . .Michael Medved (who reviews movies, amongst other things) thinks DDL is the best choice for Osama Bin Laden if/when they ever make a movie about the last 10 years. Talk about two opposite extremes.
Diane B. Posted - May 04 2011 : 8:43:52 PM
Exciting news for all of us living in VA! Click the link below to read more about Steven Spielberg's plans to film "Lincoln" in the central part of our state:

I'm going to have to follow the filming of this movie VERY CLOSELY, as I live less than 2 hours from Richmond, Petersburg & the surrounding areas. The thought of having Daniel THIS CLOSE is SO exciting!!! Just might have to travel out to those areas during filming to see if maybe - just MAYBE - I could actually get a glimpse of the man himself, in person!!!

IWLFNDU Posted - November 23 2010 : 7:13:07 PM
Neeson definitely has the height going for him, but differences in height can be mitigated on film. DDL has the lanky frame and angular facial features similar to that of Lincoln. Both good choices for their respective Lincoln strengths!
richfed Posted - November 23 2010 : 09:43:48 AM

I don't know ... his build is all wrong. DDL MUCH better, I think. Perfect in fact. I don't think anyone else could do the job I expect Daniel to do with this.
Irishgirl Posted - November 23 2010 : 07:06:28 AM
Excellent choice for the role. Liam Neeson would have been good too.
Dark Woods Posted - November 22 2010 : 10:52:01 AM
Yes, I do want to see the Lincoln movie!
IWLFNDU Posted - November 22 2010 : 07:53:51 AM
This should be a great role for him. I wasnt so sure about the physical representation, but when you see the pic of him in the article, you can definitely see the potential there. May have to take a trip to the theater for that oneThanks for the heads up, Stephanie!!!
Wilderness Woman Posted - November 21 2010 : 12:26:25 PM
I completely agree!! He has aged enough, and with his talent.... wow.
richfed Posted - November 21 2010 : 08:33:43 AM
This is a simply amazing casting choice! I can see Daniel, with beard, looking very Lincoln-like. This is a movie I will really be looking forward to.
Diane B. Posted - November 21 2010 : 07:57:46 AM
A new DD-L film on the way - and only 1 year to wait before the start of filming!!!


Another plus: as stated in the article, this role will give DD-L the opportunity to "return to the type of full-bodied character portrayals he's known for." I greatly admire the fact that Daniel took a chance on "Nine" - but even if Daniel had turned in the performance of a lifetime, the film itself was disappointing.

I will be looking forward to his "Lincoln" with much greater anticipation!

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