... The Shaping of the American Character ...
To define American history by four selected moments is a nearly impossible task. Certainly, one could argue endlessly what those moments might be. I always thought that there WERE four defining moments - the skirmish on Lexington Green in
1775, the siege of the Alamo in 1836, the gallant Pickett's Charge in 1863, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876 - but I left that notion within myself. A few years back though, while reading the introduction to a book I've since forgotten the
name of, the author named the exact same four ... well, actually, he named five, including the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ... Pretty remarkable, I thought, and so I was encouraged to put forth my feelings on the subject. These moments are not the
writing of the Declaration of Independence nor the Emancipation Proclamation nor any other masterful document written by those who forged our Nation, but rather the EVENTS that precipitated these works ... they are BATTLES ... and not necessarily even
the GREATEST battles ... but, they are clashes that embody the spirit of Americans, that conglomeration of cultures that we all are ... the good and the bad. There is something brave and noble in all these four events ... there is something of greed &
wrong-doing, as well ... They are, without a doubt, key moments in the complex tapestry of our collective history, moments when a stand had to be taken ... against all odds!
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The pages that follow are one person's static
accounts of events. History is alive and needs to be explored, rehashed,
rediscovered, and discussed. For quite awhile, we had a message board up
for that purpose: lively discussion. Those old threads can still be
found in our ARCHIVES. We invite
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Please Note: This web site is in its infancy
[still!]. Though the skeleton has been placed, it will continue to grow over time until, at last, it becomes a comprehensive source of information on these fascinating events. Come
back often!